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On 1/16/2019 at 4:56 PM, Kalahari said:

Well I am sorry if I caused offence by being thin skinned but often the only way people know you are jesting is to use emojis. There is no tone or smile on the web. 


On 1/16/2019 at 9:40 PM, Paul Cat said:

'scuse me, new bloke poking his nose in.

93% of communication is non-verbal. Yup you read that correctly, only 7% is verbal with 38% coming from voice tone and 55% body language. Emails, texts and internet forums are therefore a minefield sown with opportunities for misunderstanding, miscommunication, misconstrual and perceived offence.

Just my two penn'orth.

I suppose its old fashioned to rely on English?  After all, they were giving out 'free' lessons in it at school, and it was around long before the internet...   If it was so challenging to convey meaning, books would never have caught on... 

But for the avoidance of doubt: 😉


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Pete , I love the tarp under your drag bags , That is so neat and tidy it appeals to my OCD 😃 Keep doing what your doing and enjoy it .

That Bald Headed Geordie ..... Sorry I missed that weekend up in the Lakes and a chance to be with two Les's 😂 I was sooo bad and the hotel wouldn't refund my booking !

Did you pull anything apart from a drunk Wilson  ?  ...... I'll be at the next one and we must get John Dean up there with us  !

Having shot at a lot of ranges in the UK in either F Class comps or ' Plinky Plonkin ' then I must admit that Bisley is by a country mile better than any other range in the UK ( Sorry Vince )  It's not a nice little range , It's where World & European Championships are held and no matter where you are from the UK needs Bisley !

So I'll be travelling down from Staffordshire to be on Stickledown Saturday afternoon if there's anyone else there come and say Hi ........ I'll be the one with the 7mm Norma Mag and LabRadar .




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1 hour ago, OSOK said:

Pete , I love the tarp under your drag bags , That is so neat and tidy it appeals to my OCD 😃 Keep doing what your doing and enjoy it .

That Bald Headed Geordie ..... Sorry I missed that weekend up in the Lakes and a chance to be with two Les's 😂 I was sooo bad and the hotel wouldn't refund my booking !

Did you pull anything apart from a drunk Wilson  ?  ...... I'll be at the next one and we must get John Dean up there with us  !

Having shot at a lot of ranges in the UK in either F Class comps or ' Plinky Plonkin ' then I must admit that Bisley is by a country mile better than any other range in the UK ( Sorry Vince )  It's not a nice little range , It's where World & European Championships are held and no matter where you are from the UK needs Bisley !

So I'll be travelling down from Staffordshire to be on Stickledown Saturday afternoon if there's anyone else there come and say Hi ........ I'll be the one with the 7mm Norma Mag and LabRadar .




Hi Greg. 

Yes it was a pity you missed the weekend of jolly japes and an action packed weekend of culture, wine, beer, spirits, decent food etc and Pete Wilson not bothering to 'dress' for breakfast, lunch, dinner (scruffy tw*t) and using lots of military speak (tosser!)..    Hopefully another weekend of cultural learnings of the freedom loving peoples of the Northern Republic will be organised and will be good to see you again.   Are you still a big ugly git?

As for pulling the only thing I pulled was my stomach muscles with so much spewing up the alcoholic beverages the day after the night before in Keswick.    Wasn't in too good a fettle on the walk up Helvellyn and emptied my stomach a few times on the walk up to the lake when I met the gang coming down (they left me in the car looking rather billious and took me an hour to come around lol).   But a cracking weekend and yes if John Dean wants to come then that should be a cracker.    

Stay cool and enjoy Bisley with the Southern ponces!


Les Senior


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17 hours ago, terryh said:

How strange? 🤔😉

Me strange?   Hmmmmmm,  well yes my sense of humour may not be to everyones taste.   But I don't give a monkeys left b(llock matey.

At least my Mum loved me and said I was her 'Special little boy' before leaving me on a doorstep when I was 3 months old with a letter addressed to 'to who it may concern'.    Happy days!

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Please do not take my comment of ‘how strange’ as caring, I really don’t, it is just that, an observation of what a strange way to behave?

There is a little  too much bile in your posts to be classed as humour (underlying issues? 😉)  so the ‘excuse’ banded round of folks being ‘thin skinned ‘ does not really cover it or make them funny, piss take, yes, possibly?

Still , takes all sorts, have at it if you get a kick out of it 👍

brgds Terry


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12 minutes ago, terryh said:


Please do not take my comment of ‘how strange’ as caring, I really don’t, it is just that, an observation of what a strange way to behave?

