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Posts posted by Popsbengo

  1. I have a genuine old-stock, never fitted barrel for an Enfield P14 .303.  It came with my P14.  It's original proof marks are in place.  the barrel is marked "17" so it was received into War Dept. stock in 1917.  I believe it is a Winchester made barrel.

    The chap I purchased this off has had it in store for +50 years.  He's an ex RoF development engineer, and he had it 'just in case' packed in grease.  I purchased the rifle and barrel last year and have no use for the barrel as my P14 shoots well.

    I have no information regarding bore or chamber other than it all looks good to me with no signs of corrosion.    It's not blued and has some very superficial corrosion externally.  The foresight slot is machined and timed to the thread.

    £100 please - obviously it's an FAC transfer so you need a slot on your FAC (excepting dealers).

    P14 A.jpg

    P14 C.jpg

    P14 B.jpg

  2. As Terry says, not worth the trouble at the US border.  Here's the extract from the current  Federal "Munitions List"  (sorry about 'bold' but I can't turn it off!)


    Category III—Ammunition/Ordnance 

    *(a) Ammunition/ordnance for the articles in Categories I and II of this section. 

    (b) Ammunition/ordnance handling equipment specifically designed or modified for the articles controlled in this category, such as, belting, linking, and de-linking equipment. 

    (c) Equipment and tooling specifically designed or modified for the production of defense articles controlled by this category. 

    (d) Components, parts, accessories, attachments and associated equipment specifically designed or modified for the articles in this category: 

    *(1) Guidance and control components for the articles in paragraph (a) of this category; 

    *(2) Safing, arming and fuzing components (including target detection and localization devices) for the articles in paragraph (a) of this category; and 

    (3) All other components, parts, accessories, attachments and associated equipment for the articles in paragraphs (a) through (c) of this category. 

    (e) Technical data (as defined in §120.10 of this subchapter) and defense services (as defined in §120.9 of this subchapter) directly related to the defense articles described in paragraphs (a) through (d) of this category. Technical data directly related to the manufacture or production of any defense articles described elsewhere in this category that are designated as Significant Military Equipment (SME) shall itself be designated SME. 

    (f) The following explains and amplifies the terms used in this category and elsewhere in this subchapter: 

    (1) The components, parts, accessories and attachments controlled in this category include, but are not limited to cartridge cases, powder bags (or other propellant charges), bullets, jackets, cores, shells (excluding shotgun shells), projectiles (including canister rounds and submunitions therefor), boosters, firing components therefor, primers, and other detonating devices for the defense articles controlled in this category.

  3. Thanks for the heads-up. I've been for a read on the DEFRA and BASC websites.   I can certainly see the unintended consequences that could follow any change to the law.  I doubt the lay-public are aware of CITES controls and unfortunately react to the bad press generated by dentists and president's son in laws that shoot lions etc.

    Option 4 seems to be the sensible choice and get's my support (and I don't personally approve of trophy hunting unless it's justified as a by product of welfare or meat harvesting)

  4. 8 minutes ago, Trigger73 said:

    Thanks for the replies folks.  I'm thinking about reloading not as a cost saving exercise but more of the fact that for me it's another thing to learn and have more shooting related knowledge, added to this I'm slowly going down the target shooting route and I've been told that if you get your loads right then your consistency will improve as allegedly you're removing a possible negative variable? 

    You're on the right track, reloading is a fascinating subject on its own and you will be able to get the best out of your rifle as you can tune the load to be spot-on for your set-up.

    Best of luck with getting started.

  5. 14 minutes ago, banus02 said:

    good afternoon,yes accuracy is required but I have found that ggg loaded rounds are as accurate as home loads and almost as cheap!   £86 per 100, 86pence a round com pared to my 76pence a round.but each to their own ,good luck to the op.

    maybe as accurate as your home loads 😁

  6. 3 minutes ago, banus02 said:

    good afternoon,try and locate a reloader in your area,get them to show you how they do it and then ask your self is it for you .if you fire less than 300 223 rounds a year it will not be cost effective! if how ever you find a reloader who already loads 223 you could discuss that you buy the bullet of choice for your loads and share the cost of powder and primers with the reloader. reloading is not for every one and you don't always save money.

