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Everything posted by terryh

  1. Spencer Dies for annual press use have never been subject to restrictions as far as I know? LRF’s probably down to the model you are looking at ie something ‘military’ would probably draw attention Scopes?? Not sure how that goes, I’ve brought back spirting scopes but again probably down to which scope you are looking at? the biggest issue I normally find is a US supplier accepting. a UK CC for delivery to a US address you could just call DDTC, I’ve always found them responsive and helpful T
  2. The TAB gear mat is a good, compact and proven product. https://www.tabgear.com/products/pollok-shooting-mat Not sure who'd have one in stock UK these days though? T
  3. I ‘borrowed’ a spare industrial grade ultrasonic cleaner from work a while back as the ultimate case cleaning technique, could do 3-400 brass at a time It had programmable heaters, , sweep control etc.etc. Although it gave good results went over to a FA tumbler which I use on brass now and then. As per OoToT above, some fairy liquid and small amount of acid and even stained BP brass comes out like new. Cheap food drier finishes the job T
  4. Went with a 300NM build for ELR ‘lite’ ie not the CheyTac type. So hopefully 2000 yard potential. As it shoots very similar to the 338 could see no advantage in going for a cartridge that was banned from some ranges?? 300NM has been round for a while, the Smith who built my rifle did though wait for some clarity on chamber and reamer detail as he builds for LEO needed to ensure no issues, I managed to slip my rifle in with 3 test builds that had been required 👌. I’ve not experienced any chambering problems of resized brass. The bulging of cases near the base is not new, all be it slightly different reason, 300WM has special dies available related to this ref accuracy innovations. My NM pushes the 230g Berger Hybrids around 2950. With a suppressor it is not at all unpleasant to shoot.RS 80 has worked out well for me. T
  5. J currently Krieger, Benchmark (CF & RF) , Shultz and Larsen and Lothar I have run Broughton, Lilja, Shilen, Border. No issues with any of them To be honest do not think you will miss due to the barrel, go with the recommendation of your chosen Smith, he’s the one doing the work and should stand by it T
  6. Dave, That is exactly what I refer to, all be it tongue in cheek, with the ‘shiny shirts’, as soon as this pervades along with organised/sponsored teams then is it ‘game over’. Your example of IPSC is correct, this was my ref to CAS in my previous post, which started off handgun targets 10 - 20 yards, lever rifles out 40-50yards (steel targets against the clock BTW), now handgun is 7-10 and rifle in around 25 so reduced to speed shooting. Give me IDPA over IPSC any day (but think that’s even going a bit skew) The original SH Cup and Bash etc were exactly as you say, you carry everything for the day, food, ammo, handgun etc. Only top up was water (as South TX is a bit warm!). there was also variations in the competition format, e.g. a non stop 24 hour comp (that was actually 25 hours as the clocks changed 😱), a 308 issued ammo/stock Glock to remove the ‘windcheater’ cartridges. All friendly but competitive, no gaming etc. You cam away tired but with a grin. Now I’m sounding like an old fart ‘the good old days’ etc - dam I am my father! 😩 Terry
  7. .... 13 pounds 5 oz with full mag, no bi-pod Rifle has a 25” Med Palma barrel fitted 925” from front of action). T
  8. Lapua, I'll go weigh mine tonight and revert - but I scored a CF version of Terry's stock while visiting him so might not be truly indicative? ! 😎 T
  9. Mark, Out of interest why are you marking the brass, this is not being funny, just interested. I mark bullets in different rounds during load development, just not marked cases as yet. T
  10. TC, Concur with the cost thing, non issue when you look at the overall cost to go to a distant 2 day comp, or from a different perspective, just don't go out for a nice meal once a 1/4 and there's the price difference 😉 Also found the same thing re. your comment 'what I was shooting' and what there was out there to challenge me, living in the US at the time I shot quite a few of the SH Cup's & Bashes, TacPro, etc. but all pre-PRS (2003-2009). Very demanding with competitions being won with less than 50% of the possible hits - you went away realising what you could not do, but having a bloody good time finding out. If you have access I did a piece in Shooting Sports Aug 2007 edition on a SH cup (1st one with a helicopter stage - big grins) PRS came along in the US and changed all that and the IMHO 'gaming' came into it, folks had trouble handling the 'missing' bit (cannot possibly be me?) - same as happened in CAS and things like silhouette, they are demoralising (hit or miss, no score of a 4 for 'close' as in say F-Class or TR). Hence my personal 'angst' re. adding kit to turning every obstacle or challenge into a flat shooting position i.e. as close to prone as possible. Again this is just a personal view and how I see the challenge, but if it's within the rules have at it, as a caveat here is a comment re. status of PRL in the US from someone who's seen it all develop that sums it up: 'with 400 matches and 6000 shooters it's just an assembly line now with little or no practical application beyond your ability to buy a hit with better equipment' But back to the OP, when I finally get to shoot a comp, as opposed to a practice, it will be with my now 12 year old (4th barrel) 6.5x47 KMW Sentinel, 130g bullets, one rear back and a backpack. T
