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brown dog

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Everything posted by brown dog

  1. I think you're spot on - and it's little more than brain-in-neutral-crowd following internet fashion; chasing imagined advantages that, empirically, are unrealisable. I don't think any of the 6.5s offer anything empirically different, to a field shooter, to 6.5x55. My personal mind game includes buying the best brass - and, to me, that's Lapua. Repeat after me: "We are all individuals" 😂
  2. Mark, was this the thread? Just had an amused 5 minutes re-reading it!😂😊 I'm a bit of a reload-nuance non-believer, so probably not the best person to take reloading advice from, I just expect sensible (consistently produced) stuff to work and I generally find it does. (I'd say absolute consistency of production (and shooting technique) is more important at he target than a few fractions of a grain deliberate load changes - I think there's a bunch of interesting pschology affecting how people operate and interpret what they're seeing/doing in this area) You'll see my results with 37.5gr, and the comments of others with far greater reloading knowledge. Don't really have much to add to the findings in that - N140 is an excellent choice for 6.5x47 - especially when also taken in the 'holistic' sense - ease of supply, lot to lot consistency, temperature sensitivity. [Edit: If I struggled to find n140, I'd look for a powder marketed as an equivalent, and with similar chemistry - without checking my memory, I think one of the reload swiss powders was in that category - but I wouldn't compare/contrast, just pick a sensible powder (and n140 definitely is one) produce totally consistent ammo, and expect it to work...and it will]
  3. You thinking of the personal dosimeters on g10 straps?
  4. Not sure they were that good - IWC, Rolex and Omega excepted- I think it's more about being hard-to-get coupled with the same mindset that thinks anything issued is special (as opposed to the reality of it being the product of the lowest bidder! 😂)
  5. I think that's what bank robbers say in films 😂 Squaddies? Only rarely, if in a job that needed one, but generally no.... and some eejits would pride themselves on not wearing any watch in order to have a sort-of excuse for being late - wouldn't last long.
  6. Would depend on job, and whether 'needing to know the time' was part of that job, so, generally, Cpl and above if in a command position eg sect comd, gun no1, tank comd, or, maybe LCpl as 2IC. Watches were G1098, issued to sub unit as MODACS for individual issue by the sub-unit Q: SQMS/CQMS/BQMS
  7. I think one of the probs is that actually, most can't sniff them out, and even when sniffed out for them by those who can, many are too apathetic to care... there was one fairly well known 'smith 'outed' as a walt on here; many stated they couldn't care a less as long as he made a good rifle. Welcome to honour and values in modern Britain. 😕 Anyway, great watch vid! 😊
  8. MV: Has the minimum mv requirement been removed for Scotland? If not, I'd wonder whether 30/30 out of a 14" barrel is deer legal. ME: Similarly, has anyone done the maths on 30/30 out of a 12 or 14" barrel? I'd also wonder whether it would be sufficient in either Scot or Eng/Wales (?)
  9. Ergo grip on mine: https://www.blackrifle.co.uk/Ergo-Flat-Top-Tactical-Deluxe-Grip-p/ergo-td-ft.htm
  10. Thanks Mick - didn't realise you were having another rebuild - hope you have a speedy recovery! I've been using skplus (which is subsonic) - it's ridiculously accurate, but greasy like Eley stuff and always eventually clogs the thing. Just had a play with minimag, and it ran like an enthusiatic -and clean, but loud- sewing machine! Grease aside, does the force/contact give a noticeably bigger kick to the bolt than other subs?
  11. Are you still using it Mick? How's the grease build up and reliability in the BAR22? (I'm googling for a gilded subsonic with a heavy bullet, designed to operate semi autos, but not having much luck!)
  12. Anyone got a pointer towards an ammo wallsafe of brattonsound-type quality, that would also accommodate a laptop?
  13. Thanks Rob - it's had no bumps; I've had someone advise that one of the seals in it may have gone past its 'use by' - suspect it might need a new tube.
  14. Had cause to get my Kite out last night. Hasn't been used since last winter. On switching on, a little over the top half of the FOV stayed black. Battery change had no effect. I'm at a loss - I've no idea what's happened. Anyone had or heard of this happening before?
  15. Very sad news, which many here have already heard, and which percolated to me a short while ago. I think Mark's stoicism in the face of his illness is what people mean when they say brave. Not sure if I'd have been as brave. Larger than life. Honest to a fault. I'm quite saddened. He'll be missed. As someone texted to me just now: no doubt he'll already be bending someone's ear in the afterlife. We are diminished.
  16. Well, that was a while ago😊 Would still be interested. Will PM an offer 😊
  17. I'm exactly the same. R/h but left dominant eye ... squash, writing etc r/h, rifles & shotguns l/h, and a lot of confusion with pistols! What stops you operating a l/h bolt? Deciding that you can would make your life simpler! ☺
  18. I'm a bit confused, aren't you describing a bog standard r/h rifle with an ambidextrous stock? I'm not understanding why people are talking of cutting stock slots.
  19. It wouldn't be too shabby for that, using google earth photo view it, essentially, gives a point mensurated target location. ... and 3m x 3m box isn't 3m accuracy, it probably represents a CEP of about 1.7m ....plenty close enough for government work.
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