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General Reflextion

John MH

General Reflextion  

57 members have voted

  1. 1. So who gets your vote (identity will not be shown)

    • Boris
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    • Nicola
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2 hours ago, Popsbengo said:

The world is not black and white, both main parties are run by incompetent and self-serving individuals.

I don't want Brexit, I don't care about the nonsensical arguments about "democracy".  It's all about the 10% in the middle - have they changed their minds?

I choose the path that is least unpleasant knowing that most of the extreme nonsense in Jezza is well under control

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha Outstanding. 

Its truly amazing how some people try to justify over ruling democracy in favour of a terrosist sympathising idiot who is actually trying to sit on the fence regarding brexit and yet introduce a policy that doesn't align with EU membership.

Utterly bizarre. 

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"I don't care about the nonsensical arguments about "democracy ",  what an appalling statement.

I didn't vote for Tony Blair in 1997, I didn't get another vote because I didn't like the result  - leave means leave!

If there was another vote (and there shouldn't be), if it's still leave, what then? another vote until certain people get the result they want or is it best out of 3 (or 5) or first to 3 (or 5)? We voted leave and that means leave (WTO applies).

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Politics is a circle. The extreme left sits just to the side of the extreme right. The description is just different. IE Socialism, or National Socialism. If you want to just slide in Communism/marxism, between the two, it will just about fit.

What truly makes me weep, is that people will willingly forget, and turn a blind eye to what people like Corbyn have done through history, usually to their own people.

People who are anti -Semitic, or will happily pose for photo's with every terrorist group going, SHOULD ring alarm bells in any sane person's mind. If you need a cup of "wakethf uckup" turn on the history channel and watch one of the many Auschwitz docs.

The snowflakes can be forgiven for not remembering that Labour bankrupted this country , 9 years ago. They were still in short trousers. 

Just as they did in the last two or three governments they ran. Same old story, labour throw the money away, and the tories have to be the bad guys by settling the accounts again [Austerity ]

Guess what ? The slate is clean, and the country now has a chance to start again, Dont let it be with Labour.

It will be very interesting to see what happens in Barnsley. [ my home ]

Staunchly labour for at least 70 years. The town never has had a penny to scratch its collective arse with. All the old miners are dying, and the town is overrun with immigrants.

I've always found it truly amazing that people are still stupid enough to keep voting in a party that has done nothing for them, and never will...."Because me Dad voted for them"

Whilst locals won't vote Tory, they WILL vote Brexit party [Barnsley wanted it badly ] and the sitting labour MP voted against brexit.

Personally, I think tomorrow will bring the biggest Bitchslapping in modern times. People without a doubt, are going to show the politicians what happens, when you ignore a democratic vote.

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1 hour ago, baldie said:

What truly makes me weep, is that people will willingly forget, and turn a blind eye to what people like Corbyn have done through history, usually to their own people.

People who are anti -Semitic, or will happily pose for photo's with every terrorist group going, SHOULD ring alarm bells in any sane person's mind. If you need a cup of "wakethf uckup" turn on the history channel and watch one of the many Auschwitz docs.

Pretty thoughtful stuff, Dave.

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Listen to Dave.....  everything bang-on and to the point.

Could not have put it better.

Its as clear as 'if you don't learn from history then.....  you know what comes next' !

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11 hours ago, Popsbengo said:

The world is not black and white, both main parties are run by incompetent and self-serving individuals.

I don't want Brexit, I don't care about the nonsensical arguments about "democracy".  It's all about the 10% in the middle - have they changed their minds?

I choose the path that is least unpleasant knowing that most of the extreme nonsense in Jezza is well under control

Possibly the most ridiculous reasoning for voting labour I've ever heard.

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Almost as ridiculous as denouncing Corbyn simply because he shook hands with some Palestinians or some radical Irishmen....................or adulating Johnson because he's a "real man" with great leadership skills.😈


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12 hours ago, Popsbengo said:

I choose the path that is least unpleasant knowing that most of the extreme nonsense in Jezza is well under control

Voting for a PM who's so intensely anti-Western, anti-semitic and Stalinist that he has to be kept 'well under control' not to damage our country?!