There is a little  too much bile in your posts to be classed as humour (underlying issues? 😉)  so the ‘excuse’ banded round of folks being ‘thin skinned ‘ does not really cover it or make them funny, piss take, yes, possibly?

Still , takes all sorts, have at it if you get a kick out of it 👍

brgds Terry


It was meant as a piss take Terry,  nothing more!

ATB,  Les

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On 1/18/2019 at 10:58 AM, That bald headed Geordie said:

Me strange?   Hmmmmmm,  well yes my sense of humour may not be to everyones taste.   But I don't give a monkeys left b(llock matey.

At least my Mum loved me and said I was her 'Special little boy' before leaving me on a doorstep when I was 3 months old with a letter addressed to 'to who it may concern'.    Happy days!

You are Paddington, and I claim my £5.  Got any marmalade sandwiches?

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On 1/18/2019 at 10:47 AM, That bald headed Geordie said:

  Are you still a big ugly git?

I'm no  ' git '   😂

Keep it up Les ....... So funny , Pity we can't get the other Les on here ...... I do miss the banter !


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55 minutes ago, OSOK said:

I'm no  ' git '   😂

Keep it up Les ....... So funny , Pity we can't get the other Les on here ...... I do miss the banter !


Lol matey.

As for Les Junior,  I am pleased he is not on here because he is a ginger t*sser and never did like him!

If he dies before me I am going to use his ashes when it is icy outside on my path so I don't slip.

See you at our forthcoming 'man gathering' wherever that might be.   Keswick?

Les Senior

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On 1/16/2019 at 11:06 AM, Breacher said:

Well said David.

All this holier than thou bullshit gets tiresome.

Each to their own ! Growing up in Ireland I thought I had experienced sectarianism..........then I became a shooter in the UK and realised I had seen nothing yet !

90% of my shooting is competitive, be it CSR or the NRA run matches a few times per year. The rest is vermin and deer stalking.  I dont particularly enjoy "plinking" but would not dream of looking down on those who enjoy it. Or claiming that my way of enjoying my hobby is superior / is "Gods way"  :-/

Crack on and enjoy your shooting - be it unsupported or off a bipod, 100 yards or 1000 yards, F-class or CSR, airsoft or airgun, camo or leather etc etc etc

And if you have nothing good to say about your fellow shooters choice of shooting, how about saying nothing at all !!

Well said mate!

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On 1/17/2019 at 2:16 PM, mdn8409 said:

I think he would recoil and vomit at being called 'civilian'

Moderately better than being confused with being Welsh. 


Oh, we're having a pop at the Welsh now are we boyo? Please don't upset me, I'm a special case isn't it. I'm mixed race (1/2 English - 1/2 Welsh. The perfect combination, the mind of an Englishman & the body of a Welshman!) and have a caravan in the middle of the M4 bridge.

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On 1/15/2019 at 5:58 PM, bradders said:

Well there is that, plus you have access to the best ranges in the world

320 mile round trip? I can see why it's a tiring venture when you're lugging a big Northern chip on your shoulder 

You can be so tedious Bradders. If it's something you like, its' great. If it's not you just slag it off. Give it a rest. It's boring.........

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2 hours ago, chaz said:

You can be so tedious Bradders. If it's something you like, its' great. If it's not you just slag it off. Give it a rest. It's boring.........

I have  moved on but you lot keep dragging this thread  back up

its odd though that while the other thread with TJCs new rifle had some great info in it regarding importation and proof rules, it’s just been chopped to buggery by overly zealous moderator Baldie Wan Kenobi, this one which is just full of inane nonsense still lives on

i was done with it anyway, I have a match to organise for me and my 126 mates on a Sunday (well 125 actually, one of them isn’t a friend by anyone’s stretch of the imagination)

i would add that it’s fine to be boring, golf, darts and snooker are also, but I see very little from interested parties with regards to attracting new blood into your disciplines

we have 5 new shooters this weekend inc one more lady, I must be a terrible person that’s doing it all wrong!

bon voyage

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34 minutes ago, MJR said:

The new PRL has passed you by then Bradders?

