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Where are all the hardcore Varmint hunters gone ?

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As per title .

are there any varmint hunters out there . I’m not talking about some who shoots the odd magpie with a lucky shot at 250 m 

I’m talking  about The type that takes the time and effort to be effective , the type that actually  does there homework on there quarry and then goes into the field with a properly set up rifle and all the associated kit and the skill set to be able to use it to it max . 

I know back in the early part of 2000 - 2008  there was a bit of a following  , a lot of people had some fantastic set ups and there where quite a few very proficient hunters out there  And many accounts of peoples forays .Even in some of the magazines. but seems to have dwindled away , I don’t believe it’s an ethical call as there are as many people now game shooting and stalking As ever , maybe more ? Has it just gone out of fashion ? 

I have been a hunter for 40 yrs now and  cut my teeth as a pigeon shooter , which I still do today and find a very effective method of pest control , but many years ago I sort of fell into the varmint hunting scene as a means of increasing my effectiveness and found it to be a very successful Combination at different times of the year and over certain  Types of crops .

my first varmint rifle was a Sako L579  .220 swift , then the mandatory .22-250 And then the 243 ackley improved . And now days have gone back to the .223 

nowadays I don’t get as much time as I like to what with farm work , gamekeeperIng And crop protection for various farms . And of course our Horses , but I still have a great passion for the  long range surgical approach . And still try to spend as much time as I can to maintain my ability to deliver a Single clean ethical shot based Experience and the correct skill set NOT an inflated ego . 

so if there is still any of you still lurking away , show us what you got , what and how you go about it . Why you decided on the set up you have . 

I know your out there 🤔😁




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Morning mate, 

Good point well presented... and from personal experience, il put a bit of context as to why i don't think many will post anymore..

I am fanatic about precision rifles/kit/shooting for practice/varminting/foxing and deer stalking... Over a year ago i decided to go to the effort of making several tasteful/lengthy youtube videos, which showed everything from my reloading process, to setting up in the field, taking wind readings, setting up for shots and then from distances of 200-650 yards- making repeated accurate shots on steel targets at vermin (no blood or gore, because all vermin was too far away to see blood and guts).

The general feedback was VERY good and a lot of people really enjoyed watching the vids, and wanted to see more... but there was a small collective of persons on this site... who complained and labelled my videos as disrespectful ‘snuff vids’.

My vids were taken down and then after some arguing allowed to repost, only to be eventually taken down again.. 

For a private site called UK VARMINTING, i was absolutely mind blown that any shooter would go to the extent of stopping someones videos being uploaded... and then un-constructively degrading them online from the safety of their office/ keyboard...

I understand there are site rules.. and will have/always have fallen in line with them... but it got to the stage where i felt it was pointless making anymore videos and it put me off even posting articles about my lifetime hobby/passion...

If the above was an article, i would title it ‘The enemy within..’.

All the best ! 🤙🏻🇬🇧

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Hello fox dropper . 
I know where your coming from and exactly what your saying , however I really am hoping that this can be kept to a discussion backed by a sense of proportion and a degree of intelligence ( I may struggle on the latter part of that , but I’m willing to make the effort ) 

therefore I would kindly ask that IF those of you who  don’t not feel that they can control there urge to be an opinionated ass or have NO interest in the subject , PLEASE give us a swerve .  People will think NO less of you if you want to keep your personal views to yourself . 


anyway ... 

like a said at this present time I have gone back to a .223 for lots of reasons really . Apart from the fact I think it’s and great and very well designed cartridge and to be fare absolutely smashed the brief at the R + D stage of the round  imo 

I think it’s very overlooked Nowadays , but it’s such a versatile thing . 
I have had a complete turnaround in my varmint calibre’s in how and what I expect from them , for years it was all about speed ... speed and more speed , but I soon learned that speed is not always your friend , you just end up with faster misses . 

nowadays I like fast twists and heavy bullets , for a while now I have gone back to an old fav of mine the 80 Amax , and have worked a fantastic load for it  , i like the reliability and to a degree the predictable way it handles in the wind , even at long distance . 

