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brown dog

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Everything posted by brown dog

  1. My boy. Not as young as he was.
  2. Definitely, you are wise to go for a good brand, although not one of the two you're looking at, my BAR22 gives a huge 'pleasure of use' grin factor:
  3. Well, this gives away the purpose of my googling, but thought this was an interesting review
  4. Found this quite an interesting read: https://www.uwkdive.com/pages/uk-dive-knives
  5. Yup. Think this has run it's useful course. Moving forward, if anyone does get targeted from a wanted ad, please flag it. Other than that, have you all heard that they've taken the word 'gullible' out of the dictionary? Caveat Emptor.
  6. Out of interest, could you list the forums currently using two factor authentication?
  7. Good heavens, posts don't have tone.🙄 Keyboard offense and keyboard passive aggression is very boring. We tend not to do it here; which is what sets this board apart. Come here and type with a smile on your face, as if to friends over a pint, or don't. Quite a boorish start point, though.
  8. 😂 I didn't say that! Seriously, put up a wanted for a scope or something and report back 🙂
  9. Good grief, it isn't about this forum; it's about people and life in general. Give yourself a shake and then look in the mirror and give yourself a face slap.
  10. Most of the reports in this thread are legacy and the twerp in his various guises was picked-off at that time and long ago. As before, this thread is giving a false impression that this is a tsunami happening simultaneously right now - and that isn't the case. Feel free to put up an phishing ad; I suspect it will draw no response from these people 😉
  11. Well, to be clear, there are security features built into the site. And 99.99% of the time that filters out spambots... what's happening here is a real individual(s) joining up and sending fully interactional conversational pms; that is, the responses to questions in PMs are clearly a real person because the conversations react to questions in a way that only a real person can. I know there's a great temptation in society today to present oneself as a passive victim who is a slave to circumstance, but this is simply a ne'er do well interacting with people to con them. And, hard news or not, it's the gullible who get conned. So... what software to guard against the possible future intentions of real people? Well, please pm me the answer, because I'll sell it to the Home Office to use it to detect violent radicals before they act.
  12. Absolutely, caveat emptor- as in all life. Personally, I've only bought on here where the person can establish that they and I know someone in common, or the poster is a regular on here who I 'recognise'. ...sort of thought that was common sense (?) ...don't forget, we even recently saw an Italian gentleman on here who'd sent money to a full-on identity theft fake, but completely convincing Brit gunshop website. Think we're on top of our annoyer at the mo; we've made some tweaks. Won't specify them in public, because that would be silly, but we need to have reports separated into 'now' vs 'a while back' to get a feel for what's working. As before, without a feel for 'when', it'd be easy to think this was a tsunami, rather than one individual/team using a vpn, but almost certainly outside UK, who's been picked off each time they've been reported.
  13. Thanks trigger, as you can see in your screenshot, that incarnation has been snuffed.
  14. Can all posts on this please start putting a date to what's being reported - we've made a few tweaks, and undated reports give the misleading impression that this is still happening, and happening as a simultaneous-event tsunami, whereas these are spread out over a few months and the individual is being picked off each time, but reappearing in a new guise - ie most egs in thread are 'a while back'. Dates with info please!
  15. As in any transaction in life; caveat emptor. This feqqer is clearly tgting the board - definitely not a robot. Apply common sense. No one legit is unphoneable.
  16. I'll have a look at the limiter idea. We mark this idiot as a spammer each time they appear - assuming it's the same person/ team - can't be a robot, the conversational interactions in the messages are bespoke . Lee, would I be correct if I were to presume you've had no further contact from 'Andrew' since your alert?
  17. That's about where I am on it too. Everyone I know who's served with him says he's a top bloke. I'm sorry he stood down.
  18. All getting a bit unecessarily nasty, I would say. Shall we all have a spoonful of sugar and calm down a bit?
  19. Nice segue to other pursuits!😂😊😊 2231.50 and Kirton Kayak (pre lockdown!)
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