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Precision Rifle World Championships


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18 minutes ago, The Gun Pimp said:

Do they (GBPRA) have a website or Facebook page - I'm struggling to find one.

Yes, both and all.

IPRF Webpage IPRF Facebook Page

GBPRA Webpage GBPRA Facebook Page

The GBPRA is identified as an Affiliate Member of the IPRF but as already identified they have 'exclusive rights as a Member Nation for 2 years while they constitute their organisations', so no one other than this small cabal gets a look in or can put shooters forward as 'Athletes' to represent GB in 'their' IPRF 'World Championships'. I suppose its currently their 'train set' so the can make up their own rules but it does not represent GB PR type shooters and its got off to a bad start. Better comms with the 'community' might have helped but its past that now.

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39 minutes ago, ds1 said:

Pops, we’re you using cro.ie or something else?

I tried a search on this but got nothing.



must be registered somewhere- my Google fu is weak.

I used CRO and Kyckr.com, also the Irish Charity Register.

Why 'must' it be registered somewhere?  I agree they should but they aren't as far as I can Google.

They claim but no registration numbers etc.  If they intend to take money from people they had better get themselves sorted out.

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2 hours ago, Popsbengo said:

I used CRO and Kyckr.com, also the Irish Charity Register.

Why 'must' it be registered somewhere?  I agree they should but they aren't as far as I can Google.

They claim but no registration numbers etc.  If they intend to take money from people they had better get themselves sorted out.

“Must”..... or “Should”....... possibly a very different thing but I know I “must” as a business be registered with an ICO number.......otherwise what I do would not be legal. I presumed a similar system for such organisations/ charity. I also presumed it is / was open source / public domain information- same as ICO data.

I don’t put my ICO number on the company fb site ( only invoices) so I don’t read too much into that.

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3 hours ago, John MH said:

Yes, both and all.

IPRF Webpage IPRF Facebook Page

GBPRA Webpage GBPRA Facebook Page

The GBPRA is identified as an Affiliate Member of the IPRF but as already identified they have 'exclusive rights as a Member Nation for 2 years while they constitute their organisations', so no one other than this small cabal gets a look in or can put shooters forward as 'Athletes' to represent GB in 'their' IPRF 'World Championships'. I suppose its currently their 'train set' so the can make up their own rules but it does not represent GB PR type shooters and its got off to a bad start. Better comms with the 'community' might have helped but its past that now.

Thanks John - a bit different from the BAIRS page!

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The GBPRA have attempted to provide some more clarity on their website and Facebook page: GBPRA Website Announcement and Facebook Announcement

They are now a cabal of 8 shooters that have formed a provisional 'executive committee' and they are looking for another 2 shooters to join them, if you wish to support their endeavour and are willing to volunteer your time contact them via one of the posts linked above.

Will be interesting to see who is in the cabal as that remains unpublished.

As one PR type venue has already indicated that it does not wish to be involved, and there aren't many, as I see it, only one other provider is likely to get onboard and thats those behind the GBPRA themselves.

From the face of it, as far as I can see, it is a way of imposing 'control' whilst trying to insist its only about common standards so that ‘like’ can be compared with ‘like’; I guess it's a bit like joining the EU.

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I Can’t see any of the information about 8 people and wanting to recruit a further two on the farcebook page or the other linked web page 

I’m sorry but I just don’t believe any of it 

Seems to me one or two people believe they are the oracles of precision steel plate shooting and have taken it upon themselves to try and force people to join this “organisation” in order to shoot in a fictitious event in the future 

The thought of international competition at the moment is farcical given the Uber high risk of infection / spread of infection and travel restrictions 

If anyone thinks CV19 is likely to go away they are woefully wrong - it’s here to stay, get used to it 

Who on earth will be simple minded enough to get on a plane with several hindered others and fly to the venue (if it happens) 

Taking a deep breath and stepping back to “now”

If there is to be a “governing international organisation “ (and why would there be given the multitude of other steel plate bodies in Scandinavia, USA, Europe etc etc ) the people behind it should be elected to represent the people taking part by the people taking part 

There are a number of steel plate shooting competitions which have run successfully in the uk for many years (Diggle Ranges, WMS safari challenge, Orion, GArdners Guns SIS, we even ran comps on UKV) were any of the organisers of these approached (or the people taking part) to be consulted in the process of forming this “international body”  or anyone consulted from abroad 

I’d suggest No or a very few number of selected yes people ....