Just ponder on that as an intelligent choice 🤔


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Food for though 🙂


Annual deficit:

Lab 2010: £153.5bn

Con 2019: £32.3bn


NHS Budget:

Lab 2010: £111.7bn

Con 2019: £139.3bn


Minimum Wage:

Lab 2010: £5.93

Con 2019: £7.70


Tax Free Allowance:

Lab 2010: £6,475

Con 2019: £12,500



Lab 2010: 8%

Con 2019: 3.9%

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Don't you think, on occasion, it's a good thing to challenge the echo-chamber ?  Many of you (not all) are clearly more rightwing than I.  I do not want Jezza as PM and his cronies are dire, but I think the Serial Lying Buffoon and his cronies are worse!

There is almost no chance that Labour will win a majority (thankfully) but I do want to see an alternative coalition to the Tory scum and the Brexit damage they will wreak.  You may not like it,  you may say it's "undemocratic".   I say let's see the dice roll, if the population vote and go Tory sufficiently for a majority then so be it - that will be democracy because I believe the population has well and truly heard the arguments for and against - unlike the Brexit referendum.  If the vote goes down as a coalition then that too will be democracy at work.

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Intelligent choice? Oxymoron when used in the context of voting Labour!

Their budget doesn't stack up, their policies stink and Corbyn is trying to appeal to the young and inexperienced voter as some kind of Robin Hood figure, taxing the nasty rich corporations to support the poor. The reality is as Baldie has already highlighted, if given the chance Labour will bankrupt the country once again. A Labour Government really doesn't bare thinking about.

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Pops, the only echo chamber I can think of right now is the vacuum between the ears of Labour supporters and those that think any sort of coalition in the current circumstance is a good idea. More time would be spent with the coalition members infighting than actually resolving the issues - we've already seen the extent of dirty tricks to which individuals will resort when the democratic referendum didn't go the way they wanted. We have individuals taking out legal injunctions and getting the laws changed to prevent progress - a processes in which the voting public has no say.

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You may not like it,  you may say it's "undemocratic".   I say let's see the dice roll, if the population vote and go Tory sufficiently for a majority then so be it - that will be democracy because I believe the population has well and truly heard the arguments for and against - unlike the Brexit referendum.


Right, so it is democracy if you get the result you wish and not if you don't. Your reasoning is bizarre and shows you don't believe in democracy at all! Belief in democracy means accepting the will of the electorate. To do otherwise means you are either a fascist of believe in dictatorship.



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7 hours ago, Popsbengo said:

Don't you think, on occasion, it's a good thing to challenge the echo-chamber ?  Many of you (not all) are clearly more rightwing than I.  I do not want Jezza as PM and his cronies are dire, but I think the Serial Lying Buffoon and his cronies are worse!

There is almost no chance that Labour will win a majority (thankfully) but I do want to see an alternative coalition to the Tory scum and the Brexit damage they will wreak.  You may not like it,  you may say it's "undemocratic".   I say let's see the dice roll, if the population vote and go Tory sufficiently for a majority then so be it - that will be democracy because I believe the population has well and truly heard the arguments for and against - unlike the Brexit referendum.  If the vote goes down as a coalition then that too will be democracy at work.

Do you want milk & sugar with that ? 


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10 minutes ago, Popsbengo said:

Oh, I'm totally convinced by your arguments chaps, I'll trot along and vote for an arswhole then


Can't argue that Boris isn't an arsehole, but, I do wonder,  how anyone can rate being a self-interested, rather disingenuous toff,  as being a greater evil than being an anti-semitic toadie to the IRA and any-and-all islamist terrorists.  




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1 hour ago, brown dog said:


Can't argue that Boris isn't an arsehole, but, I do wonder,  how anyone can rate being a self-interested, rather disingenuous toff,  as being a greater evil than being an anti-semitic toadie to the IRA and any-and-all islamist terrorists.  




That sums up the whole sorry story.  

Boris is clearly an arsehole, we all understand and recognise it, he’s just less of an arsehole than the other arseholes ....






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