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Digital calipers

No i deer

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I've had mine probaly 20 years and they've always drained the battery if I leave them in..

After everytime I use them I take the battery out as i got fed up with getting new ones.

Do all digital calipers do this....

Why do they do this...


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Bob + 1...........Mitutoyo are the benchmark calipers.................and I've also got an Aldi £9 Chinese special (Powerfix) which turns itself off after a set time if it's not used.


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I'm not sure what make they are but I bought them in Avery Night and Bowlers in Bath. I've still got the plastic case they came with and nothing on the box to tell me what make they are.

They shouldn't drain themselves then. Apart from that they've been flawless....

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Just looked on eBay and there are some mitutoyo calipers for £80 and some identical ones for £30....

That's a huge difference.

I checked Avery Night and Bowlers site and they have some for £20 which look like mine but I'm sure they were way more than that when I bought mine 20 years ago

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Mitutoyo from the UK and the same from China for a 1/3 of the price I fear may not be equal.

I have a couple of pairs of the 80ish quid Mitutoyo calipers, usually forget to turn them off but no sign of batteries dying.

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I got frankford Arsenal digital and Yes they drain batteries . So i normally buy 4 batteries at a time _ should just buy the mits tho 

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Neil, I borrowed my father-in-law’s Mitutoyu callipers to compare against the ones I bought from Amazon for £24. There’s no doubt the MIT is better quality and there is a couple of thousands difference in measurement but I wouldn’t pay the extra £100 for the Mitutoyu.

The callipers I bought from Amazon auto turn off and are still on its original battery after nearly 12 months of regular use.

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I bought a pair of digital calipers from Lidles a few years ago and they drained the battery so quickly I didn't bother using them after a while, and went to a dial caliper instead. However with failing eyesight they've become too difficult to read and after much searching I replaced them with another pair of digital ones from Amazon, which I've been happy with and which don't eat batteries.

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It’s thanks to this thread that I discovered my Amazon account has been hacked.

I went to log on to find the order for the calipers I mentioned so I could post it on here and couldn’t log on and a password reset email didn’t arrive. It took forever to actually get to speak to someone but, in short someone was using my account.

I had to cancel my card and everything. Until it’s sorted my account is supposedly locked. I dread to think what would’ve happened if I’d waited until I next actually needed to order something.

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20 hours ago, No i deer said:

That was a bit of luck then Mark....

Wished I knew the hackers......

They could of ordered me some mitutoyo's on your account  😁😆😉


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