this is my current set up 




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Still here!!! I go back a long way probably to the very start of UK Varminting and over the years put quite a bit of content into the site.Still run mostly RPA 6BR and PPC,s.and many a rebarrel by Dasherman and Russ Gall.Don,t get out so much as I did for one reason or another, could be something to do with getting older I guess!? I,ve learnt a lot or rather as much as i need and hope I,ve helped a few on the journey.Here,s a pic from the past ,,I still have the rifle and scope and bag rests!! although that barrel on the RPA has long gone and the Vauxhall Frontera too!! Take care everyonehope and pray we all have many more years to play yet XOnehole


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2 minutes ago, onehole said:

Still here!!! I go back a long way probably to the very start of UK Varminting and over the years put quite a bit of content into the site.Still run mostly RPA 6BR and PPC,s.and many a rebarrel by Dasherman and Russ Gall.Don,t get out so much as I did for one reason or another, could be something to do with getting older I guess!? I,ve learnt a lot or rather as much as i need and hope I,ve helped a few on the journey.Here,s a pic from the past ,,I still have the rifle and scope and bag rests!! although that barrel on the RPA has long gone and the Vauxhall Frontera too!! Take care everyonehope and pray we all have many more years to play yet XOnehole


That’s a lovly set up there , single shot ? 

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Thanks!Yes,,barrel is now a kreiger 12 twist on that 6BR,, mod is now wildcat and stock has been carbon finished,,same scope,,,,,,,I 75vmax at 3250 and happy to use to 400 ish and be confident.Cant wait to get out again now,,,,,,O I see you like your fast twist 22,s,,,,,me too,,,and run 22ppc with 75 Amax,,,,pushing 3k.

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One hole , your set up is about as “ varminty” as you could want 💕 

im getting 2800 with my 80 Amax and very consistent they are too .

i did run a 243 Ack imp for a long while ( still one of my all time favourite calibres ) 

I would run it flat out with 70 grain nosler BT but it just shredded barrels . 

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I also find the  .223 excellent for vermin control, I find the 77g TMK  a good bullet and have taken rabbits out to 400y, recently changed to the oryx chassis can't fault it. One on top of two what powder do you use, I am getting 2920fps with cfe223 



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30 minutes ago, Gandy said:

Takes me back I had an RPA in .243. 

I wonder if the accessibility of thermal and night vision has taken over somewhat with ground based vermin?

I think the only thing that thermal and NV has taken is field craft 🤔😂

to many nowadays seem to be far too reliant Modern technology. 
But that said I think there’s also a rising number of folk that are discovering that there tech is NOT a replacement for “ just knowing your 5hit “ 

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3 minutes ago, stephentri said:


I also find the  .223 excellent for vermin control, I find the 77g TMK  a good bullet and have taken rabbits out to 400y, recently changed to the oryx chassis can't fault it. One on top of two what powder do you use, I am getting 2920fps with cfe223 



Ooooooooh I like that 👍 I’m using RS 52 . 
to be honest I’m not pushing it I get no worrying pressure signs at all , but it just shoots so well . 

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34 minutes ago, onehole said:

Still here!!! I go back a long way probably to the very start of UK Varminting and over the years put quite a bit of content into the site.Still run mostly RPA 6BR and PPC,s.and many a rebarrel by Dasherman and Russ Gall.Don,t get out so much as I did for one reason or another, could be something to do with getting older I guess!? I,ve learnt a lot or rather as much as i need and hope I,ve helped a few on the journey.Here,s a pic from the past ,,I still have the rifle and scope and bag rests!! although that barrel on the RPA has long gone and the Vauxhall Frontera too!! Take care everyonehope and pray we all have many more years to play yet XOnehole


Superb rifle's onehol👍, I bought one of the first intercepters in 22-250 , battleship grey stock and I believe a  L walther barrel which the first one's had, still have it in the cabinet, but hardly ever use it now as the 204 and 17fireball with n/v has mostly taken me over 😃, would like to get the 20prac out to smack some crows and Maggie's,but this lockdown has people wandering about everywhere around here😕

My good friend who is no longer with us😢 used to video a lot of our shooting that rifle,day and night. he was probably one of the first to post rifle shooting on YouTube under the name of warrolutak ( not sure if spelt right), some of you might remember the clips?, foxes,crows, rabbits,etc, I remember reading the comments 😂😂.

