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Foxes everywhere today!!!


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  • 2 months later...

No idea what made me do it but at the last minute this evening I put the .22 back and took the .17hmr instead. Glad I did.

Bagged some rabbits and was walking back to the car to move on, stopping every few yards to peek through the NV007. Earlier I'd seen a dog fox heading toward the paddocks where the lambs are. It was too far for a shot so I made sure he saw me, he made a wiiiiide detour but as he headed where I was walking I was in his way. Lost sight of him, assumed he'd buggered off, but he tried again and I spotted him from the car. Popped the rifle onto the bonnet, lit up the IR and there he was in the field with just head and shoulders visible and facing me. As soon as I drove off he'd be into the lambs. I'd always said I'd only shoot a fox with the .17 up to 100 yards and although judging range is tricky in the dark I reckoned he was close enough so took the shot. Pacing it out afterwards it was exactly 100 yards plus a size 9 boot. Beginners luck.

Entry is barely visble on the bib but internally it did what it was supposed to do and there's a sizeable exit wound between the shoulder blades. He dropped on the spot. I wouldn't have taken the shot off my (2) sticks but with the bipod on the bonnet I was steady enough. Any doubts I had about the .17 for foxes have subsided a bit but I wouldn't be happy beyond (say) 120 yards. First thing tomorrow I'm putting in my variation for .308!



Dog Fox 14042019 (3).jpg

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Well done mate, nice shot,good that it ended well😃, funny you should bring up this post as i was shooting the farm this post is about last night, also for rabbits and took the 17fireball with drone aboard, I shot 3 dog foxes, 245 / 190 / 125 yds, the 245yarder was a side on heart shot, straight down all 4 legs up in air for a few secs then ran about 10 yds before dropping dead, paced him 255😃.

The one sitting at 190,i called in from about 300 and suddenly he decided to sit down and look at me,hit him same place as yours,didn't even twitch, 125 couple kicks and dead, brilliant little round the fireball, almost as good as when it was a 17rem😃.

the fox talley was up on this farm a couple of weeks ago at 45 for year, down a bit from normal considering there seemed to be never ending foxes at one point, but last night kicked off the new year well with 4, as my lad had another dog fox off the high seat he was on , while I had fun a few fields away.

Nice to hear the lapwings on the setaside where I was parked last night, they usually nest on there, so removing those foxes will help them a bit😃, they've just got the magpies,crows, gulls, buzzards,kites and dog walkers to watch out for now, aswell as the next fox along!!


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1 hour ago, Bob57 said:

...dog walkers...

Speaking of which, met one yesterday on my drive in. She was crossing the bridleway but had come straight across a recently drilled field and was about to go through another.  I politely explained where she could and could not go but she would have none of it. Apparently it was okay because she's been doing it for years.


I'm seeing more of them since a new estate was built next to the land. People think that because it's unfenced it's their right to use it. Let's see how keen they are a few hours after walking through a load of glypho soaked weeds.


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Went to deal with some more rabbits,on a wheat field last night on a different farm, and the 17 fireball performed well again, couldn't believe it, another 3 foxes turned up, 2 more dogs and a barren vixen.


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8 minutes ago, foxinmad said:

Great result Bob👍 tidy set up you have there. What batteries are you using to feed the drone?



Cheers martin 👍 , yes it's a great bit of kit the drone, i've got an extended rail on the 204 and fireball so can swap it between rifle's easily, just a quick rezero😃.

The batteries I use are Panasonic Lithium cr123A, i buy them in bulk, cheaper that way😃.

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Cheers Bob, I think I will do the same buy in bulk. I have tried a few different rechargeable batteries in my 15x drone and they don't last long.

I put an extended rail on my 595 Tikka, perfect eye relief for the drone.

All the best👍 

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We are leaving them alone this time of year un less we know it's a dog fox for certain or a vixen taking lambs and we then want to know we're the earth is if possible.

we also have two shoots one is fully keepered and on that shoot we haven't stopped but we recon to know every earth on the shoot or we're to look for the earths.

two points the keepers been told no one can dig an earth now with dogs ?

the other point this estate was arginally set up by a rich hunting family and the keeper wasn't allowed to control foxs part of the year as the hunting was more important. Some times things should be left alone! 

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  • 1 month later...
On 4/15/2019 at 10:11 AM, Bob57 said:

Well done mate, nice shot,good that it ended well😃, funny you should bring up this post as i was shooting the farm this post is about last night, also for rabbits and took the 17fireball with drone aboard, I shot 3 dog foxes, 245 / 190 / 125 yds, the 245yarder was a side on heart shot, straight down all 4 legs up in air for a few secs then ran about 10 yds before dropping dead, paced him 255😃.

The one sitting at 190,i called in from about 300 and suddenly he decided to sit down and look at me,hit him same place as yours,didn't even twitch, 125 couple kicks and dead, brilliant little round the fireball, almost as good as when it was a 17rem😃.

the fox talley was up on this farm a couple of weeks ago at 45 for year, down a bit from normal considering there seemed to be never ending foxes at one point, but last night kicked off the new year well with 4, as my lad had another dog fox off the high seat he was on , while I had fun a few fields away.

