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brown dog

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Everything posted by brown dog

  1. Q2: Equivalent horizontal distance is a bogus concept - apply the cos value to the drop or elevation. Why? if a bullet takes 2 sec to go 1000m it experiences an acceleration (towards the centre of the earth) of 9.8m/s/s for 2 sec. Whether that 1000m is 'flat' or 'angled' it takes 2 sec to go that far. That's how fast the bullet's going. It can't take less time to cover the distance. And since it's in the air for 2 sec, it experiences gravitational acceleration for 2 sec. Not some magic lesser amount. What changes with inclined fire is the relationship between you/the trajectory and the direction of gravitational vector - which, in simplest terms, makes it appear to drop less. Again, in simplest terms, imagine the 2sec TOF gives a pencil length of drop towards the centre of the earth. Looking horizontally, you can see the full length of the vertical pencil. Look at the vertical pencil from 30deg, and the pencil's apparent length is 0.866 of how it looked from horizontal. Look vertically down on it, and the pencil has zero apparent length, but it's still there.
  2. Some on the ball answers😊 to those of you who've done well: well done. Q1: High angle fire is an indirect fire term, meaning fire in the upper register or, as some have said, fire at elevations higher than that at which max range is achieved. What we're talking about here is inclined fire.
  3. Well, as we're locked down, and I'm a wee bit bored, who fancies some ballistic nerdity fun?! I've just had the fb post below pointed out to me. Anyone like to chip in with an assessment of the post's technical veracity? (Some starter questions below) [If you can't see the clip, the shooter takes on an 800m target at a down angle of 30 degrees from the prone position. The shooter then rises to a kneeling supported position and re-engages the same tgt] https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=123971809261350&id=110239403967924 Starters: Meaning: "High angle shooting" -discuss Concept: "True gravitational distance" - discuss The effect at 800m of: 'Increased angle to target on moving from prone to kneeling' - discuss
  4. Fair point, but on covid, she hasn't put a foot wrong, unlike our chap who hasn't put a foot right.
  5. Quite amused by the start there, then you lost me..... but the start chimed with a chat I was having about our parliament of never-had-a-real-job-but-enjoyed-debating-society-at-uni politicians. A pal of mine, an NHS consultant in London, was giving his thoughts on the Covid decision-making capacity of the PM & Cabinet: ""People with science degrees should run the world. People with arts degrees should just be allowed to paint it. And they certainly shouldn't be responsible for making any fuqking decisions."
  6. Geoffrey, I'm not getting '404 not found' with http://www.bbt.scot/ballistics/pressure.htm Could you check the address?
  7. Just looked at that - the link must have changed(?) Don't recognise that vid, and no music ?! Weirdarama
  8. You previous one came up on a google search! 😊 - was that one an airsoft stock? Any recommendations or tips? (A 'sturdy' AW can be got for <£100)
  9. Linked but different, I keep wondering whether to buy an M40A5 airsoft in order to put my brno in the stock.
  10. Errr.... that is one phekkin odd vid mix 🤔
  11. Fascinating! The round itself; the chamber arrangement. Amazing. If you want to start any other threads on similar unique weapons , please feel free to do so
  12. Yawn - a few posts removed. Difficult to understand the attitudes of 1 or 2 people on a site provided to them, by other people, for free. I'll say no more. The concept is in the quote (and is, once again, being proved correct, by the 1 or 2). The concept is, you'd think, really, really, really simple to understand.🤔
  13. Two more to go. Our tax dollars make lots of middlemen rich!
  14. Got it at the back of my mind somewhere that the unit cost on a diemaco is around £300. Obvs, UK procurers would put a UK middleman between the mod and the manufacturer in order to triple that cost and make the un-needed middleman rich. SA80 was procured so that Royal Ordnance had a contract on its books when it was sold. I'll wager it'll have been someone who secured themself 'business development' role, or similar, in a related company, who ran the rifle procurement decision at 1 or 2 *, and their underlings will have supported their leadership mood music unquestioningly, in order to get good annual reports from their boss in order to get promoted... that's how it works in UK. Pop quiz; name the middlemen MOD Abbeywood has used rather than buying direct ("because we need someone who can do the 'complicated' export paperwork") Daniel Defense Magpul Glock Rant over! Back on topic... rebarrel the L1A1s with .22 barrels and knock up a ciener equivalent - piece of piss to someone with the machinery, I'd have thought. Presumably, if that was done outside the UK, they'd be safely Sect 1?.... David - get on it! 😂😁
  15. The one positive thing I'll say about it is; it's very easy to shoot accurately on a range - it's very forgiving of poor application of the marksmanship principles; when my job changed me to a different rifle, I was horrified to nearly fail my first weapon test, the SA80's 'forgiveness' had eroded my skill on other rifles. As regards 'corruption' - I'd argue that in UK corruption is sophisticated, way beyond brown envelopes; 'odd' decisions have been made, politicians have protected their seats and perhaps gained other benefits, people military and civilian have protected their annual reports and, perhaps, gained resettlement options... I forget the values, but I think what we've spent upgrading the rifle is significantly - orders of magnitude- greater than if we'd simply bought diemaco off the shelf - all sorts of facile arguments over spares and training costs. I think the litmus test is SF - granted, some of their kit is different just because they can - but I can't think of anyone picking SA80.
  16. And what rifle? Still got that .22 AI?
  17. It's too heavy, and it can't be fired left-handed around cover. The CQB centre-chest hold is a dishonourable corporate admission that it's unfit for purpose.
  18. Well, this prompted me to have a .22 slr dig around - on the civvy net, someone once made these: Doesn't look that dissimilar to .22AR internals.
  19. Blimey Steve - thanks! I'll work through that!😊😊
  20. Working through some of those, that seems to be a list of all shops doing business with that wholesaler for any of their lines; rather than shops stocking the Klinsky stocks line. The shops I've looked at have come up blank on Klinsky. Grateful for any other ideas on Klinsky stockists 😊
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