  11. Mirrored what happened in the US but on an accelerated scale here 🙁
  12. Have a ‘nice’ all steel no drill / QD RUASN scope mount system for 30mm scopes to suit the Schmidt-Rubin K31 rifle. The has rail attached into the cutout on the inner RH side of the receiver thus: It is machined to fit and being steel once attached does not move about/mar the action The scope is on QD rings with course wind age adjustment built in which once set can be locked. The scope ends up over the CL of the rifle, non of this hanging off one side. This obviously hampers ejection, but is better for actually shooting and accuracy. The whole package is well made, deep bluing, link to item: https://www.optics-trade.eu/uk/rusan-roll-off-mount-30mm-swiss-k31.html Looking £110 delivered
  13. NiD Not a ‘theory’ every time i’ve Imported from the US that’s what I’ve signed. Also deal with end use a lot at work related to the technology involved - same thing applies but at company level. T
  14. NID, Sure, during the import process from the US you sign an end user statement, something along the lines of ‘this is for my personal use in sporting activities, blah ,blah’ and in there is the wording ‘not for re-exporting’ (hence the ‘end use’) so you’ve stated (and signed!) it’s for you and you’re not going to sell it on, specifically it is not going to be sold outside the country where you brought it into. Now how anyone can track/enforce this etc. I do not know, especially a non serial numbered items like a barrel after it’s been installed - it is just a tube of steel! S’pose you could analyse the metal composition ? T
  15. Bit off OP but comment re venues and pricing. It seems a pity that within 6 months of the whole PRL startup there is a falling out resulting in a direct competing offering undercutting others because the person can due to other revenue stream. Sad really.
  16. NID, Out of interest where was the barrel made? If it was of US origin either you or the importer would have signed somewhere that it was not for re-exporting on the end user document, doing so, if caught (which is actually unlikely) you’d be in the poo! T
  17. WTPU's is a good read but common powders, Varget etc. quoted are not UK so bit limited, the bullet and primer data is though applicable and a good/helpful starting point. I'm waiting on a 6mm Dasher and the most common bullet and primer listed are, by coincidence, also my starting points, powder is the only issue, Varget being the powder of choice US end, thinking IMR 4166 might work and off the shelf here? T
  18. Josh - a lighter rifle has not seemed to have held you back? Concur with you comment re. a heavy rifle which links to my observation about add on kit, you are seeing heavy rifles to which you add, dependant on the stage you are shooting, a specialised front bag, then possibly propping up the rear of the stock with a tripod, basically removing as much shooter input/influence as possible - F-class with a barricade if you like? To me, and as per Mr Egg's comment, it would be about developing personal skills not technology. Caveat - we all have our own aims, so long as its within the rules do what you want to get out of it your goals. don't think the long action is an issue, if you are loosing out for the few msec difference in cycling the bolt then, well, we are getting a bit good! 😎 T
  19. Andy That’s what I was hinting at - ‘we’ are the issue 😉. over thinking kit might make you miss out fundamental skills perhaps? I’ve yet to shoot a UK comp, have only attended a warm up down at Tiffs. I came away ‘concerned’ at the presence of £1000++ tripods and folks carrying 3 different ‘bean bags’. Just sort of left me cold, but getting to a comp might change this? T
  20. John, Interesting thread. Would be good going fwds to list after each PRL comp the spec of the top 5 (10?) rifles e.g. action, barrel, scope, cartridge, gunsmith, possibly bullet etc. Would help folks follow what is developing. As much as I hate to recommend this, but the 'what the pros use' site is quite interesting, all be it from a US angle on things. The PRS/NRL has gripped over there, been a few issues with ownership, but very popular. Not sure on the bigger is better though? if you look at the trends in shooting , folks have gone smaller as opposed to bigger - case in point the comps in the US prior to PRS etc. being invented, were originally pretty much all 308, then George Gardener turned up with a straight 243 running 115DTACS (at not silly speeds) and showed the way, within a few years the 308 did not feature. The current PRS/NRL has gone the same way, smaller more efficient (accurate) rounds. thus: https://precisionrifleblog.com/2018/12/14/rifle-caliber/ Not saying we should adopt the US approach (especially the daft IPSC style shiny shirts 🤣, please!) but might be worth thinking about - considering the amount of shooters over there trying things out to be competitive. Also a different approach would be to look at why folks are missing targets as opposed to analysing the guys kit who are hitting them - just a thought? T
  21. Apply a bit of heat locally first, in case some *uck-whit has used the wrong grade of thread locking fluid!! this will break down the bond (a bit) T
  22. JJ What sort of shooting stalking or range? My ‘from the hip’ reply would be go layered so not one item, as I’ve found the ‘multi purpose’ normally means ‘multi useless’ T
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