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John MH

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Everything posted by John MH

  1. I would guess that if you were allowed to use a Shotmarker or similar Electronic Target then you would not be allowed to have anyone in the Butts incase a sensor was struck by a stray bullet which then shattered the sensor and spread debris into the Markers Gallery. Its always easier for them to say no that do the work required to properly risk assess something different that's not driven by a MoD requirement.
  2. Next they will be asking when your scales were last calibrated at a UKAS accredited calibration facility.
  3. BASC statement on proposed lead ammunition restrictions Following the publication of the UK REACH restriction dossier for lead ammunition published by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) today, 6 May, BASC executive director of operations Steve Bloomfield said: “The proposed restrictions would see a ban on the sale and use of many forms of lead ammunition outdoors in England, Scotland and Wales. Limited exemptions have been outlined in the dossier for the continued use of lead ammunition in some licensed settings. “The wide-ranging proposed restrictions, which closely reflect EU REACH proposals, would apply to shotgun, rifle and airgun ammunition. The dossier will now undergo a high level of scrutiny and BASC will be playing a full role in that process. “Through a six-month consultation also launched today by the HSE, we will challenge proposed restrictions where there are no viable alternatives to lead, where socio-economic factors mean a transition isn’t appropriate, and where lead can continue to be used in settings that present negligible or no risk. “We have significant concerns about the short timeframes outlined in the dossier for transition away from the use of lead ammunition, which could be as little as 18 months. This is particularly alarming in light of current global supply chain issues. We will fight for timelines that are realistic and guided by the sector to ensure that the range of lead-free products and their supply can meet market demands. “BASC will be engaging with the regulator to ensure that proposals are robustly scrutinised and that any future restrictions are based on evidence and proportionate to identified risks. We will not accept disproportionate restrictions that unfairly disadvantage shooting activities. “Shooting is worth £2 billion to the UK economy, employing the equivalent of 74,000 full time jobs. The proposed restrictions stand to impact all 600,000 live quarry shooters and the estimated four million target and air rifle shooters in Great Britain. The regulator must be able to show its working and acknowledge the monumental challenge that restrictions will bring to the shooting community and market. “BASC remains fully committed to the five-year voluntary transition away from using lead shot for live quarry shooting that has made such significant progress under challenging conditions. “Given the severity of the proposed restrictions, the voluntary transition has afforded the sector a head-start in the move away from lead ammunition.”
  4. https://consultations.hse.gov.uk/crd-reach/restriction-proposals-004/supporting_documents/Annex 15 restriction dossier lead in ammunition.pdf A long read.
  5. It has a long shelf life, some of those primers were only £18.00 per 1000.
  6. I have a few thousand squirrelled away.
  7. Add nothing, in the end you'll be happy. Obviously you'll need sights but that depends on what the rifle will be used for. What is the intended use?
  8. Same as well, not Duty or VAT.
  9. No wind shield provided with V4, it comes with a wind shield lid which replaces the the Fx120 lid.
  10. There is no problem showcasing, if you want the 'sell' on here then a conversation with Brown Dog will be required and probably a 'Trade Membership'. Looks good though any other actions planned?
  11. 6XC is great, I have never used RS70 though. I mainly used N160 for many years and have been using RS60 for the last couple with old style DTACs and the new RBT DTACS.
  12. It took 15 years to get from 24 to 30 to the current 100+.
  13. Was 110 Competitors yesterday.
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