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Posts posted by Popsbengo

  1. I use "Shooter" and I have used various others.  They all do a job, but at the end of the day, real-world data is the best.  I have tabulated data from various ranges (such as Eskdalemuir) for my loads and I can use that to dial in out to 2000yds with reasonable accuracy.  I know nobody that can turn up, calculate with an app and shoot a first shot 'V' at >=1000yds.

    The biggest problem to my mind is that G1 or G7 BC profiles are by definition imperfect representations of actual drag.  I've used so-called Doppler RADAR curves and they were only marginally different to good-old G7.

  2. 1 minute ago, Moorlander said:

    Yes, and that weakness is what causes the erosion of shooting rights in the UK , too many shooters have been bitten by the snowflake virus and are scarred to make some noise to defend their sport .

    scarred  🤔😂

    some vicious virus that "snowflake virus"

  3. 9 hours ago, Gluv said:

    Will this vote count this time or will you be in favour of ignoring it like the Brexit referendum? 🤔🙂

    Gluv 🇬🇧🇬🇧

    At Last!  Rumblings from Deepest Cannock.  I think you will find my answer in earlier posts.  Been missing you buddy 😘

    We should resume tomorrow when there's something useful to say

  4. Don't you think, on occasion, it's a good thing to challenge the echo-chamber ?  Many of you (not all) are clearly more rightwing than I.  I do not want Jezza as PM and his cronies are dire, but I think the Serial Lying Buffoon and his cronies are worse!

    There is almost no chance that Labour will win a majority (thankfully) but I do want to see an alternative coalition to the Tory scum and the Brexit damage they will wreak.  You may not like it,  you may say it's "undemocratic".   I say let's see the dice roll, if the population vote and go Tory sufficiently for a majority then so be it - that will be democracy because I believe the population has well and truly heard the arguments for and against - unlike the Brexit referendum.  If the vote goes down as a coalition then that too will be democracy at work.

  5. The world is not black and white, both main parties are run by incompetent and self-serving individuals.

    I don't want Brexit, I don't care about the nonsensical arguments about "democracy".  It's all about the 10% in the middle - have they changed their minds?

    I choose the path that is least unpleasant knowing that most of the extreme nonsense in Jezza is well under control

  6. 4 minutes ago, Kalahari said:

    Something all the remainers need to remember is that a vote for Corbyn probably means leave, even if they don't say so. To do all the very expensive nationalisation the UK has to be outside the EU!


    I also wonder about how many people don't seem to understand how democracy works. People voted to leave, we should carry out that result. Of course all remainers are then free to try and get the UK to rejoin but that is an argument for further down the track.



    Oh, that's how democracy works !  🤔

    Glad you cleared that up.  There was I thinking a General Election with clear choices was also an exercise in democracy - obviously not.

    Get Labour in as a minority gov, stage a second ref, not much time for all the other spending spree, wouldn't get a Finance Bill passed anyhow.  Ah, bliss

    Seriously though, Brexit is clearly a major issue in the GE but by no means the only issue playing out.  Should Labour cop for a minority government it will be because sufficient people don't want Brexit or at least Boris Brexit.

  7. By the time the Greens gain any leverage, we'll be too busy bailing out the houses from rising sea levels to worry overly about Green firearms policy !

    I live on a hill at 185m, likely to be looking over the Sea of Cheshire to the Islands of Beeston.

    I don't think firearms legislation is a likely deciding factor for me.  A sense of proportion and priorities; and a glass of whisky is to be recommended.

  8. Whichever way you vote it will require a great deal of nose holding - I'd love to support the middle-ground (Libs) but they've no chance of keeping the serial liar out of office.   Corbyn is a c*%t but less of one than those Tory-boys.  The country can't stand another five years of robbing the poor to pay the rich.

    There's plenty of times we have had to sit down with the Devil over the years and to draw a line under desperately bad situations - how else would there be piece in Northern Ireland?

    We made peace with the Germans, with the Japanese,  with Israeli terrorists in Palastine.  I think I can be selectively deaf to some stupid words uttered by a silly Marxist.

    I want a Lib/Lab/SNP pact  - it's the only way to not get Tory or Labour madness.  I far from ideal solution but we need to avoid a crash out Brexit.

  9. Just now, John MH said:

    So you are happy to give up your .308 Win and .338 Lapua?

    1. There's bigger issues than shooting - waiting for a cancer operation trumps shooting fun in my book

    2. I think whoever gets in will be very busy-busy so no time to worry about firearms in the next 10 years

  10.  It's not surprising that the UKV demographic is heavily Tory.  My guess is predominately over 50, white males into country sports  🤔

    Well, I'll buck the trend I think.  I'll hold my nose and vote for anyone but the Serial Lying Buffoon and his cabinet of self-serving weaklings and nasty thick Little Ingurlanders.

  11. 1 hour ago, Ralpharama said:

    'G' range isn't mentioned. I shot there in November and all was fine. I'm gutted to see they've taken J3A away now. What's that all about? That was my favourite range 😥

    Not good for the environment ... we have to travel further and further for our sport and most of us necessarily use four wheel drive vehicles. 

    If comrade Corbyn gets in I think it will get worse. Not only will he cut back massively on military but I doubt he would approve of the proletariat enjoying firearms either.

    I wonder if long range target shooters class as an oppressed minority?


    😂🤣  way to go with a sense of proportion  

  12. 10 minutes ago, ruger7717 said:

    All civilian use of IBSR ranges has been suspended. This came from Chris Rose, no one knows why.

    Who is Chris Rose?  I understand field firing ranges are not allowing civilians as there's no civi RCO credential and no templates.


    This might shed some light on the origin of restrictions;  ie application of templates


  13. 58 minutes ago, ds1 said:

    Hi Andy,

    yes you should or at least the opportunity to have one and CCW it if you choose. I watched the bridge incident on live tv - great respect for the British public and police.

    And the Polish chap

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