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Everything posted by Scotch_egg

  1. Let me know how you get on. I’m picking up another .223 and want cheap brass because I’m good at loosing it in the field or truck! it never gets loaded more than a couple of times in reality when it’s one of my hunting rifles.
  2. I will echo the above. Run what you brung! Your rifle even with predator 8 will be just fine to get you going. 10 or 12 shot stages will heat it up but you should get through without too much mirage and it will have plenty of time to cool before the next stage. People will lend you kit to use if you don’t have it. You will see all sorts of huge bags. They will have got to them by trial and error. Don’t jump in just yet because next season there will be the next new thing. There will also be various tripods in use. That gets expensive. So I would also recommend waiting and seeing if you like it and then looking at the Chinese offerings RT90C is a well respected item. They need practice. I’ve seen many knocked over mid stage and folk battling against them over concentrating on the shooting. I thing it was Tom Rice. I may have made the name up, who turned up with a standard tikka t3 and used Kentucky windage. He beat the entire field and schooled everyone that knowing your rifle and just getting out and shooting beats gaming. Have fun.
  3. Will you stop making ridiculous suggestions. 1600 for a creedmoor and 1200 for a .20 cal not appropriate rounds for these distances.
  4. https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/265380912891?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-127632-2357-0&ssspo=kDn7cx7FQOq&sssrc=2349624&ssuid=XiEbktBYQjG&var=&widget_ver=artemis&media=COPY A quick look on eBay I have found this. Caveat: I haven’t used one.
  5. I popped it on the Hide and some one has ran it through for me. looks like the Viht data is total junk. The operating pressure is dangerously low with their data. I should be starting at 40gr
  6. I would buy this if I could justify it. I’ve always wanted one.
  7. Please use the wanted section for placing wanted adverts. Wanted adverts in the sales section will be deleted from today.
  8. Is anyone running a 6mm Creedmoor? I want to use 87gr V-max load data is limited. I used Viht start data and got sooty case heads with N150 and groups were crap. With a max 38gr I have just ran the powder through p-max and I am tempted to start again with the N150 but use this data which is lot more powder! I am using Lapua brass at 50.9gr water capacity. 20” barrel https://www.p-max.uk/cgi-bin/pressure.cgi Is anyone using N150? I also have RS62 on hand.
  9. So the question; N140 or N150 if starting from scratch. My varget stock is drying up.
  10. I use a praesidia when I’m on a range. Works pretty well. It’s only been down range once 🤣
  11. This was good in my AR for plinking https://www.thecountryman.com/hornady-223-55gr-fmj-training-ammunition-9754el steel cases were a bit sticky but shouldn’t be a problem in a bolt action
  12. Does anyone know if they still make the American eagle hollow point .223 ammunition? i used it about 15 years ago and it was great in my tikka.
  13. The difference is paint texture. Older ones are smooth I believe.
  14. The faster twist causes a better expansion of the bullet.
  15. The 2156 is an updated 2155. Both have been referred to as Palma. i would be working from product code.
  16. How did you pick up on the issue? The question being has the rifle been use? Could it have picked up a foreign object that caused the issue?
  17. I have one of these. They are made by Alaska Guide Creations for Vortex. Very good quality pack.
  18. And if you have any sound mod supplied by Jackson rifles to exchange you will get 40% off the cost of the A-Tec
  19. About £700 for the ratchet lock model I own. I’m afraid I don’t know how much the AI .338 model is. But I expect it to be more than the ratchet lock as it is larger and will take longer to print.
  20. They are 3D printed from either Ti or Inconel. I have the smaller model which doesn’t go over the AI muzzle brake. It handles strings of fire with no hassle at all and it very quiet.
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