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Posts posted by Popsbengo

  1. OK, the time is nearly upon me to decide which 6.5 or do I go 7mm ?   We're talking long range targets only.  Cost of reloading is irrelevant (I own a .338 after all 😁);  accuracy is everything, historic interest is for others.  I don't want anything wildcat - factory brass a must (Lapua or Norma cases preferred)

    Custom rifle build is to be the way to go so not fussed about availability of factory iron.  No requirement for magazine loading.  No limitations on competition classes for me but I don't want anything breaking into HME territory.

    The front runner is 6.5CM because I have tried & observed this calibre and am suitably impressed.  OSOK threw a spanner with his 7mm / .284  thoughts.

    What's the collective thoughts folks ??


  2. I'm no hunter so please take my question with a pinch of salt:  If you guys are shooting deer or elk at less than 300 yds why does windage matter between 6.5CM and a 308? It's peanuts except in very strong 90 deg conditions.  Surely the kill zone is pretty big (5" diameter ??)

  3. I actually read the National & Local Gov. Risk Register and Local Contingency Plans along with the NHS Flu pandemic plans back in the Jurassic period when I was in a position of authority (the fools!) at a large car manufacturer.  Myself and the rather enlightened Head of Security (believe me, that's rare) tried to engage the company in contingency planning for such an event but we were not taken seriously.

    How's that working for you Mr CEO?

    One issue that was predicted, as yet (hope never) come to pass, and that's a national fuel shortage due to deliveries failing.  I have 'some' jerry cans of diesel and keep the truck topped up.  It's a good idea to swap out the diesel annually as it looses cetane rating in storage.

    Upshot is, like Brown Dog, I have kept a food & essentials store for some years now - minimum of 30 days for two at recommended calories (could be eked out to 45 days), not including what's in the larder & freezer.  Even had some bog roll!  I too was clearly mad in the eyes of some.   He who laughs last etc.

    Oh, and one last piece of advice, that I've just blown myself, don't tell anyone about your store especially neighbours who can be assholes 😉

    And, should Zombies emerge, I have a surprise for them 😂🤣

  4. 14 hours ago, snakeman said:


    Anyone know who else manufactures a single-stage press with priming executed on press?..as like Lee press with safety primer tray/lever 'click' arm

    Agree with Kaboom, total lack of feel using a press.  I have an RCBS bench mounted priming tool, excellent feel with the added benefit of not running out of hand strength part way through a batch.  It's fitted right next to my Rockchucker and doesn't get in the way by cluttering up the bench

  5. 46 minutes ago, snakeman said:

    Used a bog-standard Lee Challenger for years and never had accuracy issues which could be deemed as caused by ineffectiveness of that press - it served me well for years and is now delivering fine, accurate loads for a friend...

    It's nearly 3.00pm and still no sign of pops...Most likely still doing the 'Do-Wop-Dee-Wop-Dee-Wop' around that press and he's probably gone Comfortably Numb 😵...Come in, earth to pops, do you read us? 🤔...(or, he's gone to church) 😃

    Hello!  Been for a walk, sorry to keep you.  Archers omnibus so plenty of .308 to load..


  6. 26 minutes ago, Bob57 said:

    Yeah but pops just not doing it right, you have to seat the bullet a bit then turn twice more😋


    27 minutes ago, snakeman said:

    Try rotating it the other way, pops 😄

    yes but only when there's an "R" in the month 😉

    Catch 22, don't know what you are referring to re 'honed dies' - all I do is polish the seating stem where it bears on the bullet ogive otherwise, standard Hornady 'competition' die.

    I do have Radio 4 on the radio while I load, don't know if that has any affect ?

  7. On 3/21/2020 at 10:22 PM, Catch-22 said:

    Personally, I’ve not tried validating this myself as I don’t own a concentricity gauge. But have read a few resources that recommended it and as it’s quick, simple and free (no extra equipment needed) I’ve just always done it and have always been able to produce very accurate and repeatability accurate ammunition.

    I too use a RCBS Rockchucker Supreme, albeit with a mix of Whidden, Redding and Lee (.44mag) dies.

    Here’s something I’ve read in the past. There was also a good piece by the USAMU on it but can’t locate it as yet.



    I thought I'd try the seating in the part-steps and rotate method again just in case my earlier tests were poorly controlled

    50 off .338 Lapua Mag, Hornady 285 ELD-M.  Hornady seating die with correct stem for ELD-M.  Lapua brass 2 thou knock back in Redding bushing die. RCBS Rockchucker press.  Bullet part seated then rotated 180deg and then fully seated.  

    I achieved no statistically significant improvement over seating in one pass.  The only 'benefit' to me was it helped fill up a boring self-isolation day 😀

  8. 5 minutes ago, Strangely Brown said:

    I managed to find one of the above in South Africa which arrived this week; whilst in good overall condition there is no original finish on it whatsoever.

    The sight that will be attached is a BSA 9c and looks to have been a "sleeper" still showing good signs of deep blueing. My thoughts are to blue it using heat and oil. This is something I have never attempted before, nor any other type of blueing come to that.

    Any thoughts tips; type of oil, colour of metal after heating etc would be gratefully received.

    I would appear to have some spare time on my hands over the next few weeks! 🙄

    I would suggest a cold bluing solution like Birchwood Casey Perma Blue if you want a durable finish.  It's pretty good if you follow the instructions accurately especially cleaning.

