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brown dog

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Everything posted by brown dog

  1. Bit more tidying work to do, but the ec paint did what ec paint is designed to do:
  2. No amount of frittered away money will make it ambidextrous or light ... it's just a sh11t combat weapon .. put all the add-ons on it, and it's a weightlifting exercise.. Tommy Atkins could give no sh11ts that his 15lb 5.56, that he can't fire left handed around cover and can't fit a bayonet to because of the UGL is, at a theoretical level, less rubbish than it was . ...and no amount of newly-invented SA80 centre-chest cqb hold can overcome the fact that a combat rifle MUST be fireable from either shoulder...... I remember being on the wrong end of the LSW hard-sell propaganda for years... until one day someone, presumably who'd experienced it as a subby and knew the groundtruth, had risen in rank sufficiently to close the bloomin sh11te thing down ... . I would suspect that's what's happened here; groundtruth people have, over time, now reached sufficient seniority that they have the empowerment to say 'enough'. If ever their was a defence project that deserved a parliamentary enquiry... I had a C8 as my personal weapon for 2 years, so I have pretty good insight on it - and you can tell that experience has left me firmly on the fence about the relative merits of the two rifles 😂😊😊😊
  3. I suppose it depends on what sort of scopes you 'grew up' on. European is all I've ever used. .... and, if not, you could always read the numbers 😉😊
  4. 😂 b.a.i.r.s instagram memes are somewhere between 'you need to let it go' levels of bitterness and hilarious
  5. I'm quite looking forward to the MOD's reframed narrative reminding us yet again that the user community simply doesn't understand how good SA80 is and that, despite no other Armies having bought it and now - the icing on the cake - even our own booties voting on it with their feet - the entire commando brigade binning it - SA80 remains a world-leading rifle! 😂
  6. I'll check, it's 'normal' S&B ..which is CW in my head, but Ive muddled myself thinking about it!
  7. No box. With old style butler creeks. Glass immaculate. Currently has removable nfm desert paint AI paint scheme I'll post pics later
  8. A great chance to upgrade from your posh Asian scope (such as mid or top tier Vortex) to the 5-25 Schmidt PM2 that you (probably!) actually wanted!😊😊 Optically perfect 5-25 PM2 with FinnAccuracy MSR ret as here: MSR Link IMHO, the MSR is the best ret I've used. (Used this particular scope to place 4th in the Czech International Mil Sniper Comp at Libava a few years back) Looking for a nice quality posh Asian scope in p/x to put on a.22 (must be ffp metric, dial up to around 24/25 power (such as mid to top tier Vortex) in p/x) My price for the MSR 5-25 PM2 is £1700. Price on your scope and cash difference by negotiation.
  9. And just to lower the tone; this thread is in my mind. Decided I wanted to give the BAR22 a proper go at 50m/54.7yds Spent 30 mins looking for a 7/64 Allen key to take the eotech off..... eventually wondered if there was one in the box. Yes. And a replacement QD bolt🙄😂 Then put a sitting-in-cupboard low-quality scope on it. And decided it was time to go prone. Results below. CCI Subsonic Clean. SK Standard Plus. SK Rifle Match. The CCI was a surprising disappointment, the sense of shot 'randomisation was quite apparent - and something I hadn't noticed with the eotech! I then shot the standard plus - and was relieved to get a consecutive set of tgts rather more as I had expected! Then the Rifle Match - and I think the Rifle Match tgts turned out to be something of a tribute to the way Bradders put his BAR22s together. (Have to say, after I saw the first group go in to a tiny cluster, I choked the 2nd group - so that group spread is entirely me- calmed down again for the third group!) Not too shabby!
  10. Robin, fascinating insight to true rimfire accuracy.
  11. I think wind is a massive player on outdoor .22lr ten shot groups - on a gusty day, trying to get 10 away in the same condition is quite a challenge. I have in my head a 'wind equivalence' to 308 of about x5 - so even at 50m, tiny gusts pull groups apart.
  12. 3rd tgt. I like that cluster that keeps happening at 1 o'clock. I'm putting the 2 outliers down to a wind and, because we all know wind just isnt fair on a .22, I'm ignoring them. A solid 0.2in performance on all 3 targets. Easy-peasy
  13. 2nd tgt not as good. I still like the look of a 1 o'clock bughole, so I'm going new22lr-style on it and calling the two outliers as flyers: so another 1 oclock 'thumbnail' tgt.
  14. Bit gusty and veering from left 90 to 45 deg. Timing shots on the sound of the wind in the leaves of the tree next to me. 1st 5rd tgt. Lovely 4rd bughole. Don't like that 'flyer', might have to ignore it.🤔
  15. With an idle moment, I'm running a little experiment right now. Just set up 50m tgt and precision benchrest.
  16. Absolutely - 22lr seems to be unique as a calibre in which people seem to think ignoring any parts of a group that they don't like is 'OK' - that's why there seems to be so much overstatement of accuracy in this calibre
  17. Far more representative to see consecutive targets - and to include every shot in a group. I think, for 22lr, with wind such a massive factor, an indication of indoor/outdoor would be an interesting bit of extra data. Hard to judge group sizes. Fortyvoats; averaging 0.6 - 0.7in ? Palo; the red tgt, avg 0.5? Interesting to note how the groups move around the POA, if they were overlaid into one group, 1.5 - 2" ? wind?
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