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brown dog

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Everything posted by brown dog

  1. Boydy - all great info - thanks!
  2. Just been reading some of the earlier links. It looks to be a scope designed by people who think that between themselves they know EXACTLY what people want, but haven't actually asked anyone in the target market (in fact, I have trouble deciding what market it's actually targeted at - it's 'not quite right' for just about every application that springs to mind - presumably I'm missing something obvious!). I can see they're MOA only, can't spot whether they're SFP only too?
  3. Whilst I get the reason, I don't get the design - it appears purpose built to catch and hold rain.
  4. I think I've only deployed on ops in 3 conflicts/wars; so it's quite a giggle to be called an airsofter ( ) But I'm happy as it's coming from someone with the type of intense operational experience that can only be derived from years at the heart of the highly trained and selected Tier-Zero crew : ........and, yes, "STABLE CLEAR!"
  5. Bradders, I was impressed from the outset that you have the lingo on this 'stack' stuff........but now alles klar - you have that site on 'favourites'?
  6. You could create most of this on Short Siberia for 22 ARs (minus pistol):
  7. Yup. Rational and balanced. Chaps: Please don't waste your time feeding trolls - just bring them to admin's attention.
  8. No need for intros; but thank you and welcome
  9. Mick, I have one. I could not over-recommend it. A superb piece of kit. Completely cures 'slippy face'. Give it no more thought: Get one. Bags - I'll let you have a play with the TAB bags next time we RV. Tony has found beads that lock when you squeeze; most brands continue to flow a bit.
  10. Think the opening post is worth a bump
  11. Who sent you that? Are you getting muddled up with another board?
  12. Here's a bit of spiel: We've now got UKV to between 25,000 and 30,000 unique visitors per month; that's a bigger circulation than any UK rifle magazine (we have the supporting google analytics) Compared to print media, we're beyond the penetration of UK rifle niche by a country mile. In pure circulation terms the UK's leading rifle publication 'claims' a readership of c18,000 -this will be based on an algorithm that magazines use that generally claims around 3 times the readership than copies actually sold. Whereas UKV really is 25-30,000 unique individual rifle enthusiasts. ......and compared to advertising precision rifle products and services in a magazine that has bigger circulation , but whose readership is composed predominantly of shotgunners, airgunners and other non-precision rifle people ...well, in terms of penetration of your target market (precision rifle enthusiasts) UKV really is a bit of a no brainer! We have three marketing options: The top banners are the site's premium Blue Riband position. Scrolling gifs sized as per the examples you see across the tops of all board pages. Yellow Riband is designed as a lower cost marketing solution. It offers exposure of your brand and linkage that takes customers to your site. The Yellow Riband’s strength lies in the fact that it allows advertisers to unlock the marketing power of UKV’s social space by engaging in ‘ice-breaker’ pre-sales questions with potential customers. Maximum benefit here will be derived form engaging in the boards discussions. Yellow Riband advertisers may initiate threads about their products as well as showcase their products in the precision rifles showcase. Yellow Riband buttons will be displayed down the right hand side of the board index page and offer a hyperlink to your website. Yellow riband buttons are limited to 200 wide x 100 high. Basic Trade enables trade members to discuss their wares in response to questions raised in threads to which they are relevant. Basic trade members may use the sponsors-only for sale section (subject to a reasonable use restriction). Basic Trade members may not initiate discussion threads about their products or use the precision rifles showcase. Advertising on UKV is paid by standing order, you run the advertising for as long - or as short - as you wish. We only ask, on a gentleman's agreement, that you let us know when you decide to stop.
  13. Panos, absolutely agree, the serrated edge is 'silly', but it is what it is. I'll see how it goes. Can't agree on the svord though; I look at them and think 'great' - then realise they're tool steel that'll be crusty red in no time. Can't understand non-stainless for an unpampered field knife. I like the look of the one Matt 2 posts ago; if I'd known of it I'd have got one of those.
  14. Can't comment on this properly yet; but at the 30 quid US price it seemed worth a punt. Full tang, thick blade; and despite having BG written on it, it's still a Gerber... Wouldn't have chosen the teeth but that seems to be a Gerber thing. Has nice confidence inspiring heft and balance in the hand. Very comfy grip size and shape. Just batoned the stuff in the burner - seemed good.
  15. I'm not sure (for a field knife) that I understand how the potential for a slightly better edge outways the negatives of blade rust. Despite their historical antecedents, surely a carbon steel blade is a less practical proposition for a sustained use outdoor / bushcraft knife than a stainless one?
  16. My point is, a carbon steel blade doesn't seem practical for sustained outdoor use; unless you're happy to walk around with it oily or greasy and all the mess that entails. I don't want to carry and use an oily knife. And there's the additional naus of having to carry oil or grease and keep oiling or greasing the blade (or to keep scouring it). Is that what people are doing?
  17. ummmm. Yes. Carbon steel. Without oil. How?
  18. I'm noticing that a lot of these great looking simple knives are carbon steel rather than stainless. Not sure constantly oiling a field knife is practical or desirable; how're you stopping them from rusting?
  19. The original Potts 'bullets backwards' article was about 2002 or earlier. Not sure which magazine; a few have disappeared!
  20. Chris, Grateful for the full scoop on his 'B416 backwards' load - and whether he's since moved on: grabbed this Bruce stuff off a quick google: and this on LRH back in 2005:
  21. Any one ever have any luck digging out the ancient Bruce Potts article on this? I just went to where I thought I'd put it and couldn't find it!
  22. "Brother"? You spending too much time on snipers hide Dave? It'll be a goatee beard, a chewed baseball cap and a Seal Team Six t-shirt next
  23. Of course - I just don't want anyone to feel like they must.
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