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About terryh

  • Birthday 06/21/1959

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    Interest in BPCR's, but pretty much anything with a trigger.

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  1. …. same guy but must be schizophrenic as he liked both 🤷🏼‍♂️🤔😂
  2. Nothing wrong with skull hydro dip 👍😎 KMW Sentinel short action stock (carbon fibre experimental, not put into production. Concur re ‘stock’ vs chassis but Mr Cross’s new chassis is rather nice 😉
  3. Personally I like the AR platform, as others have said the S&W is hard to beat value wise, reliable and OK accuracy for their intended purpose. After the demise of Mr Bradley I had a rifle built but Keystone Accuracy in the US who also cuts the chamber and extractor slots into the barrel, I free issued a 2 groove Benchmark blank to him as I wanted a bit more weight up front to balance the (heavy) Magoul stock. Very reliable and accurate rifle 50m results with various ammo types, shot in a cadence not BR style, feeds well using S&W magazines with the spaced pad, locks open on last round consistently.
  4. Speaking to a RFD in Cornwall last week, a year for variations and 3 years for grant is the current situation.
  5. The close focus can easy be sorted by simply adding a reduced diameter ‘hole’ iPod the objective lens, quite a few companies provide this item and at close distance does not effect the light gathering. re. your concern about 10 year warranty, going off at a tangent, I see this a lot re scopes as a make or break item in decisions. Admittedly it’s ‘nice’ but I do not see the same thing reflected ( no pun) in people decisions when buying a car at 30-40 times the price of a scope and also your life depends on it. 🤔🤷🏼‍♂️.
  6. As a different approach, and the way I went to remove this potential problem, how about using and adjustable base? I installed an EraTac adjustable base which gives me an additional 70 moa in 10 moa steps over the scopes adjustment. This is in turn mounted on the 40 moa integral rail on the action. The EraTac is very repeatable in adjustments both up and down and not too bulky compared to say an Ivey micrometer adjustable mount . Just depend how serious you want to get? Brgds Terry
  7. Looks like same bullet are the RWS LR specific offering (tail end design) and as you say same parent company as RWS which for UK means same issue re availability once the change over to Beretta’s UK distribution 🤷🏼‍♂️🙁
  8. Easy enough to Dremel a ‘hole’ in the wind guard to allow the spout of a trickle to pass thru’ but I try to keep the powder cup central so would depend on the trickled you are using if it will reach? cannot see a reason not to use the wind guard T
  9. JDT if you are looking for a long range 22rf scope both of those scopes listed will get you to 300 yards (with internal adjustments available of 31. & 19 mil respectively) but the Hawke will not do 500 and the Vortex would take all of its travel to reach 500 with the higher velocity 22rf ammo e.g. R100. - which is a big ask of any scope. Caveat I’m assuming you would also want to use your rifle at normal distances as well, say 50 yard/m etc. You can use the ret. to give you more distance though? Brgds T
  10. As a general FYI , I spoke with Lapua and RWS at the IWA last week. Lapua’s ‘long range’ is basically the same concept as RWS’s R100. - same bullet just going faster than normal match ammo. RWS’s purpose designed long range ( new bullet) is freely available in Europe but will not be in UK until the changes due to Beretta’s purchase of RWS and swap of UK distributor is sorted. The SK long range does seem to be performing well for other, I’m currently using R100 for LR but must give the SK a try. T
  11. … difference between a conspiracy and fact is normally 6-9 months 🤔😂😂
  12. No one in the UK that I’ve heard of. US folks are trying faster twists. There are some good videos on the Vudoo website specifically about their findings with twist rate and also coupled with barrel length - the old ‘you don’t need more than 16” on a 22rf’ goes out the window.
  13. Would like to try this and the RWS LR specific ammunition- but advertising for both seems to have proceeded by a long way the availability to Joe punter. No doubt a select few will have the opportunity to test. At least it is nice to see manufacturers trying to fill the developing needs of shooters 😎👍. Wonder if ELEY will make the effort 🤔 For ref. link to RWS offering : https://www.all4shooters.com/en/shooting/ammunition/rws-r-plus-long-range-22-l-r-rimfire-cartridge-long-range-test-report/
  14. Have a few of these primers spare, beyond my realistic needs. Anyone in the Warminster area in need of some please pm as would need to be face to face. I have probably have 2000 available, £80/1000 SOLD pending funds T
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