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brown dog

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Everything posted by brown dog

  1. After much googling, just 90% decided to pull the trigger on a Vortex 5-25 Strike Eagle mRad, seems to be 'out of stock' or 'pre order' everywhere. Anyone have one for sale? (Who distributes these? Is there a problem? Is it a UK-only problem? Anyone know?)
  2. I genuinely don't understand how a pandemic has become a conspiracy theory. 'Lies'... the swamp...deep state. Etc..that fact that anyone actually believes that shite is just disturbing.. Having a problem with the 'With and not of' of the death stats ..is such a marker of not understanding basic scientific concepts , not understanding the disease's rough 4 week 'flash to bang time' and not understanding the nature of the disease's interaction with comorbidities -still a 'known unknown' - that it makes me wince.
  3. No flu jab then? No BCG, no polio, no diptheria, no typhoid, no hepatitis? Good call 😳
  4. So, actually, 'false' on the original statement.... a vaccine has no reliance on herd immunity, it's one means by which herd immunity might be achieved πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‚πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜Š
  5. That's my point... it's revealing itself as 'well left' πŸ˜‚
  6. OK, being a pedant, you have it back to front... a vaccine is one means by which herd immunity can be achieved. Not t'other way about.
  7. You're mistaken πŸ˜‰πŸ˜‚πŸ˜Š
  8. You're assuming a normal distribution πŸ˜‚
  9. Yeah. But it's a force of nature. Most of the libertarian viewpoints seem to view a pandemic as being more of a choice than something really nasty that we can't stop. I forget the exact unpublicised triage stat in London earlier this year, but it was along the lines of over 50? Male? = untreatable within resource. In Italy, such people were told to not even come to hospital, because they couldn’t be helped - stay at home and die, we can't help you. I know this isn't Spanish flu, but that was the last similar thing here; it went through like this: The size of the 2nd peak vs the first is notable, as is the 3rd (next Spring?). It's a force of nature and it's going to happen, it's just about whether we allow it to break the NHS at each peak. My view is that that needs a rather blunt big hammer - anything nuanced ( 'tracing app' etc) just seems to keep proving to be either undeliverable or ineffective - be nice if we could make them work, but, since it seems we can't: big hammer needed
  10. My favourite today was IDS (known as Ian Drunken Smith as a guards subbie) who said this: It seems he believes that anyone listening to world-class scientific experts representing the consensus of Western medical opinion and then heeding their advice is 'giving in'. The world's gone mad. An IQ of 4.
  11. It's expecting the same result: to reduce the surge in demand on the NHS to manageable levels. It'll do that. As did the last one. And as will the next one. if you think the purpose of lockdowns is to end the pandemic, you're operating beyond your cognitive limit.
  12. Top marks to bangbangman - spammer/bot
  13. A wanted ad is fine πŸ‘πŸ˜Š
  14. Idle moment, and this has caught my interest, without the 'reset' at each 100m step before shooting the next, this eg would be missing by 1.4metres at 1000m (This example does the 'weaponised math' extrapolation from a 100m zero coupled with a 300m data point ... with no resets as each distance is shot in turn - it's the resets at each distance that give the system the illusion of being accurate)
  15. ... but equally, you could have told him to apply the same come up for his 308 as for your 308 or 6.5 tables, because it will be 'in the parish' - that's all this 'gravity dope' table is doing.
  16. Not about experience, Dave, to my eye it's just a sort of trick that's been pseudo-scienced up. ..I'm still not clear whether you're amazed because you're getting 1 to 1000 having only shot at 100 and 300, Or whether you're shooting every distance and correcting to reality on every 100m step before you shoot the next? And I'm also not getting why you don't just write one of your actual drop charts down? πŸ€”πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜Š
  17. All that might make a bit more sense with the sheet instructions! 'Gives a value to gravity' - my arse; it's doing a standard trajectory approximation and taking the error out on each iteration.
  18. Sorry - hard to explain well, typing on a phone! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜Š Maybe this'll be clearer: Can the sheet get you 'on' at 600, without shooting every 100m step from 1 to 6? Or Does it tell only tell you the next 100m step after you've shot the one before? (Ie Shoot 100 then calculate SWAG for 200 Set 200 SWAG. Shoot 200, adjust error out of SWAG, record actual setting. Do maths on actual setting to calculate SWAG for 300. Set 300 SWAG. Shoot 300, adjust error out of SWAG, record actual setting. Do maths on actual setting to calculate SWAG for 400. And so on)
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