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Posts posted by Popsbengo

  1. 6 minutes ago, Private Marker said:

    I went on Saturday  to Stoney Castle and had a great day! Has a bit of a busman's holiday down the butts  :)

    As for the ban of certain calibres and black powder, I'm not sure how the MOD could police this.

    I didn't see anybody from Landmarc or the MOD all day. I suppose they could do spot checks. 

    The RCO is responsible.  It would be very serious to ignore Range Orders

  2. water attracting is hydrophilic not hydrostatic

    Interesting article found on-line

    "Application of molybdenum disulfide in open air at elevated temperatures is limited to 700°F (371°C). Higher temperatures cause oxidation of MoS2 into the molybdenum trioxide MoO3 and sulfur dioxide SO2. The oxides attract moisture resulting in increase of the coefficient of friction.
    In non-ixidizing environment and in vacuum molybdenum disulfide is stable up to 2100°F (1150°C)."

  3. 26 minutes ago, tackb said:

    I tried sorting it amicably but no dice sadly 

    i'd prefer not to go the court route but will if I have to but that will cause bad feeling and I will feel compelled to warn other shooters about gardeners behaviour whether I win or lose.

    I am a precision rifle enthusiast and agree it should be promoted but poor behaviour within the industry shouldn't be hidden lest others are conned as well ?

    Please stop this,  it's pretty boring and, in my opinion, completely unfair to use this forum to air your one-sided issues

  4. 1 hour ago, The Gun Pimp said:

    Eskdalemuir is a fantastic facility and, with the growing interest in ELR - with several countries now hosting competitions other than America - this range could be a great venue for European competitions. The ELR rules have been revised (in a sensible direction) and it would be great if Mark were to get involved and perhaps host a shoot next year.

    I agree, I have nothing but positive experience shooting at Eskdalemuir.  Marc and David have been great.  I would love to hear all sides of the issue re "tackb's" post.

  5. 8 hours ago, The Gun Pimp said:

    Nick, a tumbler can be used.  All you need is a small round container with a screw-on lid which will hold about 100 bullets. Put a small amount of moly powder in with the bullets and seal the lid with a bit of tape. Lob it in your tumbler (with media still in place) and leave for a couple of hours. Tip bullets into an old towel and remove surplus powder. You will now have 100 bullets which will give you less velocity than un-coated ones. You may be able to recoup the lost velocity with more powder - if there's room in the case. But, after all that - what have you gained? Hannam's sell the moly powder.

    On top of that there's also a reported problem of moly causing barrel life issues.

  6. Also worth noting that the ear pads deteriorate with use over time.  There are kits available (Amazon).  I, like many of us I expect, hadn't given my ear defenders any thought after buying them.  £10 certainly worth spending to return them to comfortable and effective use.

    You can get stick-on cotton anti-sweat pads from Arco too - nice on hot days


  7. 35 minutes ago, Mark II said:

    If it reads the pressure at your location does that mean you don't need to know your feet above sea level ?

    that is right - provided the app isn't trying to correct for altitude and give you sea-level pressure (my Suunto will do that in some settings).  Sea level pressure is what's given by national weather stations so it's standardised for all users irrespective of local altitude.

    What you are trying to correct for is actual "station pressure" ie where you are.  Set your ballistic app to "station pressure" too.  

    In general correcting for air pressure and/or altitude only makes a usable difference if you have recorded zeroing conditions to extrapolate from - ie station pressure or sea-level pressure with altitude when you zero (along with temp and humidity).  What you are adjusting for is relative air density which is a combination of temperature humidity and pressure.  If you know that, apologies for mansplaining.

  8. 13 minutes ago, One on top of two said:

    Set up for patch 👍
     and yes BP all the way . 
    I want to be one of the few  shoot the mile with BP terry . 🤔
     And try to show these urban operators how to shoot steel bill Dixon style ! 

    Marc should do you a special badge for BP to a mile!  Take a protractor and plumb-bob to set the elevation for plunging fire. The bullet will be coming down at not far from vertical 😁

    Do make a video to share.


  9. Eskdalemuir is excellent.  I find it's rally hard to get a sense of distance - the 100yd gongs look like 20 yds!  Thankfully there's a gravel area on the slope in front of the mile target so it's possible to see fall of shot and fine-tune.  The .338 hits at +1 ml are reasonably easy to see with a spotting scope or through a 25x scope  (I need about 18 mil with 300gn Lap Scenar at 2900 fps).

    It's fun to shoot, count 3sec whilst recovering hold and then see your bullet hit!

    The first target back from 1ml is 2000yds, then one at 2000metres.  Last time I was there (Oct) there had been no hits on the 2mile as yet.  Wind at +1600yds is "challenging".

  10. 4 hours ago, SMLE said:

    Just wondering what others do to clean their strippable moderators such as Wildcat Evo’s.

    I’ve been giving mine a scrub with washing detergent and warm water before drying and an oily rag wipe over prior to reassembly. This seems to be working well but feels very agricultural!

    Is anyone out there being a little more sophisticated and using ultrasonic etc.? If so, any pro’s or con’s?

    I tend not to want to fix something that isn’t broken, but I am getting bored of standing at the sink..... one of the reasons I own a dishwasher.

    Might be interesting to see what others do.

    Buy one that's not strippable, that way it doesn't need cleaning 😉

  11. 30 minutes ago, baldie said:

    All forces should grant the bore size only eg 6mm etc. They dont. 

    Some do however, mine being an example.

    You usually get bore size back when you apply for something, not on the computer.

    My 6mmAR was granted, and is listed as a 6mm.

    I agree.  That was what I was getting at in my earlier post about making a rod for our own backs - don't feel you must give the FEO chapter and verse about the exact cartridge - give them what they ask for - calibre (as meles-meles pointed out).  If they insist on more information then so be it - just don't jump the gun (awful pun intended).

    Having said that, I had a recent discussion regarding an application for a .30 Calibre  - he wanted to know if that was to be 30-06 or 300 Win Mag  - both 30cal but very different I think we could all agree.

  12. 15 minutes ago, Private Marker said:

    The mantlet is too low? Given the army's obsession with uniformity aren't they built the same? I can't say I have been on every one, but I have been on a few and don't remember banging my head on the mantlet on any of them. 

    It does smack of trying to keep the civilians out. 

    I can't help thinking the stand alone ranges like Stoney Castle will be sold off as the cuts bite.

    In the small selection of Military ranges I've visited there's not much in the way of uniform construction - possibly due to the long history and the various mods done to accommodate differing target technology.

    It's not that "they" don't want civilians.  There will be competing voices - those who want the income (DIO) and those that just don't want the added complexity of booking around clubs (Military) .  Not to mention the returning troops needing access for weapons training.  Let's not forget that the access for clubs is very much secondary to the main requirements.

    What we all desperately need is a "Bisley of the North" (preferably 10mins from my back door😁).

  13. 21 minutes ago, Private Marker said:

    I never thought of it like that. 

    As for it being about the money, totally agree. MOD ranges are managed by Landmarc. I assume they have to be paid to open up if the range isn't in daily use. 

    An annual range license is obtained for a club (at about £160) from DIO.  This permits a club to then book range time on that regions ranges.  The range booking is made and a fee is calculated on a "per lane" rate in half days and then x hours "overtime" for the warden split between clubs sharing on the day.  In 2018 it was around £220 for four lanes for a day at Kingsbury.  Not cheap.

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