Nice to hear the lapwings on the setaside where I was parked last night, they usually nest on there, so removing those foxes will help them a bit😃, they've just got the magpies,crows, gulls, buzzards,kites and dog walkers to watch out for now, aswell as the next fox along!!


Was speaking to the farmer yesterday, who's land the 3 foxes were shot on , he told me he'd seen at least 3 different lots of lapwing chicks in the field adjacent to the setaside where I'd shot the foxes😃.

I'll be there again tonight.


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yes its good to hear the old sounds of the countryside coming back again , curlews lapwings, skylarks etc etc, regarding the IR they defo get educated to the glow more so if you are spotting with it , if you seen some one holding a lit ciggy in a dark spot it wouldn't attract to much attention till they started moving it around, I always tell the grandson when spotting move slowly when scanning, I have just picked up a Drone x10 and an extended pic rail but will stick with my gen 2+ till the dark nights    

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On 6/16/2019 at 1:26 PM, blueheckle said:

yes its good to hear the old sounds of the countryside coming back again , curlews lapwings, skylarks etc etc, regarding the IR they defo get educated to the glow more so if you are spotting with it , if you seen some one holding a lit ciggy in a dark spot it wouldn't attract to much attention till they started moving it around, I always tell the grandson when spotting move slowly when scanning, I have just picked up a Drone x10 and an extended pic rail but will stick with my gen 2+ till the dark nights    

"The sound of the countryside coming back again"

Unfortunately, it will never come back around here like it used to be, I've just opened a letter saying 10,000 houses have been allocated for development along with schools, doctors surgery's, shops etc ect, the lapwings,skylarks etc won't  be singing over that land anymore!!! 

Anyway, you made a good purchase there on the drone 10x (hopefully), great bit of kit, love mine ,had another fox with it last night, and I've been told ,the bait rabbits i left behind last night were all gone this morning, so another sit out tonight to keep the lapwings etc a bit safer before they're engulfed by the result of the planners 😣😣.


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Hi foxinmad 

try hobby king fat shark battery box for two 18650 batteries and add a cheapo 6 volt regulator and use wires that come with the drone usually get six weeks worth of shooting ie 18 hours use . Just need a bit of soldering and it has a battery charge indicator built in , much cheaper than armasight version at 300£ 


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Hi all here goes

hobbyking web site to menu - battery accessories- battery adapters - fat shark goggles 18650 lit ion headset battery case part number SKU 253000094-0. £ 14-71 . Cut wire halfway on the wire to the moulded black plug , don’t use the one with the white plug bare off the ends and solder ina 6 volt step down regulator as two 18650 s make 7.2 volts which might be too much for the drone . Regulator needs to be small seen a drop lm2587 unit on amazon which might do ( 5-35 v in and 3-30 out adjustable ) solder this in line red to plus and black to neg to the black plug wires . Black plug fits into the drone accessory wire and plugs into aux plug on top right of drone .  Try to set up volts out  to 6v with a volt meter and try to waterproof circuit as best you can , on mine it fits under the cameo tape  then I velcroed the battery to side of 17 hmr anschutz  with sticky pads . Battery box has a button to push to show charge of battery via 4 blue leds .Hope this makes sense and helps  .

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  • 1 month later...

Must of done a job on the foxes over the first half of this year on this farm, half the crops are off and only saw one fox the other night driving round 😀.

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On 6/18/2019 at 5:25 PM, Richiew said:

Hi foxinmad 

try hobby king fat shark battery box for two 18650 batteries and add a cheapo 6 volt regulator and use wires that come with the drone usually get six weeks worth of shooting ie 18 hours use . Just need a bit of soldering and it has a battery charge indicator built in , much cheaper than armasight version at 300£ 


Sorry, Richiew just saw the post just now, cheers for taking the time to post this up. My drone has been sold on now I've moved on to thermal



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5 hours ago, foxinmad said:

Sorry, Richiew just saw the post just now, cheers for taking the time to post this up. My drone has been sold on now I've moved on to thermal



Hi Martin, my drone has just packed up, got the dreaded blue screen😣, I'm right pished off, foxes will be happy though 😀😀

Which thermal did you buy, and how are you finding using it compared to the drone?

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Hi Bob, that's crap news the drone has packed in on you! What's the next step for you with it can you get it fixed?. My mate had a 15x done and it was only about 9 months old and he got the dreaded blue screen also, he sent it away for warranty work.

I have only just set up the new scope Bob and not used it in anger yet so time will tell when I get out and about with it, I will let you know how I get on with the new XM50 Thermion scope 😎🦊 beware LOL

ATB Martin. 

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5 hours ago, foxinmad said:

Hi Bob, that's crap news the drone has packed in on you! What's the next step for you with it can you get it fixed?. My mate had a 15x done and it was only about 9 months old and he got the dreaded blue screen also, he sent it away for warranty work.

I have only just set up the new scope Bob and not used it in anger yet so time will tell when I get out and about with it, I will let you know how I get on with the new XM50 Thermion scope 😎🦊 beware LOL

ATB Martin. 

Hi Martin, nice one with getting the xm50 Thermion, I'm sure you'll like it from what I've read about it, be good to hear how you get on with it👍.

Got the Drone fixed earlier today and just got back in from meeting a fox with it 😀, the blue screen was an easy fix after I had a good man on the nv forum tell me how to sort it😃.

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