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Everything posted by terryh

  1. my bad, should have looked rather than 'think' what I saw! apologies 😯
  2. PbG, Are irregular meplats an issue by using, what appears to b a 'flat', on the nose of the dial gauge ? T
  3. PbG, Never actually seen or know anyone who's used on, it just stuck in my mind of something seen along the way with folks sorting bullets. T
  4. .... you'll be building a Juenke machine next 😱😉
  5. Nice 😎 and using the granite slab and a dial gauge is a lot quicker than in Vernier callipers. Keep thinking of something along those for sorting 22rf rim thickness? T ps concur Tracy tools are rather useful
  6. If you can find a Thompson R55 they are all steel and shot very well. Think the latest offerings are just a 10/22 by a different name. Nothing wrong with a 10/22 - had a few and built the last one I owned, do shoot and you can do most work on them yourself which is fun. but they are a bit 'pubic' there days 😉 T
  7. if not the Hoptic have found the Weibad a very good product, vey comfortable, well made: https://wiebad.com/mini-stock-pad/ Not sure if there is a UK distributor though? T
  8. PbG, Indeed, would not think it would take much to add to the final products QC, also having a standard, any standard, would remove the meaningless values currently give. e.g. % light transmission - % of what 🤔
  9. Completed survey. Perhaps each scope should come with a calibration chart from the factory against and ISO standard - would not be be too much to ask IMHO? T
  10. Andrew, Think if you were a serious shooter you'd send your rifle for batch testing and secure a good few 1000 of ammo that performed in your gun (or add a tuner perhaps?) For me currently, only having a 22rf AR, I cannot see the difference between Centre-X and Midas so a bit moot. Looking at a 'nice' bolt action 22rf rig in near future so a bit more effort/practice/focus on my part might ring out the difference to justify the odd box? As to X-act - 😭, just 'gosh' at the cost.
  11. You could probably get Baldie to make you one, but it would be for fun as the lever guys would be at an advantage if any speed was involved? If they perform anything like the LR version not too impressed in the accuracy 🙁
  12. .....I'm just hoping it will still be on and not silly effect of the various lockdown rules/changes etc? Just sorting out the munitions 😎
  13. PbG, Yup, easy to do, think we have 3 or 4 in our club to allow exactly that, I have one in my car now for looking after club bookings. T
  14. Yup, you need to be an individual member, hence my comment: 'You simply go online and book a range, assuming you are an NRA member, or your club organises.' If you can get a couple of you from ODRC then the club can book for you - but you'd need the clubs NRA card to book in on the day (in theory). Concur whole heartedly re. the current C-19 driven system, please for the love of God NRA do not go back 'to the way its always been done' 😒 T
  15. As a passing note, stability and twist is, I believe, related to bullet length as opposed to weight. so not necessarily a lighter bullet will work where a heavier one had previously. It did sort of apply when all you really had were SMK’s of different weights - they simply got longer with each increment in weight so a straight twist vs weight vs stability comparison worked. You will see the Greenhill formula quoted, but this originated in the days of flat based bullets so needs a ‘tweak’ to work with modern bullets. Now all this might be naff all to do with the TMK’s, just throwing it into the mix T
  16. Electronic targets are pretty good, have experienced a few issues now and then but generally OK. You simply go online and book a range, assuming you are an NRA member, or your club organises. As a note, because the electronic targets are pretty slick you will chew thru' a lot of ammo or more important you can book 2 distances in a morning or afternoon session and have plenty of time to shoot both i.e. 900/1000. Last time, a few weeks ago, the process was book online then rock up on the day and go direct to the firing point on Stickledown, there is a gazebo with your lane information and a radio waiting, you drive to and park behind the 1000 yard line, if shooting 900 you walk your kit down to the 900 from the 1000 and start shooting (after the hooter!). Actually much more efficient that pre C-19 IMHO. T as to closing the ranges - bloody morons, no reason as far as I can see?
  17. How about the 6-6.5x47 (very similar to the 6mm Swiss Match). Not silly overbore, designed to feed from magazine so no workarounds required, dies available, excellent brass etc. possibly 100-200 fps less than the 6CM in exchange for what 1000 rounds of barrel life? I have a 6mm Norma Dasher and it is consistently accurate round driving 105 Bergers 2940 with 32.4g of powder , but then again I've had 6mm Swiss Match and that also was very accurate. Bit like the 'which 6.5' question/debate - what do you really need as opposed to what is the latest flavour 😉
  18. Mr.C, Tikka's always seem to work out of the box. Howa's in my local club in 223 are good and folks at my old club rate Bergara. CZ's perhaps? Really you need to try and get to shoot what you fancy 1st if at all possible, see if the stock feels right.
  19. Andy, The quality ammo does normally give smaller 'rounder' groups, The CCI AR though is not the bottom end stuff (around £8/100) but quite reasonable mid range on price at £10.60/100 and the 2 groove barrel seems to like them. Only problem is they are well past sonic so even with a suppressor there is a good 'crack' The Midas is a bit eye watering at £30/100 😱 and Tenex at £26/100 - think you'd save these for special occasions 😉 I'd try some R50 or Centre-X in your new toy just for grins. T ps - has anyone tried Lapua X-act yet, and I though Midas was ££
  20. Nice results for a blind buy rifle Ronin 😎 Yes 22rf takes a bit of concentration, cannot do anything but help your other rifle shooting? Stuck a higher mag scope onto the AR (usually wears an 1-8 for mini-rifle and practical ) to try some accuracy tests at 50 yards, indoor range so zip wind involved. Had a selection of 22rf ammo on hand. Fired 4 x 5 round groups and shot them at every breath i.e. not setting up for each shot. 4 groups to make sure the last ammo's lube was blown out (a bit) All shot contiguous i.e. breath/shoot/breath/shoot, no pause or wiggling about between shots except for the mag change after each 2 x 5 round group. Though as it was an semi auto I'd shoot it that way The CCI AR is a bit quicker and shoots high so aimed at 6 o'clock on the outer ring for the 3 x 5 round All shot off bipod and rear bag. Once I have a 22 bolt again I'll give it another go. Good fun indeed.
  21. Andrew, Yes 5744 is available in U.K. under the Lovex brand, named DO60. I have used it in 45-70 and 40-65 when I did not want for various reasons to use BP, worked very well.
  22. ?????? 🤔 not referring to ‘Grauniad’ are you? 😂😂 - if so this could be the ultimate irony ( unless I’ve missed something 🤔)
  23. Noooo, not all the time - bit like life (dang, just gone and contradicted my ‘it’s not real’ 😂) BD - concur re. Grauniad, actually pretty much any MSM, reading them objectively is a task in itself, you can though sift some information - resisting the temptation to become ‘angry of Warminster’ is a challenge 🤯
  24. PbG You have been too long engineering and taking things literally (not everything is to 3 decimals points 😂) - you must open up and understand this is only the internet i.e not real, and also when someone’s is being ‘flippant’ - FYI (and yours alone) I did not mean that violence was OK so long as it’s NIMBY. Also agree, the thought of ‘having’ to think you need to be tooled up is silly in the UK. But in saying that have been elsewhere in the world where I wish I could have been but unable to be, predominantly some locations in Africa. It’s all relative.
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