No it hasn’t, I think it’s a great idea and wish it well

there was a very short lived post on here advertising the match at Gardner’s, but no sooner was it posted then it was gone

its all about getting people to take part, some of you seem to make that as difficult as possible, and the entry fees certainly don’t seem to help, but you have a situation in that this forum is the main advertising mechanism for this new venture and they’re no shortage of people with suitable equipment, but none of them will take the bait and enter and support the matches, and without that support it’s going to take an awful long time to gain acceptance, and until then you will just have the same couple of dozen people at the matches

We used to struggle until we finally convinced people to use their rifles in a way they were so designed for and we used to get 15-20 entries and 30 seemed like a good number, but we persevered and look where we are now....approaching max capacity

Vince himself said on here that 100yd BR numbers were around 20 and not growing, why is that?

Our formula seems to work and you all need to be a bit more open

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31 minutes ago, bradders said:

No it hasn’t, I think it’s a great idea and wish it well

there was a very short lived post on here advertising the match at Gardner’s, but no sooner was it posted then it was gone

its all about getting people to take part, some of you seem to make that as difficult as possible, and the entry fees certainly don’t seem to help, but you have a situation in that this forum is the main advertising mechanism for this new venture and they’re no shortage of people with suitable equipment, but none of them will take the bait and enter and support the matches, and without that support it’s going to take an awful long time to gain acceptance, and until then you will just have the same couple of dozen people at the matches

We used to struggle until we finally convinced people to use their rifles in a way they were so designed for and we used to get 15-20 entries and 30 seemed like a good number, but we persevered and look where we are now....approaching max capacity

Vince himself said on here that 100yd BR numbers were around 20 and not growing, why is that?

Our formula seems to work and you all need to be a bit more open

The sport makes it too hard to play. Everyone has the probation before you can join no matter what other memberships/qualifications/authorisations you have. Well fine, but they expect me to drive x hundred miles to shoot in their comp (for which I miraculously am qualified) but I can't shoot at the club on other days without jumping through loads of hoops/ additional expense/ on some poxy 100 yard range before I am allowed onto the range that I can shoot the comp on?  How does anyone expect to grow a sport with a crap attitude like that?

I don't get any of that sh*t with the shotgun so I shoot in competition all over Europe and I can turn up to any ground with my cert and shoot whatever I feel like.  I know where my $ will be spent...

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16 minutes ago, bradders said:

We all do, but if ventures such as the more poorly supported disciplines don’t get fresh intake then they run the risk of dying on their arses

I totally agree, I’m trying to get into these different disciplines but as a new shooter coming from a stalking/keepering/ pest control background for the past 40 yrs it’s slowly giving me the arsehole , I’m finding the red tape and attitude by clubs and ranges a bit demoralising, 

im more than willing to be a team player , I’ve joined a great little club . I’ve got my dates through to do my RCO course , then I’m doing another one for military ranges . However I’m having a bit of a mare trying to get my SSC sorted . Which is annoying me . 

All I want to do is shoot some distance! 

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2 hours ago, bradders said:

Vince himself said on here that 100yd BR numbers were around 20 and not growing, why is that?

Bradders, that is possibly because people "incorrectly" portray shooting disciplines of which they know very little about as being X, Y & Z, quite often these portrayals are less than favourable.

That in itself makes it very hard to attract new blood to any discipline, before you even go to the expense of organising matches, training sessions, taster days etc ect....

We are all shooters after all and maybe, just maybe we should be trying to help the sport of shooting "Wholesale", rather than just trying to score cheap points against sections of our own community........

Yes, I'm a benchrest shooter, I make no bones about that, but the amount of complete and utter twoddle I hear talked about the discipline is just ridiculous and yes it sure is harder to convince someone to give it a go, when they have had their head filled full of rubbish in advance of ever trying it.

So I speak from some experience. 

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On 1/16/2019 at 11:06 AM, Breacher said:

Well said David.

All this holier than thou bullshit gets tiresome.

Each to their own ! Growing up in Ireland I thought I had experienced sectarianism..........then I became a shooter in the UK and realised I had seen nothing yet !

90% of my shooting is competitive, be it CSR or the NRA run matches a few times per year. The rest is vermin and deer stalking.  I dont particularly enjoy "plinking" but would not dream of looking down on those who enjoy it. Or claiming that my way of enjoying my hobby is superior / is "Gods way"  :-/

Crack on and enjoy your shooting - be it unsupported or off a bipod, 100 yards or 1000 yards, F-class or CSR, airsoft or airgun, camo or leather etc etc etc

And if you have nothing good to say about your fellow shooters choice of shooting, how about saying nothing at all !!

Spot on! Each to their own, as has already been said! 

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