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NRA Planning Imperial CSR in Sep 20

John MH

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NRA have sent out by email a SurveyMonkey survey to see if there is sufficient interest to hold a CSR Imperial Competition in between Thursday 3 and Sunday 6 Sep 20. Usual CSR format for the Imperial with the exception that the Practical Rifle Match usually held on the Wednesday will be dropped, this match did not count towards the Individual CSR Championships anyway. The Team matches consisting of Falling Plates would take place on the Saturday late afternoon and the Methuen on the Sunday.

This potentially clashes with RRC PRL match which may take place over the same weekend.

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37 minutes ago, Private Marker said:

CSR are self marking and (worse) tend to have two markers per target. Not sure how social distancing would work there. Electronics are not an option with CSR as far as I can tell.

I'm sure Peter Cottrell has all that well in hand............................... single marking won't stop CSR taking place

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I hate to make negative comments on that Roy, but If the butts marking will be one man per frame, then its a no go. The state of the frames at bisley is ridiculous. I tore a hernia when pulling on my own, many years back, and as you know, i'm no stripling.

I hope Peter can sort something out, because I would love to attend.

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2 hours ago, baldie said:

I hate to make negative comments on that Roy, but If the butts marking will be one man per frame, then its a no go. The state of the frames at bisley is ridiculous. I tore a hernia when pulling on my own, many years back, and as you know, i'm no stripling.

I hope Peter can sort something out, because I would love to attend.


I think considerations are being made such as to only use handhelds. It may well be that by Sept the 2m rule will be relaxed if face coverings are used, or other such methods so two on a frame may be ok by then. I know Peter is considering all options to make it work.

I think a lot can happen by Sept

Fingers crossed


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I haven't got the old CoF here to look at but from my poor memory aren't the frames only really used for triple Fig11s and showing scores on things like multiple target practices/run downs? I think almost everything else is hand held or on turning frames (CQB).

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10 hours ago, Private Marker said:

Fig 11 and fig 12 might be the answer then. Baldy the frames can be awkward, but I manage. I'm no kid, but even on the first day it wasn't too bad.

I've been pulling frames at Bisley for over 15 years, and trust me, on the whole, they are an absolute disgrace, and the HSE would have a field day, if they ever saw them. They most certainly are not useable safely with one man, UNLESS counterbalanced. In all the years I've used them, I have yet to see the counterbalances outside of an F class comp. One hernia is one too many.

Hand helds would be great Roy. As Matt says, its the long range stuff , the triples went into, and I think after last years "dumbing down" of some of the long range stages, like the Imperial practical match, they are probably gonna hardly be used.

12's, 12c's, and 14's would make for a far easier time of it. One man can do that easily, and would be simple from the distancing aspect too...really simple.


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Some of the frames are far worse than the others. TBH I don't think I've ever used an easy  one that I can recall...!!

We started using 2 shooters per target as some were so hard too operate. It's certainly long overdue some modernisation. 

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8 hours ago, baldie said:

I've been pulling frames at Bisley for over 15 years, and trust me, on the whole, they are an absolute disgrace, and the HSE would have a field day, if they ever saw them. They most certainly are not useable safely with one man, UNLESS counterbalanced. In all the years I've used them, I have yet to see the counterbalances outside of an F class comp. One hernia is one too many.

Hand helds would be great Roy. As Matt says, its the long range stuff , the triples went into, and I think after last years "dumbing down" of some of the long range stages, like the Imperial practical match, they are probably gonna hardly be used.

12's, 12c's, and 14's would make for a far easier time of it. One man can do that easily, and would be simple from the distancing aspect too...really simple.


I don't want to go too far off topic, but there are good and bad frames. On the second day I worked at Bisley I was asked if I had any aches and pains. Honestly I didn't. I'm not a gym bunny or a twenty something, though I have always had physical jobs.

The frames are counterbalanced. Some have wood, some bricks or concrete. You can't pop down to the target as the hooter goes. I get there half an hour early and try the target up and down. That's when you make any adjustments or apply grease. I knew a professional marker who carried a brick to add to the frame. Another used a 5L container of water. It's part of the service most shooters (and even the NRA) don't see.

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The Bisley frames are a doddle compared to those at Moody Down MOD range................


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