So yep ootot, still shooting as much as poss, but more in the dark now with n/v, the air rifle has also been drinking a bit of air with 127 rats in 3 outings just recently, great fun😃.


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Still here, still shooting vermin, but I don't post as much as I used to (bar recently) because forums generally ebb and flow with a lot of the same topics and information being covered.    I took a break from forums for a while as I felt many had become too cliquey and if you weren't "in the clique" there could be quite a lot of disrespect floating about...not on this one I hasten to add, but certainly on another one, possibly the other main shooting forum on the UK.  That one has gone downhill rapidly with a real low common denominator to the extent that many topics read as if penned by spoiIed or belligerent teenagers.  I was also disillusioned by the undignified goings on in one of the UK's premier LR shooting clubs this past 18 months and really it made my mind up to keep my hobby as my hobby and with the exception of my primary club (which is like a big friendly family) I don't "do" clubs because it means necessarily having to deal with some that test the patience. I love my shooting and have done for donkey's years, from when it was part of my job to becoming my main hobby.

I also take a break when, if after genuinely trying to contribute, the response sometimes is less than welcoming by the argumentative few who always know best.  I have no truck with such people and do not suffer fools gladly, possibly a hang up from my past life.

For all the negative there's a lot more positive on here though.  It's a great place to discuss the finer points of reloading and shooting skills and join in the banter.  Something was lost though with the sad loss of a few members including George and Bradders (RIP both).

I try not to publish too much about what or where I shoot (bar target) as it runs the risk of becoming a target, as foxdropper has discovered, for dissent and anti's.  I just don't understand how those joining a site entitled UK VARMINTING can be that way.  Perhaps some have the wrong idea or wrong forum?  We are under enough pressure from the outside without making things difficult for members on the inside.  Of course it always pays to stay within the bounds of decency as this information is very public and we need to be ambassadors for our sport.

For the most part, I have little interest in making or even watching videos.  I'd rather use the time more productively, learning something new each day, perfecting skills and getting out as much as possible, which is less than I'd like these days!  

One thing does interest me is what everyone uses as their main vermin control rifle set-ups?  For long range small ground quarry and feathered pests, I find myself pretty much sticking with the little .223 as for the UK I find it really is the Jack of all trades, and I love the variety of loads available (tight twist barrel in my case allowing 45 to 80grn).  Longer range or more challenging conditions and the 6.5 comes out of the cabinet.  I've sat an older Nightforce scope on top of the 223 and dial, using Strelock Pro, a handheld anemometer and also use a Leice RF...that's about all the kit I carry and have my manual ballistic charts to fall back on which I've developed for each load. 

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I know this may sound daft to some but . 
like I said I like to keep myself as good  as I can be , after all we’re all Striving for that

cold bore - one shot And of course  Above all Ethical shooting .

so how do you practice to achieve this ? 

the chap that taught me use to make me practice with a tennis ball .And I still do this to this day , if your lucky to have to some flat fields it’s great , if not then it’s of no use to what so ever haha

When fields have been drilled and rolled I like to put a tennis ball out at a good couple of hundred meters , then go back and find yourself a nice shooting position , leave all the gadgets and gizmos in the truck , and go old school . 
use your ret to range find the tennis ball And mirages to estimate wind speeds and take your shot , if you miss work it out and try again . If you hit the ball jumps upto 20 - 30 meters away And you then you have a new target and a new solution to work out  . just keep repeating It won’t take long to get the ball out to 5 - 600 meters that’s for sure. the tennis ball will last for ages . 
it’s a very simple way to practice and very effective of getting you to work things out . 

