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23 minutes ago, Popsbengo said:

Well thanks for that. I always wondered if it was 93%, I had thought it to be 92% but I stand corrected.

Look, this is just a load of hog-wash. Albert Mehrabian has been debunked many times.  Please don't insult my intelligence with hackneyed management speak from 'Supervisors 101' module for middle managers

A percentage point either way is irrelevant, the fact remains that if the recipient can't see the sender there's the potential for misunderstanding and in my industry that's cost hundreds if not thousands of lives so I tend to have a fairly good understanding of the concept.

But forgive me for trying to bring some impartiality into a typical internet spat. I'm sure the lack of tone and body language here is in no way contributing to my interpreting your comments toward me as bolshie and confrontational.

To avoid further misunderstanding perhaps I should send you a hand signal? I can think of a few that are quite unambiguous.

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1 minute ago, Paul Cat said:

A percentage point either way is irrelevant, the fact remains that if the recipient can't see the sender there's the potential for misunderstanding and in my industry that's cost hundreds if not thousands of lives so I tend to have a fairly good understanding of the concept.

But forgive me for trying to bring some impartiality into a typical internet spat. I'm sure the lack of tone and body language here is in no way contributing to my interpreting your comments toward me as bolshie and confrontational. To avoid further misunderstanding perhaps I could send you a hand signal?

I was being deliberately rude, I thought your trite bull was demanding it.  What do you do/what industry do you work in then that gives you such insight to avoid costing "hundreds if not thousands of lives" ?

Hand signal received and appreciated.

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10 hours ago, bradders said:

He’s having a go at me because I’m not permitted to say things in jest and he genuinely doesn’t like me, but not to worry my illness will get the better of me sooner rather than later and then he can rest easy that I’m not around

He had a go at me to for ending a grey squirrel at long range:P , he doesn't like me either i think . I like your unorthodox approach to threads:) 

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6 minutes ago, Popsbengo said:

What do you do/what industry do you work in then that gives you such insight to avoid costing "hundreds if not thousands of lives" ?

Commercial aviation.

The Tenerife crash in 1977 alone killed 583 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tenerife_airport_disaster

Pilots failed to request clarification from Air Traffic and taxied onto a runway into the path of another aircraft. Plenty more examples if you'd like me to prove the four-figure tally?

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18 minutes ago, Paul Cat said:

Commercial aviation.

The Tenerife crash in 1977 alone killed 583 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tenerife_airport_disaster

Pilots failed to request clarification from Air Traffic and taxied onto a runway into the path of another aircraft. Plenty more examples if you'd like me to prove the four-figure tally?

Oh what a load of horse shizzle you pompous ass. I was criticising your use of bull-poo pseudo psychology. You've made 2+2 = 22. 

For sure it's easy to unintentionally upset someone through an ill-placed joke in an extemporised written post - didn't need the lecture on none-verbal thanks. For clarity I'm still being rude and meaning it as you can't see my gesture to clarify and my tone of voice.

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20 minutes ago, Popsbengo said:

Oh what a load of horse that which promotes growth and vigour you pompous ass. I was criticising your use of bull-that which promotes growth and vigour pseudo psychology. You've made 2+2 = 22. 

For sure it's easy to unintentionally upset someone through an ill-placed joke in an extemporised written post - didn't need the lecture on none-verbal thanks. For clarity I'm still being rude and meaning it as you can't see my gesture to clarify and my tone of voice.

If you "didn't need the lecture" why did you query my credentials? Are you dropping that now? Was it something I posted? Perhaps my link to an article showing that mis-communication kills people hundreds at a time like wot I rote?

Oh hold on, I see you're deflecting now. Back to my original point which (bugger me) you agree with. That being the case, why launch at me in the first place?

Is this your normal persona or are there menopausal influences? Please let me know so I can re-calibrate my 'tuwatt-o-meter'.

Are we having fun yet?


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5 minutes ago, Bob57 said:

'Tuwatt-o-meter'😂😂love it, bradders has gone quiet, hope he's not died!!

Still breathing, although I've gone to bed

Can't sleep though, had round 15 of Chemo today and am speeding at the mo

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9 hours ago, gunner said:

He had a go at me to for ending a grey squirrel at long range:P , he doesn't like me either i think . I like your unorthodox approach to threads:) 

What on earth are you talking about ? I dont care what you do to squirrels and have never commented on it !!

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8 minutes ago, MJR said:

Tell me, how did the British army fare that day?

Not so well at Isandlwana, but rather well at Rourke's Drift,

You see, they were trained marksmen, who understood application of fire. In modern times they would be ideal CSR shooters, shooting from multi positions, kneeling and standing etc while delivering deliberate and rapid precision firing under duress, There was one F Classer, a malingerer called Hook, but he was lurking away in the Sick Bay

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World peace and dolphins :D

A few too many taking themselves far too seriously.  If you can't laugh at yourselves, then we'll laugh at you for you.

I read the comments as Bradders just being his usual dry self (carry on sir ;)).

Come on, if this is all people have to get upset about then take it from me, you lead a bloody privileged life!


Back on thread....I rarely attend Bisely these days as its 3 hours there if traffic is kind and the same back. I always enjoy it if I'm there and it's great to see people out in numbers be that 100 yard plinking or 1000 yard comp.

 I only shoot one or two comps a year and am lucky enough to have land to shoot on, plus a local club for load dev and craic, and love shooting around the MOD ranges for longer range stuff.  Personally, I get my kicks from LR shooting by competing against  myself, trying to bring what I've learned in ballistics, load dev, technique, judging conditions etc.  I'll never be to the standards of some on here and know I have a lot to learn yet but I enjoy it in my own humble way.

Sadly, my shooting has been on hold for a few months as I've had health issues with kidney trouble and arthritis has been crippling me but I intend on getting back to it this month.


I honestly feel sometimes that what's needed is to bang heads together here, get some of you lot to kiss and make up and just get on with your lives without the need to preach and quote at each other :P

I even used an emojie so you know that I'm not being serious or making rude hand jestures at you....

Dr Bradders, I need some advice from you....I'm a Northern git living in the SouthWest....is that bad?  If so, what can I do about it?

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21 minutes ago, VarmLR said:


Dr Bradders, I need some advice from you....I'm a Northern git living in the SouthWest....is that bad?  If so, what can I do about it?


Dear VarmLR

Don't go near the M5, If you take the Northbound carraigeway it will only lead you to a land of Misery and a "we're just as good as you in the South" attitude, as well as constantly referring to Southeners as Jessies and Shandy Drinkers, whereas Barnsley is actually the Gay capital of Britain, and Baldie should know all about that with the amount of "Dry-Bumming" comments he seems to make

Furthermore Diggle is in the North, You can see its mountains in the pic above with the Redcoats, not Ancoats where my Sister has unfortunately moved to....thankfully she hasn't started wearing a Kaghoul yet or saying Knockoutttttt or Sunsheeeeinnnneeeee, but even she admits the broad sunlit uplands of the South are better

Re: Diggle, there is a propensity for the men in the clubhouse to constantly be quasi-lewd to fit in and revert to gay smutty behaviour "don't bend over in front of him" "Come 'ere big boy, I''ll show you what a real man's like" etc etc

Do you want to really revert to being one of those?

I thought not

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