    Good idea re finding a reloader as long as they're competent (I've seen some horror shows).  It's not just about cost saving is it?  Most target shooters reload for accuracy.

  7. You need a good reloading manual.  Lyman 50th edition is excellent, loads of general instruction and advice as well as the all important load data.  I suggest you get that and read up as much as possible before spreading the cash.

    By all means watch Youboob, there's some excellent stuff but do be aware there's a lot of poor practice and down right rubbish on there too.  Any video by a manufacturer like Hornady or RCBS is a good start.

    There's loads of good stuff second hand on eBay.  I would recommend you get a good press like a Rock Chucker, it's the heart of your system.

  8. 32 minutes ago, Re-Pete said:

    Why do you say that? I've had a load of grief trying to get a repeatable method, and I was just trying to find out exactly how others do it..........Pete

    I find the trick is to ensure:

    a spotlessly clean and dry chamber and throat,

    make sure the modified case is dry and spotless, screwed up tight to the gauge body

    press the gauge and case firmly into the chamber and keep the pressure on

    gently slide the bullet upto the lands until it just stops (helps to have three hands 😁)

    push a dowel rod down the bore and ease the bullet back and to and find the 'touch' (by feel)

    lock it off, withdraw and measure.

    replace the bullet and do it again a few times - record the measurement and take the mean.

    I use Sinclair stainless steel inserts in the caliper gauge as the Hornady anodised alloy ones give me variation

    I can get to +/- 1' on my 308 with Lapua Scenar 155 and Sierra MK 155

    I've tried the drop bolt method (stripped so no resistance from the sear) and it's not as repeatable on 308 or 338 for me. (but it is an excellent way to check headspace)

  9. SMLE  - back in the day, we called it "fitter's feel"  - stood Henry Royce a career.

    I use the Hornady gauge and the drop bolt method  - both ok but the Hornady gauge is easier to feel.  I use a dowel down the bore to just ease the bullet back off.

  10. 1 hour ago, Plecotus said:

    Seems that, in my effort to be concise, I didn't give enough background.  Apologies.  I think the word 'bookings', without context, was misleading....

    This is for one of the clubs I belong to.  It has an indoor range.  Currently, there are a number of more or less regular shooting nights and a number of ad-hoc sessions run by RCO-keyholders.  Members have no way of knowing, currently, if the range will definitely be open on a particular day/night and, if it is, whether whoever is opening it will have access to the armoury to be able to sell ammo and/or make club firearms available as not all range keyholders have armoury keys. 

    Equally, if an RCO plans an ad-hoc opening, perhaps because someone has asked if the range can be opened to do something specific,  there is no way currentlly that said person can find out if anyone else will already be using the range when they get there. 

    We don't need to manage commercial bookings or anything like that, just a simple(!) system whereby members can see when the range is booked, what it's booked for, what will be available in that session and, for RCOs, the abilty to post when they are opening and what will be available.


    How about Google calendars?  You can set up shares and permissions so everyone (with rights) could see virtually live update info.  Just a thought. It's free.


  11. 26 minutes ago, Plecotus said:

    Does anyone have any suggestions or, beter still, experince of an online booking system that coulld be used to allow members to book range slots and see when the range is already booked etc? 

    Not sure what you idea is.  Is this for a particular club or in general?  Most ranges (I guess?) and definitely MoD ranges are booked by clubs not individuals.  I've not used it but MoD now use BAMS;  the reports I've heard are not good  (and range allocation is still done by the TO I'm told).

  12. 10 minutes ago, DM308 said:

    So . . . i have a 308 RPA - 16" barrel and i have to say - it's a tack driver, never let me down once and despite the lack of size - it still holds 1 moa at 1000yds !!

    Now, i'm thinking of getting a 338 - but, undecided what to go for - i was all set for an RPA but . . . i've heard the 338's have issues with snapped firing pins - the 5 round mag puts me off and apparently they are just bloody uncomfortable to shoot!

