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brown dog

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Everything posted by brown dog

  1. So, rather than do any maths, you could achieve the same affect by carrying one random 308ish drop chart; putting your 6.5 rifle 'on' at a given range, say 400m, and, to get to 500m, just applying the the elevation delta the 308 chart gives for that 400 to 500 step.... it'll be in the parish +/- 0.2 mil
  2. It's a bit of a maths parlour trick isn't it? Isn't it just postulating a standard trajectory and giving it as a series of step distance changes? The parlour trick being variance appears small between the standard trajectory and your round because you 'reset' the maths at each step distance, so the discrepancy between the standard traj and your traj doesn't accumulate in a compound way, it keeps being reset to no error and restarting. So the error keeps looking small. Ie the difference in drop from 300m to 400m ain't that marked In subtension terms, between a 308 and .223 ...so if I say a 308 that's 'on' at 300, needs an extra 0.8mil elevation to get to 400 - and to just apply that same value to the 0.223 ... we find out the .223 was only different over that step distance by about 0.1 mil If we then shoot the 0.1 error out and put the .223 back 'on' at 400; I could then tell you to apply the 308 change from 400 to 500 for the next step.... and because I've 'reset' the .223, the error will again look small. And so on for each step. I read some pish that the bloke who 'invented' it has 'doped gravity' ... pish.. it's a standard trajectory with the cumulative variance of a different trajectory minimised by a reset to zero at each step distance
  3. It looks seriously long and 'un-carbine' in UK configuration - I think the design has the barrel too far forward to work with anything longer than a pistol-length barrel. (Plus, when it fell out of the fugly tree, I think it must have hit every branch on the way down! πŸ˜‚ If that was an ergonomic sacrifice, I'd respect that, but it also looks 'un-ergonomic', like a newborn giraffe, to my eye - I think the designer must have single-issue-obsessed about bore axis height to the exclusion of every other consideration😳 ) 😊
  4. PS - how do they do with subs?
  5. Cool. Yup, my instinct on the long barrel versions were that they're 4" longer than reqd for UK
  6. Perfect! Was that a 'stock' item, or was the barrel chopped?
  7. An impressive replica, I've handled one, and the mp40, but both a bit too 'holocaust' for me to be able to actually enjoy owning one.
  8. 😊 thanks, but no - my BAR shoots like an anshutz! I fancy a little tiny carbine for no particular reason That Taranis looks pretty good! Can't spot price anywhere?
  9. Idle musing (based on rewatching Spectre!) : What MP5, or smaller, .22 carbines are out there? (And why do the MP5s here have such long barrels? To meet US, rather than UK, regs?) Quite struck that a fun .22, with a 12" barrel could be built along these lines:
  10. Nice, but the 2nd target is about 0.9 and 4th is about 1.1 to my eye - and that's the reality / frustration of .22! The whole thrust of this thread is that people shouldn't ignore the parts of their groups that they don't like just because it's a .22! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜Š
  11. πŸ˜‚ You need to take the scope-mounted card out on the other side too. Be like shooting from a submarine.
  12. Yup, for those who simply have to put money into a solution πŸ˜‚πŸ˜Š this is pretty KISS https://www.tabgear.com/products/dope-thing Shuggy, I'm sure I had one, or two, not seen them for a while, if I can find one and you want it, I'll post it to you
  13. That's a whole bucket of overthinking!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜Š And I too was quite struck by the peripheral vision blindfold effect, particularly of Gary's. Tape and sharpie. Or small excel table on stock and cover in fablon. K.I.S.S (DIdn't Tony Burkes used to do a 'dope thing' to put on a sling for this?)
  14. My overdeveloped imagination (primarily a result of Jaws and The Deep) meant I never got further in my flirtation with professional diving than HSE part 4, before deciding I wasn't cut out for it. Why do you ask?
  15. Blimey, that spuhr one is definitely a solution looking for a problem!πŸ˜‚πŸ˜Š I think this is being rather over-thunk: K.I.S.S Bit of tape on the stock or inside the rear flip up ..and sharpie.... ...
  16. Don't feel picked on- this happens everytime someone says 'heads' πŸ˜‚πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜Š - the ringleader used to be Bradders, but he's gone, so this is almost a memorial theme. 😊 - It's a weird UK tautology and something of a 'non-cognoscenti' marker, but some audiences undoubtedly need the clarification- I can never bring myself to say it and, if I sense audience confusion, say 'projectiles'πŸ˜‚πŸ˜Š
  17. A pic showing all the groups on the neighbouring aiming marks would be useful for 'balance', if those are cherry-pick groups.
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