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About 1967spud

  • Birthday 12/06/1967

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Norwich, Norfolk
  • Interests
    F Class and Long Range
    Shooting, Reloading and
    messing about on You Tube....
    Oh and now bench rest 100yd, 600yd
    and 1000yd :)

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  1. We have all the parts on the shelf , with one press left
  2. we have plenty of 270 here and just neck up as Ronin says
  3. i am on here as well as an admin just pm me , im always about
  4. Thank you for the kind words, shoot straight.
  5. if you have password problems please ring me i can resend you a pass word request or you can ask for it your self
  6. yes we have less than 300 thousand on the shelf , that for us is very low
  7. yes at least the option is there for you to buy if you want
  8. good i dea ill try its very much suck it an d see atm
  9. Official announcement; We at 1967spud.com are very pleased to update you all on our next big move, with a brand new website which is live NOW! Safer, stronger, faster, welcome spud our 3rd incantation. with over 6000 new products and more being added daily. If you find a broken page or link please let us know.
  10. Website is down atm if you need any thing please ring me on 01263 739923
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