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5 minutes ago, VarmLR said:

Still here, still shooting vermin, but I don't post as much as I used to (bar recently) because forums generally ebb and flow with a lot of the same topics and information being covered.    I took a break from forums for a while as I felt many had become too cliquey and if you weren't "in the clique" there could be quite a lot of disrespect floating about...not on this one I hasten to add, but certainly on another one, possibly the other main shooting forum on the UK.  That one has gone downhill rapidly with a real low common denominator to the extent that many topics read as if penned by spoiIed or belligerent teenagers.  I was also disillusioned by the undignified goings on in one of the UK's premier LR shooting clubs this past 18 months and really it made my mind up to keep my hobby as my hobby and with the exception of my primary club (which is like a big friendly family) I don't "do" clubs because it means necessarily having to deal with some that test the patience. I love my shooting and have done for donkey's years, from when it was part of my job to becoming my main hobby.

I also take a break when, if after genuinely trying to contribute, the response sometimes is less than welcoming by the argumentative few who always know best.  I have no truck with such people and do not suffer fools gladly, possibly a hang up from my past life.

For all the negative there's a lot more positive on here though.  It's a great place to discuss the finer points of reloading and shooting skills and join in the banter.  Something was lost though with the sad loss of a few members including George and Bradders (RIP both).

I try not to publish too much about what or where I shoot (bar target) as it runs the risk of becoming a target, as foxdropper has discovered, for dissent and anti's.  I just don't understand how those joining a site entitled UK VARMINTING can be that way.  Perhaps some have the wrong idea or wrong forum?  We are under enough pressure from the outside without making things difficult for members on the inside.  Of course it always pays to stay within the bounds of decency as this information is very public and we need to be ambassadors for our sport.

For the most part, I have little interest in making or even watching videos.  I'd rather use the time more productively, learning something new each day, perfecting skills and getting out as much as possible, which is less than I'd like these days!  

One thing does interest me is what everyone uses as their main vermin control rifle set-ups?  For long range small ground quarry and feathered pests, I find myself pretty much sticking with the little .223 as for the UK I find it really is the Jack of all trades, and I love the variety of loads available (tight twist barrel in my case allowing 45 to 80grn).  Longer range or more challenging conditions and the 6.5 comes out of the cabinet.  I've sat an older Nightforce scope on top of the 223 and dial, using Strelock Pro, a handheld anemometer and also use a Leice RF...that's about all the kit I carry and have my manual ballistic charts to fall back on which I've developed for each load. 

Great and balanced post. Thanks 😊

Always good to read technical and expert rifle/equipment focussed varminting chat, which I sense was the intent of the OP.  The 'other stuff' always attracts trouble and trouble-types, which is why we don't have it on here. Simples.

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VarmLR I’m glad to see your having some input, I have always found your posts Knowledgeable and worthy of a read 👍

well that’s the smoke blowing bit over with 😳

like you I have really been impressed and enjoy using the .233 

I only use the 6.5 for stalking or those situations that’s require a bit more . 
but to be fair they are very few and far between. My  .223 Seems punch way above its weight .

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Bob 57 . 
I knew you would struggle keeping away from this 😁

I was at one point going to have a go with a .20 cal but I sort of got sidetracked by the .223 again, more of a case of what you know really . Over the years I’ve always had .22 based varminters apart from the ackley . But I did have a short spell with a .17 Remington  and fell out of love with it after a month or so . While yes it a flat shooting rifle there was just too much of a trade off  , and over the winter months I found it next to useless shooting in the wind over the large ,flat open ground we have here . So I think I have in the back of my mind stupidly compared the sub .22 cals on my 17 Remington experience.

but never say never . 

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1 hour ago, One on top of two said:

I think the only thing that thermal and NV has taken is field craft 🤔😂

to many nowadays seem to be far too reliant Modern technology. 
But that said I think there’s also a rising number of folk that are discovering that there tech is NOT a replacement for “ just knowing your 5hit “ 

I would agree in the main other than if coupled with good field craft thermal and NV can make a control task much more efficient and effective. 

