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Posts posted by Popsbengo

  1. We've taken the reluctant step to close all shooting and social activities at our club.  It's just not worth the risk to members and their families as we can't effectively manage sanitising and social distancing.  At the end of the day peoples wellbeing trumps their hobby/sport every time.

    I expect DIO will close down access to their ranges pretty soon.

    We're just going to have to talk about it for the next few months - thankfully there's a good forum I'm told 😉

  2. 1 hour ago, meles meles said:

    Bear in mind oomans that when us and the kows started coughing some of you bald monkeys sought to cull us. Now you lot are coughing, why should we spare you ? 

    *Places a loo roll against a nice backstop as bait, takes up position in a hide*

    The bTB has got to your brain dear Brock

  3. 1 hour ago, Andrew said:

    My resentment towards on-line data is that many new reloaders start with data and no instruction. I wish new reloaders would read a book on the subject. Fifty years ago, my uncle, a good reloader and gunsmith, made me read a 900 page book on the principles and practices of handloading before I could touch his equipment. It paid dividends. Without the internet, where would the fellows experiencing 'sooty cases' or having they rounds not chamber go for help? ~Andrew

    100% agree.  The number of newbies that ask me at our club and want to get stuck in without bothering with anything as boring as reading or even watching Youboob (full of very variable 'information' indeed). At least a book has to pass some sort of editorial review !

  4. 1 minute ago, KABOOM said:

    Hi I have been lurking for years finally joined, in the USA and if I can willing to lend knowledge


    Welcome to the worlds premier shooting forum 😁😉

  5. 43 minutes ago, deadcenter said:

    Both my local ranges closed until further notice.

    The yanks are buying masses of ammo again, gouging is rife, up to 4000% in some cases. Utter madness.

    I assume at some point in the not too distant future, we won't be able to get certain ammo or components. The US is a massive customer to a lot of manufacturers.

    Oh well, there'll be less of them and us to buy stuff after the 2nd wave of C19 so the price should drop...😟☠️

  6. 4 hours ago, Catch-22 said:

    Likely no.

    But something worth doing is rotating your bullets as you progressively seat.

    So seat half the bullet, back out and revolve case 180 degrees, then fully seat.

    Has been proven to improve concentricity.

    Interesting. I had heard that this was a thing.  I did some trials of this procedure with my RCBS Rock Chucker.  I have a Sinclair concentricity gauge and tested 50 off fully seated in one pass and 50 seated progressively with rotation.  No statistically relevant differences seen on .308, .223 or .338.   I use Hornady seating dies with polished seating stems in all calibres.  I must say run out is very small in all cases anyway ± 2 ~ 3 thou. and easily fixed with my calibrated thumb

  7. If it's a bolt action then CZ455 thumbhole stock with 16" barrel.  Excellent value, accurate but trigger could be better (it's easily fettled if you're handy).  If you have the dosh an Anschutz is always a good bet.

    If it is a semiautomatic then the Sigg 522 Target is pretty good but no where near as good as the above.

  8. I think club secretaries/committees around the country are having to get to grips with what to do.  Difficult decisions for all.  It's doubly worrying when we consider the average age of club members (our median is 57 so half of our members are over that - many over 70).   I for one don't want to contribute towards the possible demise of my friends or their family members.

    We're all adults and we probably all agree that a Nanny State is not good thing;  however in this instance I think the government advice is sound

  9. 3 minutes ago, Triffid said:

    You're focusing on the ammunition. Could it be something to do with the chronograph instead? Is there a delay between each string?

    I recall Laurie Holland experiencing something like that in his primer tests.



    that's an excellent point, I've not noticed any aberration with my Labradar but it's worth checking out

  10. 55 minutes ago, terryh said:

    My bad, read it wrong

    My 'accurate' 22rf does not perform well from a cold bore in any condition, if i was shooting a comp target I would fire a couple of warmers.

    Perhaps these soft bullet, all be it coated, perform the same way, so if the 1st round is always crap might just have to live with it?


    Yes my CZ455 .22LR has a predictable error too.  First shot from a stone-cold but otherwise uncleaned barrel always goes high and left.  From then on it's spot on enough for bench-rest accuracy (in it's class).  If I put the rifle down and shoot it an hour or so later it's fine.  If I shoot it next day, it's high and left !  This is with RWS, CCI and Eley ammo.  Weird 😊

  11. 1 minute ago, terryh said:


    Clean/cold bore shot can be different, for me it is one of the characteristics you need to know about your rifle(s).

    But to resolve your problems lets apply Ockham's razor,  you could eliminate one thing by not cleaning your rifle between strings (that removes the 'clean bore') and the other by firing a couple of warming shots before you start (removing the cold bore from the equation)

    Then see what happens to your results?

    Brgds Terry

    Didn't read it as M cleans between strings and he identified first round through clean/cold barrel as expectedly wayward.  I may be wrong but the problem seems to be understanding why the first round of a string through a barrel that's had fouling shot(s) goes wayward

  12. There's a lot of volume in a 45/70 case and your light load of powder is 'sloshing' about in there.  Combustion is likely to be variable.  Why only the first round?? I can't explain.

    I load full power 405gn and never experienced any first shot issued.  Some mates use Unique (a touch slower than Green Dot) and they've not experienced your issue, or at least, they've never noticed 😀

    You could try an inert filler (there's plenty of stuff about techniques etc on t'internet)


  13. Try writing to the manufacturer outlining your concerns about their product and the customer service from TJ.  You may find the manuf. has more warranty knowledge and recognises the issue.

    If that doesn't work you could try Trading Standards and then possibly the small claims court, quite easy to do and the threat of court action may spur TJ into action.

  14. Hi,  I thought I'd share my experience of a new cleaning additive I've tried in my ultrasonic bath with excellent results.

    Carbusonic EP26R   https://www.carbusonic.co.uk/Jewellery---Precious-Metals/   £33 for 5Ltr but that makes up 80Ltr mix and I use the mix it more than once so reasonable value.

    I've been trying various products and home-brew mixtures but I saw this and thought I'd give it a go.  It's identified as being 'for jewellery' so I reasoned it would be reasonably gentle. A 1:15 mix at 40degC for 10 mins in my ultrasonic and spotless!  Remember to degas the mix first (using boiled water helps).   Best stuff I've tried.  Quick rinse and dry and into the vibro tumbler with walnut and a tiny dash of jewellers rouge.

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