    The TRG doesn't appeal as i know they have had some issues in the past - triggers etc

    Can anyone comment on the above? apparently 3 RPA's had to be pulled off the line at Bisley recently as they all had firing pin issues

    Any info greatly received!!

    Can't comment on RPA firing pin problems - seems rather worrying.

    In general, depends what you want to do with it.  Custom or Factory ?

    I have a Dolphin chassis Barnard PL with Truflite UM 32". No magazine as I load long and don't need one anyhow.  It's very accurate and didn't break the bank.  The Barnard trigger is excellent, the chassis is easily adjusted to fit perfectly (necessary when pounding yourself with .338)

    AI also make a very nice rifle but a tad more dosh.

    Make sure you're getting a twist rate suitable for big pills as 250gn doesn't cut it at 1mile plus.

  13. 3 hours ago, Brillo said:

    The problem that I see with the lack of transparency of club shoot dates is it makes it difficult for new shooters (and I include those wishing take up the sport as well as those with shines new FACs) and experienced shooters belonging to a different club to find out when they can tag along with a view to joining that club.

    I am guessing that not many club officials appreciate cold calls about this.

    Cold calls and emails abound at our club!  And I'm happy to get them.  Only very rarely do we need to fob someone off who's obviously a dick - maybe one a year.

    Interestingly no one has ever asked me if they could tag along to a full-bore shoot to observe (other than the occasional spouse/sprog).  We are always welcoming to those that want to come along to our club nights and see some small bore shooting and question us on probation etc prior to committing to join.  I see it as part of the committee's job to promote shooting sports.

    If the club presses the wrong persons into doing committee jobs they don't want or can't manage then that's a matter for the membership to resolve by stepping up and volunteering!

  14. 4 hours ago, DaveT said:

    It was easier then but there is home office pressure to 'hide' shoot dates behind member-only access areas which makes sense security-wise.

    As a FCSA member I am trying to get a login ID for ODRC from Simon Wheeler ..... still trying!

    What "Home Office pressure" ?   I agree that it's a good idea for security but I'm afraid there's way too much bull-shine about HO & Police changes of policy.  I may be wrong so please point me in the direction of this HO "advice" because I think all clubs should be made aware!

    ODRC are 'full of it' recently it would appear


  15. 1 hour ago, Andrew said:

    Were these in your Anschutz? There are a lot of warnings not to shoot Stingers in match chambers. I have only had one rifle that liked Stingers: a worn out Ruger 10/22. Ate them up.


    As to the SK Match. From my T1X using a bipod with no rear bag/support they gave 10 shot groups that resembled a 35 caliber hole +/- at 50 yards.  I am not the best shot so I gauge accuracy by watching to see if the bullet strikes the spot on the target that the reticle was over when the trigger broke. SK was pretty good about dropping them onto the cross-hair. Another ammo that was very  good was the SK "Semi Auto 22LR". I don't know if this is available to you but the LOT I have shoots almost as well as the Match. Good steel plinking ammo.

    The top performer has been and remains Federal Ultra Match which was simply rebranded RWS, R-50. Oddly, a local ranch supply store got in quite a bit of this ammo for their gun department but at $139 US /500 they don't sell much of it. It is the best over-the-counter rimfire ammo available to me. When I'm on my game it will shoot one hole at 50 yards. Federal dropped their contract with RWS so this won't be available to me once the supply runs out. R-50 sells here for $22.50 US/50 which makes this remaining Federal UM a good deal. I've managed to stock up a few bricks for match shooting.~Andrew

    RWS Rifle Match (in the yellow and black box) is excellent too and quite a bit less than R-50

  16. 29 minutes ago, Catch-22 said:

    ^^ This is a shame! As a member of ODRC, it makes me sad to hear this 😔 

    Personally I think it’s ridiculous to expect probationary shooters to attend 6 shoots in 6 months...especially considering that many shoots have been cancelled recently.

    I can completely understand if you’re put off joining...I would too if I were in your position. This is not the attitude the club should exhibit if it is to both retain members and accept new ones.

    As a member, I apologise that you’ve been treated this way.

    don't think he means ODRC

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