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Everything posted by Kalahari

  1. My local Sainsbury's still has an operating photo booth if that is any help. Might be worth trying yours. David.
  2. '98 actions are often a bit sloppy when open. Designed that way so they don't bind up when dirty. Originally a military action. David.
  3. Seems to me the real deciding factor is "is the scope parallel with the bore" If the mounts do this things are OK. Anyway the mounts have a fixed side which should put the centre of the rings over the centre of the rail etc. The looser side is just to allow you to fit it. The indexing is surely done off the fixed side. David.
  4. I have had a few sportsmatch mounts over the years and they have all been pretty good. No problems, but no image which is part of the problem. David.
  5. Omega de Ville, complete with George Daniels co-axial movement and 39.5 mm. David.
  6. Isn't the legal bit "in possession" not actually "ownership" so paying for it but not taking possession should be legal? Of course if you pay for it and don't get your variation you can't take possession so you will have to get the RFD to sell it on commission so you might take a financial bath. David.
  7. As an outsider, and considering the UK has been involved in sandy conditions conflict, I have often wondered if the South African R4 would have been a better and cheaper solution than the SA80? Interested to hear comments from people who really know about this stuff. David.
  8. Sorry for a bit of a thread hijack, but where did you get that comb raiser please? David.
  9. Reading all this with interest. Long range stuff isn't really my thing but it is interesting all the same. My rather simplistic view on page three seems that it is a bit like boxing, "a good big one will beat a good little one" but perhaps/probably I have got it wrong. It seems that the problem of launching a relatively light bullet at very high velocity is that drag is a squared factor of velocity so it slows the light bullet down pretty quickly. David.
  10. Ain't that the truth. It is interesting though until I started stalking in this country all my game shooting in Africa was effectively freehand. This did mean you could kneel or sit as well as stand, but the only "aid" carried was a sling and in the heat that was to help carry the rifle, more than to use as an aid, water and spare cartridges was the max after that. David.
  11. The old BRNOs shoot really well. Far better than the price would suggest. Do enjoy it. David.
  12. Have you thought of a 7 x 64? Nice round with good down range energy and bucks the wind well. David.
  13. Lovely scope on a light walking around rifle. 22Hornet, 222/223. David.
  14. Trouble is they would then go trans sonic pretty soon and that might well spoil the accuracy. Also the supersonic crack would negate some of the gains of a good moderator. David.
  15. How long are these cartridges. A lot, but not all semi autos like/need a 70mm case so the second round times properly. May not be helpful but maybe you can get 24g in a 70mm case and try it. Best wishes, David.
  16. Have you tried the very heavy Winchester subs, for a longer bullet and hopefully better ballistics? David.
  17. Many thanks. I will dive back below the parapet again. David.
  18. Just to hijack this in a shameless manner, 😉 anybody know at what sort of range the average high vel 22LR goes transonic? David.
  19. You may not like it, you may say it's "undemocratic". I say let's see the dice roll, if the population vote and go Tory sufficiently for a majority then so be it - that will be democracy because I believe the population has well and truly heard the arguments for and against - unlike the Brexit referendum. Right, so it is democracy if you get the result you wish and not if you don't. Your reasoning is bizarre and shows you don't believe in democracy at all! Belief in democracy means accepting the will of the electorate. To do otherwise means you are either a fascist of believe in dictatorship. David.
  20. "I don't care about the nonsensical arguments about "democracy " Well you should. Mugabe and most of the tyrants in the world got into power and hold onto it by distorting and ignoring the democratic process. Hitler did it as well. Be careful of what you wish for. Your least unpleasant path might turn out to be very unpleasant indeed. David.
  21. Something all the remainers need to remember is that a vote for Corbyn probably means leave, even if they don't say so. To do all the very expensive nationalisation the UK has to be outside the EU! I also wonder about how many people don't seem to understand how democracy works. People voted to leave, we should carry out that result. Of course all remainers are then free to try and get the UK to rejoin but that is an argument for further down the track. David.
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