For the record I don’t think technology can replace good field craft which ironically isn’t learnt with thermal and NV.  

maybe things have just moved on and we don’t get lamp shy vermin now just shy vermin full stop ?

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9 minutes ago, Gandy said:

I would agree in the main other than if coupled with good field craft thermal and NV can make a control task much more efficient and effective. 

For the record I don’t think technology can replace good field craft which ironically isn’t learnt with thermal and NV.  

maybe things have just moved on and we don’t get lamp shy vermin now just shy vermin full stop ?

A fair point 👍

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2 hours ago, brown dog said:

Great and balanced post. Thanks 😊

Always good to read technical and expert rifle/equipment focussed varminting chat, which I sense was the intent of the OP.  The 'other stuff' always attracts trouble and trouble-types, which is why we don't have it on here. Simples.

Thanks brown dog, and thanks to you for your hard work on this forum and very balanced moderation.  I appreciate that you won't tolerate what some others might  which helps make this place what it is.

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2 hours ago, One on top of two said:

VarmLR I’m glad to see your having some input, I have always found your posts Knowledgeable and worthy of a read 👍

well that’s the smoke blowing bit over with 😳

like you I have really been impressed and enjoy using the .233 

I only use the 6.5 for stalking or those situations that’s require a bit more . 
but to be fair they are very few and far between. My  .223 Seems punch way above its weight .

Thanks chap but really I don't claim any expertise and am always humbled by the depth and spread of knowledge on here and what a valuable resource it has become for many.  You're always learning something new and I find to keep an open mind and listen to the experience of others has prevented me making errors of choice in the past and no doubt will do in the future.

It's good to hear what other folks use on a day to day basis and what they might like or dislike about it.

The mistake I made from the off (before being hampered with injuries) was building up platforms that were too heavy really for lugging about all day in the field and if I've learned one thing about field work where plodding the miles is involved, best to travel as light as possible.  I still plod on with my two principle long range rifle set-ups and really it's the scopes which drag me down.  The Nightforce on the 223 and a long barrel mean it weights in at 11 3/4 lbs but that's lightweight compared with the Tik-Tac A1 Creedmoor shod with a S&B PMII.  That's a bit of a beast for lugging around so I tend to use it where I'm targeting specific quarry that I generally shoot from fixed points involving no more than a mile's walk.

My stalking these days is generally focused on controlling the local growing Muntjac population and I do favour the 223 using 55gr SKGs or Sierra 69gr TMKs.  For most of my sub 300yd work on corvid control I use 40grn Vmax flat base bullets (only because I bought 600 of the things and need to use them up!).  I do still use the 308 for more woodland stalking and that's got a DMR sat atop which I may change for a 6x42 at some point.  I stick with one bullet, the SGK 155 soft point. For up to 400yd crows and magpies plus the odd squirrel I use the Creedmoor and wind bucking high BC 140gr SSTs which also come in handy for the odd muntjac although they tend to make a right mess at close quarters and after having to lug a heavy rifle an 18 Kilo buck back last outing will think again about doing the same for any length of walk!

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My answer to your question, still here, just not posting about it. 

And just like a fair few of you, I'm also really enjoying .223rem fast twist rifle. This was my first semi custom, 6 years ago now, remmy 700 stainless action, with a Lilja 3 groove heavy barrel that was throated for the 90gr VLD, However, I have never got round to even trying the VLD as I had worked up loads for 75 Amax and 60gr Berger Match varmints. The 60grainers are running at 2990ish, but the Amax are at a very accurate but sedate 2608fps, and accurate is def' the requirement for me.

I agree with Wyatt Earp ''fast is fine but accuracy is final''

I really enjoy settling down with my cheek on this rifle, wether that's prone for some long range thumpers/crows or resting on the top of a 5-bar for standard range with just the wind to think about. The weight is fine for a few hours of hiking around for foxes, just a lamp and fieldcraft. The vortex ffp viper pst scope is pretty light, dials spot-on and handles a lamp well, would highly recommend.


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