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I caught the back end of the news and mr hyde was was the subject,from what i gather it doesnt look too good for him, sentencing in about a month.vat and tax man are involved also.

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The Americans won't treat them as misdemeanours, whatever they are ..

It would be the nasty icing on an already distasteful cake [Chris NZ]



The last time I looked (online) at the Rochester County local newspaper's coverage of the Chinese / Bulgarian AK mags case about a month ago, it said that Gary's lawyer and the prosecutor were in discussions to bring the case to a conclusion. Although the words 'plea bargain' weren't used in the report, the general tenor of the story suggested that is what is in the offing.


There is a convention to either bring cases to a full court hearing or drop them within a 12 month period from the suspect being charged with an offence and the initial arraignment. In January, Gary's lawyer apllied to either have the case dropped or a full trial date set as the 12 months were about up. A trial date was tghen set for mid March, but the prosecutor (again) failed to produce a case for it to go ahead claiming the UK European police and justice bodies hadn't released essential evidence.


Reading between the lines, I reckon both parties want to see an end to the case. Presumably Gary is offering a guilty plea in return for a non custodial sentence. (In an earlier hearing when he was still held last year in Rochester County on bail, his submission for the freedom to return to England rested on the argument that even if found guilty, the maximum jail sentence that would be applied for this offence was likely to be 12 months and that it was therefore unreasonable to hold him in the USA for what was likely to be a similar or longer period. The case judge agreeed with both legs of this argument hence his release on bail back to the UK with a large bail payment. With a maximum sentence of 12 months I reckon the state prosecutor will want to 'get rid' now especially with GH likely to serve much, much longer in a British prison on the China-Nigeria case.)


What our people will give him on 23rd November - I reckon that's going to be a very different matter of scale and time in the chokey. And .... they're using the Proceeds of Crime Act which means they can legally rob him into bankruptcy oin the basis of what they 'believe' he earned illegally from the deal. Bad news for him indeed !!!!

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Very interesting Laurie. Obviously he's going to enjoy his main course in the UK.


Unlike the UK and New Zealand, the US justice system isn't divorced from political influence in individual cases. There's a classic example in this neck of the woods. A German called Kim Dot Com (yes, his real name, by deed poll anyway..) was based here and running his little empire (MegaUpload) basically providing pirated movies online. The US Fed authorities it seems pressured the NZ Police to arrest him which was done in an OTT fashion and are after his extradition. It's turned into a total fiasco because on poor legal prep on the part of the US authorities and some procedural stuff-ups here. Dot Com has been having a field day embarrassing all agencies concerned- better than a soap opera. Various legal commentators are adamant that the ferocity with which the US is pursuing Dot Com indicates big business interests in the US entertainment industry have been in the ear of the legal authorities. We continue to watch with much amusement



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Unlike the UK and New Zealand, the US justice system isn't divorced from political influence in individual cases




that's what makes me think a plea bargain will likely happen. The big American 'gun runner' story wasn't so big when it turns out it's a matter of faking markings to disguise the mags' Chinese origins for what would have been an otherwise legal sale. A lot of Americans think their law is an ass anyway on this issue. Then ..... it's 21 months since the original arrest and the prosecutor still can't make a case that he can take to court. If it went to court now, it wouldn't really earn him any brownie points would it?


What I do think is that Gary H and his partner in JAGO Limited (and crime too now that both have been convicted one in the US, one in the UK) Karl Kleber got too ambitious or greedy or something in their international dealings. They went too much above the radar too many times to be ignored and I'm convinced that various international agencies decided they had to be caught and dealt with. You get a distinct feeling that some people at national government level decided they were going to nail this pair one way or another! Quangos and NGOs like Amnesty International's anti-gun proliferation unit and the United Nations plus some of the Leftie media have been making ugly grinding noises about this pair for maybe five years. Before the Nigeria deal it was a load of AKs from the Balkans to Libya where it was claimed by Amnesty that there had been a promise that all of these rifles and other weapons taken off the Serbian and Bosnian militias would be permanently taken out of circulation. Governments might just have started to think that not only were Messrs Kleber and Hyde being rather naughty, but they would prove to be great pair of 'little fish' to take out of circulation and make an example of. Governments get to polish up their anti gun-runner credentials and it takes the activists' heat off them without there being any real change in the sort of real arms dealings that suit government objectives, but they somehow never know of and certainly would never condone or authorise!


Or, am I just getting too cynical in my disillusioned old age?

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So is it right to assume that 7 years is just for one of the crimes (UK or USA) and other terms will be to follow consecutively?


He could be away for a while.


Another thought is, what would a previously convicted arms dealer do for a future job once the stretch has been done?

Who'd want to employ him, the government :lol: ?

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Assisting in the destabalising of a major part of West Africa....

7 years in the pokey....

Got off light!!


Started to sound like a mastercard advert:


Assisting in the destabilising of a major part of West Africa....

Offshore bank accounts...

7 years in the pokey....

Large cell mate called Bubba...

Bubba likes playing mammas and papas..


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Gary H


We know how much a soft touch pokey is, apart from the mamas and pappas botty bodging with Bubba. I can help the wheels of inside industry by supplying 6oz of backie for a milsurp spotting scope.


Let know by posting here when you're out of your cell


:lol: :lol:

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