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Before you call......

Guest dasherman

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Guest dasherman

How late in the day do you consider too late to call a tradesman about a job? If you have a burst pipe and its a plumber advertising a 24hour callout anytime would be ok. If you want to discuss a rifle job with a builder perhaps not.


This would explain the slightly frosty response someone got tonight, calling my home number [not advertised] at 10.30pm. Now to some 10.30pm is not late. Tonight, for me it is as I have to get up at 5am to drive to Scotland tommorrow for my Fathers funeral.


If you want to ring next week I'll be back but use the work number and do it during working hours.



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It's a difficult one, as many tradesmen don't answer the phone in the middle of a job - so an evening call is best, but too early and they are annoyed as they have just got in/having tea/putting the kids to bed etc...so probably a small window between 8 and 9pm then!!


Hope tomorrow goes as well as can be expected.

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Hey Bud so sorry to hear of your loss, my thoughts are with you.


Its as you say, if you advertise 24hrs then anytimes fine. If not, it business hours on the business phone. Unless invited to do so, my rule is to make all my calls no later than 8pm but they are not to talk about work.

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Sorry to hear about your loss.


In answer to your question, as you said you are not an emergency sevice/trade, so theres no need to ring so late! If you are self employed you can make your own hours up that you want to do business and let people know. If you don't want to answer work phone calls then put your phone on silent and let them go through to voicemail. I personally wouldn't give out my personal numbers for work related stuff, but as someone rang your housephone at 10.30, I think they should have known better! I consider a house phone is for personal stuff and workphone for work. Shame other people don't use and bit more comon sense and curtousy


ATB Matt

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Neil, sorry to hear your sad news.


Made all the more frustrating with such a late call. I have a cut off line at 21.00hrs (take or send call) and it would have to be a close personal friend and expecting my call for me to do so.






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So sorry to hear of your loss Neil. :(


I know exactly what you mean regarding phone calls.


There are a small minority of shooters who think it perfectly fine to ring at silly o clock. I used to take calls into the early evening, now i simply do not, and just dont answer the phone past 5.30. Office hours are just that, and people think they have a God given right to hassle gunsmiths out of hours. We have private lives too, and need time for family, friends, pets etc.


These are usually the same people who moan like bugger when they get a frosty reception, but wont leave a message on the ansaphone so you can call them back, during the day.


My bank rang today whilst i,ve been trying to inlet a GBR stock for an "F" class gun......she got quite uppity when i told here i was too busy to talk.


Guess she didn,t like the f uck off tablets...... :lol:


Hope all goes smoothly for you tomorrow Neil, and best wishes mate.

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Sorry to hear of your loss. My thoughts go out to you and your family.


My uncle passed away Tuesday and been looking after my mum Since, bad times for all.


As fir calls I never call anyone I don't know after 7pm unless they are expecting me too and I always txt other before I ring to check if it's ok to call them then



Regards Richard

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Very sorry to hear about your Dad, Neil.

I hope today went smoothly and that everyone's bearing up.


Even I've never phoned you that late and wouldn't dream of doing so.

When things settle down, give the inconsiderate dick a call about 3 a.m. to discuss his rifle.

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Many condolences for your loss. A difficult time and I wish you and your family all the very best in this period of tumoil.

I totaly agree with your sentiment and that from Baldie about calling hours.I am very specific on my answering machine about my opening hours and telephone hours. I am trying to get your work done and i will not pick up the

phone until after 3pm and my cut off is 6.30pm . One gentleman ...... and I use the phrase loosley called at 10.20 pm on a Sunday night.When I politely pointed out the time and the fact it was a sunday I was greated with a four letter tirrade.........charming!!! This individuals number is now logged into my phone as T@#<T and he will never have any work or products from me again.

There is an element that beleive that theirs is the only job that you are working on, and they have the right to pressurise, badger, and hassle the smith at every turn, regardless of the time of day . One wonders if the roles were reversed how would they react.

So Neil rant on . You have my full support and a know the support of every other riflesmith that posts here. As i suspect that we have all to a man have been subjected to something similar

Mike Norris Brock and Norris Custom Rifles

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Guest Scotland_Rifles

Thanks everyone for your kind words.




Hi Neil


sorry to here this from you direct on the phone, love to all and of course to your mum back home,


i hope all went well with the service and condolences from my family to yours, linzi has just gone through it and its not nice,


god bless and safe trip home for you and the good lady.


your good friend



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How late in the day do you consider too late to call a tradesman about a job?.......

If you want to ring next week I'll be back but use the work number and do it during working hours.



Hello Neil, belated reply but I've been away. Sorry to hear your news - I had to bury my father years ago when he died before his time, a sad business. Re your question, I come across this a lot for reasons to do with work; I have an erratic schedule, lots of contacts, and I move around. But I've learned from experience that people's domestic habits - meal times, bedtime - vary an awful lot, and I recall distinctly phoning an acquaintance years ago at 8.30pm - to be answered sleepily, since she'd just gone to bed! So I never phone anyone after about 9.00pm latest. Some people just don't think about it, especially abroad - I once was woken by the fax machine at 5.00am since someone in California hadn't taken into consideration the several hours discrepancy....

As soon as I can afford that .17 Rem Fireball I'll be on the phone to you - but at a civilised hour.

Best wishes, Tony

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