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General Reflextion

John MH

General Reflextion  

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9 hours ago, Gluv said:

Will this vote count this time or will you be in favour of ignoring it like the Brexit referendum? 🤔🙂

Gluv 🇬🇧🇬🇧

At Last!  Rumblings from Deepest Cannock.  I think you will find my answer in earlier posts.  Been missing you buddy 😘

We should resume tomorrow when there's something useful to say

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Don't see anything wrong with question or the answer given - but it's a classic diversionary question that hopes to elicit a 'racist' response.

I'd certainly be interested in hearing , pops, how would you define englishness?

- We're quite happy to have Sturgeon bang on about Scottishness -  I'd like to understand why englishness can't be discussed.

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2 minutes ago, brown dog said:

Don't see anything wrong with question or the answer given - but it's a classic diversionary question that hopes to elicit a 'racist' response.

I'd certainly be interested in hearing , pops, how would you define englishness?

Clearly this forum is too snow flakey for discussions like that.

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24 minutes ago, Moorlander said:

Clearly this forum is too snow flakey for discussions like that.

It's not that.

The corbynites have taken us to a place where we can't discuss our own nationality whilst they spew their hate (see vid).

There's something fundamentally wrong with that

And I really am at the point where I pigeonhole anyone who claims corbynite anti-semitism is all a media invention, or not relevant, as being an anti-semite themself.


I wonder if we should close this thread so we don't all fall out over this pish?


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I think the term used these days by the liberal elite is you have to be 'woke'.

In its modern-day, politicised context, 'woke' is defined by the OED as 'originally: well-informed, up-to-date. Now chiefly: alert to racial or social discrimination and injustice'.

Or IMHO the ability to be offended by everything and be the excuse used to shut down debate, particularly from the left leaning snowflakes, when it does not fit their polarised agenda.

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18 minutes ago, John MH said:

I think the term used these days by the liberal elite is you have to be 'woke'.

In its modern-day, politicised context, 'woke' is defined by the OED as 'originally: well-informed, up-to-date. Now chiefly: alert to racial or social discrimination and injustice'.

Or IMHO the ability to be offended by everything and be the excuse used to shut down debate, particularly from the left leaning snowflakes, when it does not fit their polarised agenda.

Yes, and that weakness is what causes the erosion of shooting rights in the UK , too many shooters have been bitten by the snowflake virus and are scarred to make some noise to defend their sport .

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1 minute ago, Moorlander said:

Yes, and that weakness is what causes the erosion of shooting rights in the UK , too many shooters have been bitten by the snowflake virus and are scarred to make some noise to defend their sport .

scarred  🤔😂

some vicious virus that "snowflake virus"

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20 minutes ago, John MH said:

I think the term used these days by the liberal elite is you have to be 'woke'.

In its modern-day, politicised context, 'woke' is defined by the OED as 'originally: well-informed, up-to-date. Now chiefly: alert to racial or social discrimination and injustice'.

Or IMHO the ability to be offended by everything and be the excuse used to shut down debate, particularly from the left leaning snowflakes, when it does not fit their polarised agenda.

Yep, but its also used as an excuse for being unable to understand that others outside their social bubble don’t use language the same way they do. 

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Not surprising but a relief all the same 


Now perhaps we can get on with things again 👍🏻

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What a genuine relief.

Hopefully, that's a captive-bolting for the thoroughly nasty, hateful and racist politics of momentum.

Hopefully, also, the new Con seats will force a Con shift nearer centre-politics as the size of the majority emasculates some of the party factions.

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It is a snowflake society these days being too many dogooders around and most peope are scared to voice their opinions from fear of racism or some form of discrimination which is outrageous 😂.

Politically correctness 😴😴.

What a pile of poo.

Not sure where this will all end up 🙄


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