So it appears a very small group of people wish to take over and control what others do and quite probably charge you to be in “their club” despite not having any range access

 I simply do not buy it and am highly suspicious of the motivation behind any of it  





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10 minutes ago, Ronin said:

I Can’t see any of the information about 8 people and wanting to recruit a further two on the farcebook page or the other linked web page 

Here is the relevant extract from the posts:


There is a provisional executive committee of eight GBPRA members in place. Thank you to those shooters who have stepped forward and volunteered to be provisional executive committee members. Your help is appreciated and it is good to have a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences involved. There are currently a couple of provisional executive committee places still to fill and assistance is most welcomed. Please establish contact via: info@gbpra.co.uk


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Cheers John


I wonder if only eight volunteers were approached via private email to participate in the venture 

It strikes me as quite odd and underhand that an international  organisation purportedly formed for the benefit of shooters in 2019 at the guardian match (an international charity event) since then

- announcements about the new organisation - nil

- announcement about mission statement or intention - nil


- announcement to ask if anyone interested in taking part  - nil


- announcement about request for volunteers - nil


I see a pattern 



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After reading all the posts on social media, and if I’m not mistaken, there’s a period of 18 months to 2 years dotting I’s and crossing T’s to get this off the ground.

Thus said people have stepped forward to help achieve this, now in the statement above it states ‘ provisional executive committee’. 
So from my understanding that must mean that a form of AGM will be held at some point, where members can vote in or out whom they want?🤷‍♂️🤔

Always happy to be corrected if I’m wrong.


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13 minutes ago, ruger7717 said:

After reading all the posts on social media, and if I’m not mistaken, there’s a period of 18 months to 2 years dotting I’s and crossing T’s to get this off the ground.

Thus said people have stepped forward to help achieve this, now in the statement above it states ‘ provisional executive committee’. 
So from my understanding that must mean that a form of AGM will be held at some point, where members can vote in or out whom they want?🤷‍♂️🤔

Always happy to be corrected if I’m wrong.


Mr Ruger,

That is a reasonable statement and expectation of any governing body, but what I'm still struggling with is the conundrum in that it 'appears' you can only be a member if you are approved - but how do you become approved by the GBPRA an already set up and (self) appointed governing body?

This is all a bit cart before the horse.

There is a schism in the UK 'PRL' world, which a simple sorting out by an egos left at the door conversation should resolve. You then gather some people together to form up the embryonic associating (or whatever you want to call it) and roll things out to the shooting populous who are interested.

The thing that is a bit irksome to folks is how it has all happened and who people know for sure are the characters involved, both of which on the face of it have personal interest in keeping it under their control - possibly an inaccurate view - but perception (and a bit of recent history) is everything when it comes to your own sport.


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As it is a Not for Profit association I guess a full set of audited accounts will be available to all members and these will go right down to directors expenses ? or will anyone questioning the accounts be asked to leave as they are trouble causer ?  :) , I`ve seen this in some quite large clubs .

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Having read the response to the question posed by a Mr Taylor  about whom is on the committee from the GBPRA it affirms that this is just another jobs for the boys scheme 


“The volunteers on the committee don't wish to be identified”

Then frankly don’t be on the committee 

You are accountable, Deal with it 




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IPRF Rules & Regs look very familiar and seem to have been drafted along the lines of the IPSC bureaucracy. It's clearly about 'World' control as can be seen by the many 'Mandatory' requirements shown below especially the IPRF 'approvals' needed to run a match.1560254721_Screenshot2021-02-05at06_32_59.thumb.png.8a080c9dbab346d37e824b22b5f6eefe.png

Sign up, bend over and take it.

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Wow,  a serious list of officialdom, missed that in my scan over their multipage documents. 

2 days as a minimum for even local events, they have to approve COF's , must be a member of GBPRA etc. ad infinitum - well there's catering for Jo Blow.

IPSC cloned approach which is truly awful, even my local club suffers from 'we cannot do that as we do not have 'X' IPSC qualified 'Y' , IPSC was the kiss of death when it crept into CAS 😒



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8 hours ago, John MH said:

IPRF Rules & Regs look very familiar and seem to have been drafted along the lines of the IPSC bureaucracy. It's clearly about 'World' control as can be seen by the many 'Mandatory' requirements shown below especially the IPRF 'approvals' needed to run a match.1560254721_Screenshot2021-02-05at06_32_59.thumb.png.8a080c9dbab346d37e824b22b5f6eefe.png

Sign up, bend over and take it.

Hmmmmm 🤔think might just give that a swerve ! That’s almost as bad as the CPSA/ ISSF when  shooting OT,Tench and ABT . 

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