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Ranges Shut Again

John MH

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To reduce social contact, the Government has ordered certain businesses and venues to close. These include:

all non-essential retail, including, but not limited to clothing and electronics stores, vehicle showrooms, travel agents, betting shops, auction houses, tailors, car washes, tobacco and vape shops.

indoor and outdoor leisure facilities such as bowling alleys, leisure centres and gyms, sports facilities including swimming pools, golf courses and driving ranges, dance studios, stables and riding centres, soft play facilities, climbing walls and climbing centres, archery and shooting ranges, water and theme parks,

entertainment venues such as theatres, concert halls, cinemas, museums and galleries, casinos, adult gaming centres and arcades, bingo halls, bowling alleys, concert halls, zoos and other animal attractions, botanical gardens;

personal care facilities such as hair, beauty and nail salons, tattoo parlours, spas, massage parlours, body and skin piercing services, non-medical acupuncture, and tanning salons.



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I'm locked down in Wales so I don't know what changes will happen to us but it always seems odd to me that "working from home" is so desirable but if your computer goes **** up you can't get it fixed replaced because the electronics stores are closed. Seems it is just a method of getting us to all shop at Amazon who don't pay much tax rather than shopping local where they supply local jobs and pay reasonable amounts of tax.



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It's expecting the same result: to reduce the surge in demand on the NHS to manageable levels.   

It'll do that. As did the last one. And as will the next one.

if you think the purpose of lockdowns is to end the pandemic, you're operating beyond your cognitive limit.

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The strategy seems to depend on maintaining some hope among the population that things will get better, so any sacrifice to speed this up is worth making.

As this virus mutates rapidly, the probability of an effective vaccine ever becoming available diminishes. They've been trying to find one for the common cold for years without success.

I'd rather that having explained the ramifications, they just let it run it's course and left it up to individuals to take responsibility for their own safety, and if necessary,  that of their nearest and dearest.

In the long run, the attempted cure may prove to be far worse than the disease............

Pete (over 60, so allegedly "clinically vulnerable")

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All this hysteria for a disease which kills one eighth of one percent of those who catch it.

Average age of those dying of Covid in the UK: 82.4 years.

Average life expectancy of a boy born last year in the UK: 79 years.

maximus otter


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17 minutes ago, brown dog said:

Interesting assertion, because you clearly did say it. That you, Einstein? 🤔



4 minutes ago, maximus otter said:

All this hysteria for a disease which kills one eighth of one percent of those who catch it.

Average age of those dying of Covid in the UK: 82.4 years.

Average life expectancy of a boy born last year in the UK: 79 years.

maximus otter


Another 'expert' appears to reassure us it's all just a storm in a tea cup

Where do you get your nonsense stats from?


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My favourite today was IDS (known as Ian Drunken Smith as a guards subbie) who said this:


It seems he believes that anyone listening to world-class scientific experts representing the consensus of Western medical opinion and then heeding their advice is 'giving in'. 

The world's gone mad.

An IQ of 4.

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3 minutes ago, brown dog said:

My favourite today was IDS (known as Ian Drunken Smith as a guards subbie) who said this:


It seems he believes that anyone listening to world-class scientific experts representing the consensus of Western medical opinion and then heeding their advice is 'giving in'. 

The world's gone mad.

An IQ of 4.

I disagree Sir!  Clearly an IQ of 12


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It’s basically the same plan, or lack there of across Europe. The Czech lockdowns looks pretty much the same. Without being captain hindsight it didn’t take much to predict a winter surge ( happens every year with normal flu). Governments everywhere have had at least 6 months to prepare more hospital beds and ventilators. I am in disagreement however with my daughter (student  doctor working with Covid patients in ICU) over he benefit of a lockdown. She thinks it helps, I don’t because when it ends for economic reasons - probably before before Christmas - you don’t need an IQ of more than 4 predict to a surge of cases in mid January and a strain on medical services. My argument is more to avoid surges, give more protection to the elderly and high risk groups - isolation, testing, free meals on wheels services. But keep the economy open. My daughter says she has seen 35-45 year old fit males dying with elderly patients too, so she has a different view.

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Yeah. But it's a force of nature. Most of the libertarian viewpoints seem to view a pandemic as being  more of a choice than something really nasty that we can't stop.

I forget the exact unpublicised triage stat in London earlier this year, but it was along the lines of over 50? Male? = untreatable within resource.   In Italy, such people were told to not even come to hospital, because they couldn’t be helped - stay at home and die, we can't help you.

I know this isn't Spanish flu, but that was the last similar thing here; it went through like this:


The size of the 2nd peak vs the first is notable, as is the 3rd (next Spring?).

It's a force of nature and it's going to happen, it's just about whether we allow it to break the NHS at each peak. My view is that that needs a rather blunt big hammer - anything nuanced ( 'tracing app' etc) just seems to keep proving to be either undeliverable or ineffective - be nice if we could make them work, but, since it seems we can't: big hammer needed

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2 minutes ago, brown dog said:

Yeah. But it's a force of nature. Most of the libertarian viewpoints seem to view a pandemic as being  more of a choice than something really nasty that we can't stop.

I forget the exact unpublicised triage stat in London earlier this year, but it was along the lines of over 50? Male? = untreatable within resource.   In Italy, such people were told to not even come to hospital, because they couldn’t be helped - stay at home and die, we can't help you.