    I would avoid heating the plate and possibly changing the hardness/temper

  9. My Orsis .308 barrel has done 2,350 rounds now.  Still almost as good as new.  I load 155 Lapua Scenar with N140 at around 2,730fps av.

    I shoot on a gallery range so the shot-rate is low and barrel heating is therefor also low.

    I clean after every shoot (usually 30 to 40 rounds) using Wipe Out and a nylon brush.  Very infrequently copper remover used.  I have a Hawkeye bore scope and everything looks fine.  The throat has next to no erosion based on my gauge figures.  The barrel has cut rifling at 1:11

    I think those Russkies know how to make good steel!

  10. 14 hours ago, VarmLR said:

    Trouble is though Pops that it's not necessarily always the case at 100 yds as differences in velocity of 30 or 40 fps make very little difference and can easily fall within an MOA group at that distance given a reasonably swift enough MV. Arguably though, we're looking more towards quarter moa depending on barrel/load/shooter capabilities, so then I'd probably agree with you in principle.   It's only once out beyond 300yds that BC and stability really starts showing up more in terms of group size.  I've shot some groups with the 223 which were all sub moa at 100 yds, but the same loads at 300yds (flat base G1 profile bullets) were miles apart.  Groups rarely tell the whole story but finding a node where harmonics promote better group consistency is key.  OCW, find the nodes, tune the node (if needed) after trying a few 5 shot groups and crack on. 

    OK, it was a 'given' to me we were talking about sub 0.5moa groups at 100yds.  I agree that if one is shooting around 1moa at 100yds the rounds will likely be 'all over the place' at distance

  11.  If I've got a good tight group due to having found a 'node' then I find that a wide ES will result in a looser group (if we discount operator error) - it's physics; if the angle of departure is the same and the velocity is different the POI will be different.  We need a harmonic node and bullets doing as close to the same speed out of the muzzle - ie SD/ES.

    Consistent loading of quality components, utilising quality equipment, done with skill is what's needed.  Fire some 5 shot groups and find the best.  Simples.

  12. 26 minutes ago, John MH said:

    No need to panic, people need a routine, as I have lots of experience being isolated from wider society I offer the following routine as adopted in our house to help you through this national crisis.

    Home Working Routine (Wife and Son not so keen but orders is orders)
    0500: Call the Hands.
    0515: PT Versaclimber 1 hour mix of HIT and Cardio or walk the three Miniature Schnauzers.
    0630: Breakfast – Fresh Fat Pill (Bread Roll) made by Duty Night Chef (Son), cereal and out of date UHT Milk, plus some form of egg with Breakfast Special (Seggies, Sauté Potatoes, Mushrooms, Comanches Boll*cks, Yellow Peril, Elephants Footprint or Sh1t on a Raft dependent on day of week). Fat Pill may be saved for lunch to be eaten with Summer Soup.
    0700: Long Forenoon Watch (working remotely answering emails, taking part in conference calls and reviewing overdue business processes).
    1300: Lunch – Homemade Summer Soup (sum of this and sum of that mostly last night’s leftovers) and Fat Pill saved from Breakfast, Roast on Sunday.
    1330: LLD. On Sunday watch RN Training Movie; In Which We Serve, Cruel Sea, Sink the Bismark, Above us the Waves, Morning Departure (only if in date for SETT), We Dive at Dawn, etc.
    1500: Catch up on emails, come up with good ideas (keep them to yourself).
    1600: Four O’clocker’s (Cake, NAAFI No.3s, Nutty, Cake, NAAFI No.3s, Nothing its Sunday).
    1630: Clean Ship (House).
    1700: ‘O’ Group, Plan of Tomorrow.
    1730: Optional PT or LLD.
    1830: Dinner (Traditional British, Italian, Curry Night, Anyone’s Guess, Harbour Cotter & Chips, Steak, Pizza – Monday thru Sunday).
    2000: Movie. On Saturday Wife gets to pick it from prepared list.
    2200: Lights out.

    Excellent, can Hornblower be added to the movies list, or is that on the wife's list for Saturday ?

  13. 19 minutes ago, Re-Pete said:

    This was sent to me by a friend a few minutes ago..............

    "At The Princess of Wales hospital. NHS staff have been sent this:

    This is the advice given to hospital staff.
    It explains the virus and hopefully, how to prevent getting it.
    Please share with family, friends and work colleagues.

    Virus Detection:

    The simplest way to distinguish Coronavirus from a Common Cold is that the COVID-19 infection does not cause a cold nose or cough with cold, but it does create a dry and rough cough.
    Sent in to us just now and we wanted to share this knowledge & advice with you all.

    Please do the same and take care!


    Hi pete, not trying to be rude but much of this stuff has been debunked elsewhere - hot drinks, fibrosis test etc.  Your quoted peace is clumsily written and smacks of Farcebook "advice"  not NHS medical guidance.

  14. 3 hours ago, Private Marker said:

    No offence but do you know something I don't? The NRA have me booked until Friday and I have private work for the weekend. Nobody has said anything to me or to my shooters about an imminent closure. 

    I think you've had your answer now..


  15. 19 minutes ago, Private Marker said:

    Contrary to confusion on Facebook  Bisley is still open. As you all know, Bisley is privately run and not run by the MOD.  

    Many clubhouses and all the restaurants or cafes are closed though. 

    not for long now - it'll be shut in a few days

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