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Ranges Shut Again

John MH

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Pops, it’s a virus that came from the same place as a Pathogen 4 testing lab ( so it has that and many more viruses - including Ebola ), what a coincidence!!!! Whoda thunk!!!!.The P4 testing lab ( also there is a P3 testing lab) was built with French money and signed off by Barnier when he was Frances forieign minister..... not the same testing restrictions in China as the Europe. 

There  are virologist who have questioned the origins of the virus in many way, from origin to form. Sona Pekova ( Czech ) for one. In fact she must have  such a tin foil hat she made a faster test for the virus as well - must be a SD lower than 15 in your book). Why choose to believe in just a single narrative or any one narrative? So how do you get modified RNA without manipulation???


Personally students having a beer is a lot less disdainful to me than virtue signalling  Margaret Ferrier letting the train take the ‘strain’ and no legal action taken against her...... wasn’t she calling for Cummings head?


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15 minutes ago, brown dog said:

You're assuming a normal distribution 😂

It is and I am.   SD15 describes the shape of the bell,  there's far fewer really clever or really thick outliers than the general population.  It's quite surprising given the comments by some on here - you're think the curve was well slewed to the left. 😁

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47 minutes ago, Gluv said:

If I'm not mistaken doesn't a vaccine rely on Herd immunity?🤔


OK, being a pedant, you have it back to front... a vaccine is one means by which herd immunity can be achieved. Not t'other way about. 

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45 minutes ago, Popsbengo said:

It is and I am.   SD15 describes the shape of the bell,  there's far fewer really clever or really thick outliers than the general population.  It's quite surprising given the comments by some on here - you're think the curve was well slewed to the left. 😁

That's my point... it's revealing itself as 'well left' 😂

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15 minutes ago, brown dog said:

OK, being a pedant, you have it back to front... a vaccine is one means by which herd immunity can be achieved. Not t'other way about. 

That was kind of what I meant . 🙂


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3 minutes ago, brown dog said:

So, actually, 'false' on the original statement....  a vaccine has no reliance on herd immunity, it's one means by which herd immunity might be achieved 😉😂😊😊

If you're mad enough to have that rubbish injected that is 🤔

The lifting of any Government or drug company liability speaks volumes. I'm taking my chances with the full strength covid 1984 😎


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2 minutes ago, brown dog said:

No flu jab then?  No BCG, no polio ,no diptheria?   Good call 😳

Definitely no flu Jab ! .  

Can't remember what I was injected with as a kid ( stand easy pops) 😉



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1 hour ago, brown dog said:

That's my point... it's revealing itself as 'well left' 😂

indeed, indeed

I wonder down the rabbit hole occasionally  - it's quite scary with the mad hatter


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6 hours ago, Popsbengo said:


Another 'expert' appears to reassure us it's all just a storm in a tea cup

Where do you get your nonsense stats from?


“Our current best estimates tell us that about 10% of the global population may have been infected by this virus," Dr. Mike Ryan, director of the WHO's Health Emergencies Programme, said at a WHO executive board meeting Monday.”



a) Covid deaths (updated to today, 1.11.20 ) 1,204,150


b) 10% of world population (7,800,000,000) is 780,000,000 


Divide 1.2M by 780M and we get 0.15%, so it’s gone up from the 0.13% when l first calculated it (roughly ⅛ of 1 per cent) to roughly ⅙ of one per cent.



Average age Covid deaths is 82.4:


l won’t hold my breath waiting for your apology.

maximus otter

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1 hour ago, maximus otter said:

“Our current best estimates tell us that about 10% of the global population may have been infected by this virus," Dr. Mike Ryan, director of the WHO's Health Emergencies Programme, said at a WHO executive board meeting Monday.”



a) Covid deaths (updated to today, 1.11.20 ) 1,204,150


b) 10% of world population (7,800,000,000) is 780,000,000 


Divide 1.2M by 780M and we get 0.15%, so it’s gone up from the 0.13% when l first calculated it (roughly ⅛ of 1 per cent) to roughly ⅙ of one per cent.



Average age Covid deaths is 82.4:


l won’t hold my breath waiting for your apology.

maximus otter

1million UK cases,  4.56% deaths,  world stats are irrelevant as the world isn't on one infection time-scale.  Please get a grip of the facts if you want to have a rational discussion.

It took you hours to dig up the nonsense stats and still you make a mess of it,  guess that's all you'll get from me.


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8 hours ago, Popsbengo said:

1million UK cases,  4.56% deaths,  world stats are irrelevant as the world isn't on one infection time-scale.  Please get a grip of the facts if you want to have a rational discussion.

It took you hours to dig up the nonsense stats and still you make a mess of it,  guess that's all you'll get from me.


The government has been lying about its own figures right from the start . They’ve even admitted to lying and yet the sheep still believe 😳

Dying with and not of COVID 1984 is the key 


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I genuinely don't understand how a pandemic has become a conspiracy theory. 'Lies'... the swamp...deep state. Etc..that fact that anyone actually believes that shite is just disturbing..

Having a problem with the 'With and not of' of the death stats  ..is such a marker of not understanding basic scientific concepts ,  not understanding the disease's rough 4 week 'flash to bang time' and not understanding the nature of the disease's interaction with comorbidities -still a 'known unknown' -  that it makes me wince.

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What surprises me is the behaviour of large chunks of Joe Public:


Why anyone with half a brain would want to get smashed, and spend hours face to face with others while jumping up and down to deafening "music (?)" and flashing lights, beats me.........

And it's not just here in the UK. I'm pretty sure that if everyone just followed the basics of keeping a distance, masks, and hygiene, the figures that the gov are basing their responses on would be very different.



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52 minutes ago, Re-Pete said:

And I'm starting to really resent being punished again for the inconsiderate actions of others......


You mean the people following the governments advice when they said masks were useless? Oh that’s right the so called experts have done a 180 degree about turn on masks . Keep believing the bull and beg for more draconian measures 🙄

And no I haven’t worn a mask since this rubbish started....apart from an S10 for a run around Morrison’s with an anti scamdemic message written on my t shirt 


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