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One on top of two

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About One on top of two

  • Birthday January 6

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  1. I just had a nose at current prices , for the 5700 elite balistics with link is £900.00 now 🫤
  2. For me its perfect combo for any distance Near or far . Kestrel 5700 elite & leica geovid 3200.com
  3. I know how to convert it ! I just want to have to do it every time. it’s sorted now, I’ve done it .
  4. Nope , the most obvious thing I know and the first thing I tried all that does is ask me if I want fps / mps /mph and so on .
  5. Anyone got any clue how to change it to ft lbs instead of joules ?
  6. Most RFDs i know will NOT let you buy a .22WMR with a slot that states .22RF ( i thought this was stopped years ago to save confusion and aggravation ) the problem comes when you try to purchase ammo its states .22 WMR not RF or LR as most already know there completely different types of ammo therefore your RFD would be selling you ammunition your not licensed to possess . Dont take my word for it , speak to your firearms dept.
  7. Yes there fine , no restrictions for all disciplines.
  8. Bisley is slowly turning into the NHS of the the shooting world …. run down , overstretched , expensive , and far too many people think there in charge with endless micromanaging .
  9. Send it back to LabRadar via the importer / shop it was purchased from. if you bought secondhand or your out of warrenty then send it back yourself it’s an easy fix and not hard to do , there great bunch to deal with and very helpful .
  10. £400 to buy new for everything here looking for £155 .00 I have also added Forster lock rings to all three dies as seen in pics price includes post and packing
  11. £400 to buy new for everything here looking for £165 .00 I have also added Forster lock rings to all three dies as seen in pics price includes post and packing
  12. Have a full set of 6.5 creedmoor dies Wilson full length bushing dies / with a few Wilson and redding bushings Forster ultimate micrometer die and a redding body/bump dies all in a forest case as in new condition 1 year old Any good .
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