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General Licence is being revoked on Thursday with no consultation


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3 hours ago, Vortex said:

Yes I understand that in the larger view, but are they going to want individual specific cases.  So case by case Assesment

i did see this posted yesterday. How correct it is I don’t know. 

“Anyone who’s wondering about the General licenses, Just got off the phone from my mate who’s a main part of natural england licensing and adviser for them he comes shooting with me fairly regular, 
it was basically a loophole Packham & Mark Aviary found and Natural England’s Law team just said there’s no point in fighting it as there’s nothing they can do to go against it as it’s a clear flaw in the license.
 **Natural England did not want to have to revoke the 3 main licenses in any way what so ever. It was a Lawsuit from Packham & Aviary, if N.E had challenged against it there would have been zero chance of winning it** 
So everyone filing complaints to Natural England your not helping in the slightest- they are on our side and are working flat out to bring out new licenses to get us all back up and running soon as possible! As much as this will piss off Packham & Aviary 😂
They’ve been in the process of sorting out a whole new number of general licenses for the last few weeks as they saw this coming and have scrapped about 5 previous draft ones where there’s flaws still. 
Obviously Natural England don’t want 50,000 odd people each year wanting to apply for individual licenses to shoot or trap as it would be impossible to do all the paperwork.
Natural england in 2014 wanted to amend the general licenses to get rid of this loophole about having to prove you’ve tried all other non lethal options first and just to update them but nobody from our shooting organisations wanted to know about it or wanted any changes, so now these flaws in the licenses have been exposed and this has happened. 
Within the next few weeks hopefully will be some updated licenses being released to replace the 3 revoked ones but there will be quite a few more different general licenses for the 16 members of birds so not just 3 main ones that cover everything. Soon as I hear anymore will let you know.”

👍 I hope you are right , I`d like to see spackhams face if re written licenses are issued allowing everyone to carry on the same, time will tell.


Edit If NE knew about this a while back they should have informed the public as soon as they decided not to fight it .

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I just watched Fild sports Britain they have some enlightened  statements from  The countryside alliance as well as Charly the main presenter.

 Starlings were put on the red list some years ago which meant that as fruit farmers we had to apply for a license it became tighter and more difficult as time went by it was a bit of a lottery  on who you are dealing with from NE.

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Heard Avery on the radio at sparrow fart this am.  Said he was surprised NE did this as they were arguing the licences should not be renewed next year as is, not that they should be withdrawn immediately. Said they understood the pigeon issues and didn't have a problem with that, kind of implied crows as well maybe, never mentioned anything else. Not sure who put him in charge though.

Really this is a precursor to them arguing that natural fuana should not be "annihilated" to keep a " few more pheasants running about in January". His words not mine. So listen up BASC this is coming your way shortly.....

Came across as a bit of a weirdo academic to be honest. You wouldn't have him to the house 😁 

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Well that throws a even worse light on it talk about putting the fox  in charge of the hen house.

we need a  petition to get him sacked he is a public servant 

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  • 1 month later...

According to The telegraph yesterday DEFRA has forced a shooting license u turn after taking over from N.E, Michael Gove took control from N.E and now a month later he has reinstated three licences almost identical to the original, but with a new stipulation that they do not apply in certain protection zones, individual licences must be sought in these few cases.

GOOD NEWS 😀 if it's correct!!

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8 minutes ago, Moorlander said:

The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter.

W .Churchill 

Ah yes, but he goes on to say that "Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others"   Thankfully we live in a representative democracy,  if we gave every individual an unmediated vote (Athens circa 400BCE or, more currently BGT/Bake Off) we would be killing each other and have no public services.  An anarchist's charter

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Thank the lord , just watched ian summeral on Utube ...

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Have a look at fild sports Britain extant report this week or though it might be out of date re the general  license there is the latest that the  RSPB and thier mate Packem with help from the BBC have planned  for grouse shooting and Scotland  

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  • 2 weeks later...

How much damage are collared doves responsible for?..........likewise stock doves, also omitted?


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4 hours ago, Re-Pete said:

How much damage are collared doves responsible for?..........likewise stock doves, also omitted?


I allways have one or two collard doves under my bird feeder and enjoy seeing them, would never shoot them now as there definitely isn't the numbers around here anymore, they don't damage crops like woodies do,more a grain pincher from barns, so I'm not unhappy about them being taken off, might be different in other parts of the country though?but I bet they're in decline all over.

Anyway it means there'll be more for the sparrowhawk's who love em, which in turn might help keep the small birds from their talons a bit more😃.

I thought stockies were off the list !!



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4 hours ago, Re-Pete said:

How much damage are collared doves responsible for?..........likewise stock doves, also omitted?


Stock doves have never been on the licenses as far as I'm aware. The farm I shoot on has a big problem with collared doves. They crap in the animal feed, and there are lots of them.


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