I know this isn't Spanish flu, but that was the last similar thing here; it went through like this:


The size of the 2nd peak vs the first is notable, as is the 3rd (next Spring?).

It's a force of nature and it's going to happen, it's just about whether we allow it to break the NHS at each peak

Well said.

A shooting buddy of mine has just got home after a stay in ITU.  If he couldn't have been treated he may well be in the morgue now.  We are in better shape now than last March with hard-won knowledge and some treatment regimes that work.  All this talk of 'herd immunity' is just ignorant Youtube rantings without any clear understanding of the consequences.  I suppose it doesn't matter if someone else's granny dies as long as one can go to the pub...


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Personally, I detest the assertion by some who feel that it’s not important to maintain social distancing, purely because the virus seriously affects predominantly those most vulnerable.

I would ask where their sense of social concern or sense of civil decency is? Clearly it’s a case of ‘It doesn’t affect me...why should I give a s*#t?’. Deplorable!

Ive been in hospitals and seen relatively fit/healthy elderly people who wouldn’t otherwise be in there, all because of COVID. I’ve seen said people in hospital that haven’t seen their family for weeks because either family couldn’t visit due to infection or because they had it. Just imagine being in critical intensive care, not knowing what’s going to happen, not recognising anyone, likely no real idea of what’s going on or even if they’re going to see their family again.

I know of several people who were young, fit, healthy before COVID but have now life changing respiratory problems.

And yet, leave the hospital and just down the road the pubs and bars are open, packed with students and others, all on the piss, helping the virus to continue its spread. A case of people simply not giving a s*#t about anyone else but themselves.

One word for them. C*#ts!

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Pops and Catch,  it’s about controlling the peaks - eventually a virus will adapt so as not to kill the host (not in the interest of the virus)......not sure if that applies to a man made virus though. 

However killing granny for a beer just suggest to me a whole set of emotions that don’t help. I don’t mean that disrespectfully.  I asked my daughter about how she was dealing with the deaths - she said that she works 12 hour shifts, it should be 2 per week but often now 4 shifts, this means sometimes she can see a patient during one shift and then not again. There are two possibilities, the patient has died or the patient has been moved to a non ICU unit. She told me she stopped asking what had happened after a couple of weeks. It’s not about caring or not, it’s about dealing and functioning with difficult situations. Sometimes she likes to have a coffee with a few friends to help her unwind - that is now not possible during our lockdown. I don’t see how it helps. To add any real response that helps I am all for but possibly cynically I see some of the responses as being just virtue signaling by the Government’s ( Czech or U.K.). 

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10 minutes ago, ds1 said:

Pops and Catch,  it’s about controlling the peaks - eventually a virus will adapt so as not to kill the host (not in the interest of the virus)......not sure if that applies to a man made virus though.

However killing granny for a beer just suggest to me a whole set of emotions that don’t help. I don’t mean that disrespectfully.  I asked my daughter about how she was dealing with the deaths - she said that she works 12 hour shifts, it should be 2 per week but often now 4 shifts, this means sometimes she can see a patient during one shift and then not again. There are two possibilities, the patient has died or the patient has been moved to a non ICU unit. She told me she stopped asking what had happened after a couple of weeks. It’s not about caring or not, it’s about dealing and functioning with difficult situations. Sometimes she likes to have a coffee with a few friends to help her unwind - that is now not possible during our lockdown. I don’t see how it helps. To add any real response that helps I am all for but possibly cynically I see some of the responses as being just virtue signaling by the Government’s ( Czech or U.K.). 

Controlling the peaks you say? - who'ed have thunk that then ?  Thanks for pointing it out.  😉

Please tell me you don't really mean that "man made virus" comment?  That's beyond ridiculous and only marginally less mad than "it's the 5G".   Tin-foil hat territory.

I have no idea what your last paragraph is about,  I was making a black joke to point up the stupidity and callousness of the libertarian argument.  I'm sure your daughter is doing a valuable and pressured job and thanks to all those that make that effort many will be alive today that would otherwise be dead.  She's a star.

Virtue signalling ??   Oh dear.  I think Boris is an incompetent loon but even given that he's belatedly made a painful judgement (possibly too late) in no way would that be "virtue signalling".  Wishful thinking will not see the virus away.


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36 minutes ago, meles meles said:

It's worth bearing in mind that half the population has an IQ below average...

with an SD of 15

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2 hours ago, Popsbengo said:

I disagree Sir!  Clearly an IQ of 12


Haven't all the predictions by the so called experts been wrong so far ? Masks totally ineffective months ago ....now effective . Hundreds of thousands would die ....but they didn't . Another lockdown will give us a different result ....oh wait ! It's just going to drag it out into the new year .

My prediction, Trump wins and the phoney pandemic mysteriously disappears for Christmas 😎


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2 hours ago, Popsbengo said:

Well said.

A shooting buddy of mine has just got home after a stay in ITU.  If he couldn't have been treated he may well be in the morgue now.  We are in better shape now than last March with hard-won knowledge and some treatment regimes that work.  All this talk of 'herd immunity' is just ignorant Youtube rantings without any clear understanding of the consequences.  I suppose it doesn't matter if someone else's granny dies as long as one can go to the pub...


If I'm not mistaken doesn't a vaccine rely on Herd immunity?🤔


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