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General Licence is being revoked on Thursday with no consultation


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Just read the BASC response it seems very weak I have not bothered with the country side   Alliance since they lost the hunting ban.  There needs to be a proper coordinated response to this including the NFU if they're not too busy selling insurance  

 They raised £36,000 from  crowdfunding the farming industry combined with supporters of the countryside and our way of life should be able to take this to court and have our own judicial review.

 The gap between the Walt Disney watching citydwellers and some in the country to those of us who can honestly say we lived for generations in the country is growing wider  by the year.

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Signed, nearly 23000 now😃, but I can't see them sacking packham.

Still it'll be good to know packham and his Muppets were responsible for all those magpie and crow deaths as all the Larson traps empty throughout the country !!!

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Also signed,


I think you now have to prove that you have no alternative than to use lethal force. 

But how do you do that, wait for the crops to be taken, lambs eyes to be plucked out then say how was I supposed to stop it. 

The dammage is done then.  Chris Pratam needs getting rid of or restrict him back to kids TV like he used to be. 


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25 minutes ago, Vortex said:

Also signed,


I think you now have to prove that you have no alternative than to use lethal force. 

But how do you do that, wait for the crops to be taken, lambs eyes to be plucked out then say how was I supposed to stop it. 

The dammage is done then.  Chris Pratam needs getting rid of or restrict him back to kids TV like he used to be. 


The way to prove crop damage is to present facts , even if its in the form of peer reviewed papers , I`m sure no one has ever found  that pigeons and corvids don't damage cereal crops ? 

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I manage a mates farm around the 1000 acre mark and have been protecting/trying to build up the numbers of WILD grey partridge on it.  Things have been going very well and the numbers are steadily rising, however now I can't protect them from nest and chick raiding corvids ''don't see how I can provide specific evidence to that land'' I feel a very big part of my protection work is missing 

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I've just  tried to sign the petition but I'm outside of the UK at the moment I don't expect the BBC to listen after all he is Mr OBE now!! I will sign  it's when I'm back in the UK next week.

 I've just looked on the countryside alliance website and it does give more information than BASC  I will be contacting my MP who was very good over the 50 cal ban and look for his support. I will also be  contacting my local NFU rep  and express my hope that they will actually get off their backsides and get behind farming community this is not just the shooting matter.


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Posted this on nanother Forum but :

Basic fact not being mentioned or accepted by NE and some on here are that none lethal methods simply do not work. Impossible for Crows / Magpies predating livestock and nests and Corvids and Pigeons on Crops take no notice of Kites and Gas Guns after a day or so. The people making the rules don't understand what they are talking about.


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I think some people need to chill out a bit 👍NE doesn’t want to stop / ban anything from pest control/crop protection or public health. 

All they are doing is ass covering  on the say so of there legal eagles . 

I’m confident that come the end of the week we’re all know what we need to do and after the moans and groans have been put to bed we’re all be able to get back to business as usual 👍

Now then ... hands up who can remember the last time it happened ? 

I can remember my dad and grandad moaning that we couldn’t go , that was 40 yrs ago 😳 now that was a government cock up ! 

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Up to 68,000

“Packham has been accused by the fieldsports community of exploiting his position as a very frequent presenter on the BBC to publicise his anti-shooting views; the BBC maintain that he is not employed by them, so is not bound by their impartiality rules.


It’s a great get-out clause: He’s “Chris Packham from the BBC” when it suits them; an “independent contractor” when he rocks the boat.

maximus otter

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19 hours ago, Moorlander said:

The way to prove crop damage is to present facts , even if its in the form of peer reviewed papers , I`m sure no one has ever found  that pigeons and corvids don't damage cereal crops ? 

Yes I understand that in the larger view, but are they going to want individual specific cases.  So case by case Assesment

i did see this posted yesterday. How correct it is I don’t know. 

“Anyone who’s wondering about the General licenses, Just got off the phone from my mate who’s a main part of natural england licensing and adviser for them he comes shooting with me fairly regular, 
it was basically a loophole Packham & Mark Aviary found and Natural England’s Law team just said there’s no point in fighting it as there’s nothing they can do to go against it as it’s a clear flaw in the license.
 **Natural England did not want to have to revoke the 3 main licenses in any way what so ever. It was a Lawsuit from Packham & Aviary, if N.E had challenged against it there would have been zero chance of winning it** 
So everyone filing complaints to Natural England your not helping in the slightest- they are on our side and are working flat out to bring out new licenses to get us all back up and running soon as possible! As much as this will piss off Packham & Aviary 😂
They’ve been in the process of sorting out a whole new number of general licenses for the last few weeks as they saw this coming and have scrapped about 5 previous draft ones where there’s flaws still. 
Obviously Natural England don’t want 50,000 odd people each year wanting to apply for individual licenses to shoot or trap as it would be impossible to do all the paperwork.
Natural england in 2014 wanted to amend the general licenses to get rid of this loophole about having to prove you’ve tried all other non lethal options first and just to update them but nobody from our shooting organisations wanted to know about it or wanted any changes, so now these flaws in the licenses have been exposed and this has happened. 
Within the next few weeks hopefully will be some updated licenses being released to replace the 3 revoked ones but there will be quite a few more different general licenses for the 16 members of birds so not just 3 main ones that cover everything. Soon as I hear anymore will let you know.”

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