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Precision Rifle World Championships


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Be good to see anything ‘take off’ but it does seem to have the air of grandiose about it 😉 Lot of Rule’s but I could not see a basic statement  of what the aim of the sport was - an executive summary if you want, but might have missed it? 

As others have said ‘who’ sorts any UK entrance out? Not sure the recent fuss associated with this type of shooting sport in the UK will be easy to get over (unfortunately 😕) so would need to be completely impartial.

It would be a shame if they miss the opportunity to make it all a bit more ‘skill’’ orientated as opposed to ( and pointed out) 20 + pound rifles with a further 10-15 pounds of added bags/weight and then tripod. Just dam silly way to go about a sport that’s supposed to be more mobile and adaptable, but that’s just me.

Yup, Satterlee’s in there but he’s only been involved in this sport ‘post gaming’ era so has missed the more fun side of things.

Anything with sponsorship is buggered. You no longer have a level playing field and people have to game it as they need to keep their sponsors happy.

Only time will tell how it all pans out 🤷🏼‍♂️

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1 hour ago, terryh said:

Be good to see anything ‘take off’ but it does seem to have the air of grandiose about it 😉 Lot of Rule’s but I could not see a basic statement  of what the aim of the sport was - an executive summary if you want, but might have missed it? 

As others have said ‘who’ sorts any UK entrance out? Not sure the recent fuss associated with this type of shooting sport in the UK will be easy to get over (unfortunately 😕) so would need to be completely impartial.

It would be a shame if they miss the opportunity to make it all a bit more ‘skill’’ orientated as opposed to ( and pointed out) 20 + pound rifles with a further 10-15 pounds of added bags/weight and then tripod. Just dam silly way to go about a sport that’s supposed to be more mobile and adaptable, but that’s just me.

Yup, Satterlee’s in there but he’s only been involved in this sport ‘post gaming’ era so has missed the more fun side of things.

Anything with sponsorship is buggered. You no longer have a level playing field and people have to game it as they need to keep their sponsors happy.

Only time will tell how it all pans out 🤷🏼‍♂️

Its a commercial operation by the looks of it so the aim will of course be to make money.

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38 minutes ago, Moorlander said:

Its a commercial operation by the looks of it so the aim will of course be to make money.

Nowt wrong with that as long as it's fair, equitable and honest and not just some ego-trip bullshine

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13 hours ago, Scotch_egg said:

But heaven forbid it’s spoken about on any other website other than the official website forum...

I had heard that through "range gossip" about their old set up , the PRL ( is that finished now ?) , it makes you wonder what they have to hide .

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16 minutes ago, Gandy said:


This was just sent to me which would start to potentially explain animosity. Seems a funny going on. 

So you have to be ‘approved’ by a self appointed governing body before you can  be considered as acceptable 🤭🤔

yup, that’d certainly put a burr under the odd saddle 😉

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This is petty and embarrassing for us UK shooters. Airing that kind of non-sense on public forums and facebook pages is pretty childish. It undermine the credibility of the sport. 

If a shooter or shooters don’t like something or someone, vote with your feet. Unattended events will die without all this backstabbing and sh@t-talking. 

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6 minutes ago, Brushy said:

This is petty and embarrassing for us UK shooters. Airing that kind of non-sense on public forums and facebook pages is pretty childish. It undermine the credibility of the sport. 

If a shooter or shooters don’t like something or someone, vote with your feet. Unattended events will die without all this backstabbing and sh@t-talking. 


This is not me ‘back stabbing’ at all. It is the fact that a couple of people, who have limited international experience and a bit of UK, have created their own ‘GB’ Governing body which is now saying others have to be approved by them to be eligible to shoot.

IMHO  this is fundamentally wrong,  I acknowledge your view and comment but this is a public shooting forum. If you have a link to the GBPRA’s board or organisers, its statements of objectives could you post this please as I can find nothing, which is strange for a national organisation - now this ‘is’ me being cynical 

As you know me I hope you can see my point and I’m not a troll 🤔

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Its looking corrupt before its got off the ground , an organisation`s /association`s members need to be able nominate and vote its committee in otherwise its just a commercial operation with no more credibility or say in how a sport is run than any other business does , clarity and openness are essential in the running of any club/association/organisation , they should also be not for profit, just my thoughts.

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I think Terry hits the nail firmly on the head here with the last post


People have voted with their feet firmly and squarely on “prl” choosing to compete in the Send it Series instead (no prima donas, no egos, no bolloxs, just fun shooting with like minded folk who can give and take banter 

Long may that continue 

Fair competition for all attending , no pre match shooting the course, no insider knowledge, no trips to johnny Vegas 





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Hey Terry, 

It’s not directed at you or anyone particularly - just a general comment on the state of play. I have no affiliations with any group or shooters or organisations. I like to shoot with the club (let’s hope covid sods off soon,eh! ), at Bisley or with the PRL. I’d also happily go north again for the Diggle PR shoot or attend the SIS shoots too. I’ve not yet attended a SIS yet but I’d certainly like to have a crack.

I (personally) just feel some folks are putting there hands up and trying to forge ahead and provide opportunities for shooters. People can support or attend whatever events they wish. If another group or groups feel that they can do a better job then they will attract the shooters and the situation will change by a process of evolution. 

Again, just my views....

Fingers crossed we can shoot together again soon and discuss when on the firing line....

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41 minutes ago, Brushy said:

I (personally) just feel some folks are putting there hands up and trying to forge ahead and provide opportunities for shooters. People can support or attend whatever events they wish. If another group or groups feel that they can do a better job then they will attract the shooters and the situation will change by a process of evolution. 

I’m known to Terry so aren’t a troll either but I just wonder if people are actually trying to forge ahead?

seems odd self appointed people are now in control that’s all?

Hear what your saying about how it’s played out in public but I’d want to know what’s going on in truth to enable me to make an informed decision. 

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Thick question:

Why is BAIRS called BAIRS?  🤔

I'm sure there's an extra intended amusement/ dig hidden there, but I don't know what. Anyone?

I've no dog in any of this, but it does seem an odd carry-on, especially the 'democratic' part .... not sure who they think they represent.  Parallel universe?

(And disappointed no one got my  French Polynesia joke earlier 😂😭)

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6 minutes ago, terryh said:


If it makes you feel any better I did work on the French Polynesia bit but failed - you might have to explain 😔

Your not alone Terry but I’d put it down to being a northerner without culture. 

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I think this may have something to do with NRA approval and getting representation as a discipline on the NRA general council which can give access to funding for overseas shooting. Just a guess.......


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5 minutes ago, TSG said:

I think this may have something to do with NRA approval and getting representation as a discipline on the NRA general council which can give access to funding for overseas shooting. Just a guess.......


No, its nothing to do with that.

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