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Posts posted by Popsbengo

  1. 3 hours ago, Brillo said:

    This raises all sorts of concerns about buying firearms related goods through any shooting forum.

    in the time I’ve been a forum member I’ve got to know many other members so buying or selling to them again is not a concern. But what about those not dealt with  be? It’s relatively simple to sort out obvious trustworthy members by their association with other known members. But it still leaves a few unknowns.

    It’s very difficult to spot scammers, but you tune into clues if you’ve been close to being hooked in before.

    For me, the key learnings from this episode is:

    1. Never meet in a remote location. Choose a site like Bisley or Diggle.

    2. Don’t invite an unknown to your home.

    3. Assuming 1 and 2, never pay until you’ve confirmed the item is genuine.

    I would add to talk on the phone, it should be reasonably easy to sniff out a fraud with a few questions.  If they claim an FAC ask for an image of it.

  2. 38 minutes ago, Marc Gardner said:



    yes it was our intention to run both ranges going forward, along with others we have currently in development elsewhere

    GGRR club members will be using the new range, and they will have access, via their membership, to ANY long range facility we operate

    No, FCSA cannot negotiate a lease on the RDA as this is held by Marc Gardner personally for many years yet to come

    Good question, i have no idea what FCSA were planning for the future but all they have achieved is the closure of the facility.


    Anybody interested in this situation can read our public announcement that i put on Facebook just now

    Marc, some of us avoid Facebook like the plague - any chance Helen could send out the post to members please?


  3. I have just looked at a copy of the DIO License form for my old club.  This was issued 2018  by DIO West & Wales and is a standard MoD form

    "DE FORM 5665 (F/Lands/434) (Version 3.0 — Jun 06)"

    Section 10 (2:  ensure that all members and authorised spectators while on the premises behave in a proper and orderly manner and that no disorderly person is permitted to be or remain on the premises and that without the permission of the said Officer no child under the age of 16 years and no animals are brought on or allowed to remain on the premises

    The "Officer" is the Range Commandant.  This is Maj. Jim Salisbury I believe.  Good luck with getting anything out of him 😉

  4. 30 minutes ago, Big Al said:

    Something I found from my own experiences both shooting and building competition rifles is there is so much dogma out there. A guy wins and so everyone hangs on his every word, his thoughts become Gospel and those who are afraid or to lazy to explore outside of these 'devine principles' just believe it and then do it and repeat it for the rest of their lives.

    Im only interested in the truth, not 'my own made up truth' or 'someone else's truth' but the real truth, stuff I can see and measure with my own eyes and verify with a level of testing that takes chance and coincidence out of the equation.

    Big Al, 100% agree, thank you for saying it as you have way more credibility than many (including me) that post on here.  I'm heartily fed up with the bull-shine that get's trotted out as gospel without any real understanding of what's being touted as this week's 'Big Idea'.

  5. OCW "The right way" ??  Dan Newberry I presume.

    Nice shooting Catch22 but each to his own.  I get similar results shooting groups of five in one weight, then five more at another weight etc.

    I don't buy the rational for round-robin shooting 'spreading the errors across all groups equally" so thereby reducing the effect.  Voodoo statistics.

    Regarding charge weight increments:  0.1gr is  0.11% of the likely load of 95gr for a .338 LM.  I do not buy the idea that one could resolve the difference from all the other factors.

  6. shoot groups nice and steady.  I don't agree with gruntus's method, I shoot 3 shots of one load spec and see what group I get.  Repeat for other loads.  Select the best three-shot group results and then shoot 5 shot groups to see what the best of this refined group result is. Then try slight powder weight variations on load around that best result.

    SD is useful but it's irrelevant if the group is poor.



  7. I clean my barrel after very shoot.  When I start load develop the round count would be in single figures.

    SD from two shots is largely irrelevant, it could be significantly worse in reality.  Assuming the shots are otherwise well controlled I would say you need to find an accuracy node.

    Also try half grain increments.




  8. 18 minutes ago, martin_b said:

    Thanks Guys, 

    Definalty Mils, ( I'm a physicist 🙂  )  and I already have an FFP scope on one of my rimfires ( a falcon)  which I like. What concerens me more is will most scope have enough "clicks" to get me from a zero at 100m out to maximum Bisley distances and  maybe beyond?

    +1 for mils.   I'd strongly recommend a 20moa rail or mount.  Check specs for plenty of elevation.

  9. Sound advice from Triffid.  If you go FFP, do check out the reticle at maximum magnification as some are 'thicker' than others.  Illumination is largely irrelevant unless you plan on low-light shooting.

    I'd defo look at secondhand as you may get something near perfect and save a shed load for ammo.

  10. 27 minutes ago, 6.5 shooter said:

    Hi all,

    up until now I have been solely a neck sizer but I want to bump the shoulders back a little. 
    I have all redding type s competition die sets and the only way possible with these die sets to bump the shoulder back is to use the FL sizer die and adjust it accordingly but I dont want to size the body. 
    I dont want to have to buy forster shoulder bump dies for all my calibres so im thinking I will have to get a machinist to ream the walls of my FL dies out a little?

    unless im missing something does anyone else have a different idea or how does everyone else carryout this task without full length sizing?


    If you set back the die to bump back the shoulder to a size larger than SAAMI spec it won't be resizing the body to full-length spec.  The case is tapered and won't be going fully into the die.

    Obviously if you intend to bump back to SAAMI then you will be full-length sizing the whole case.

  11. I'm aware of certain textured surfaces being useful in reducing drag - being used for both hydrodynamic and aerodynamic performance enhancements

    I was wondering if anyone has done any research on effects of bullet surface texture on external ballistic performance?  For example, brushed micro grooves vs. highly polished

    Of course, bullets are spinning at around 200,000rpm and travelling supersonically for most applications so it may be wholly irrelevant.

    Thoughts 🤫

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