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British Shooting Show 2016

Big Al

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I did float the idea to the organisers but it wasn't taken up.


My suggestion was to let the small custom builders who'd paid for a stand in the past (and made a loss) to have a free stand and create a proper 'gunmakers row' which would be a good crowd-puller IMHO.


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I did float the idea to the organisers but it wasn't taken up.


My suggestion was to let the small custom builders who'd paid for a stand in the past (and made a loss) to have a free stand and create a proper 'gunmakers row' which would be a good crowd-puller IMHO.



Would have been an excellent idea.

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Yes it would BD i enquired about a decent sized stall to be quoted £4000 for the three days with only 1 electric point . That may be some of the reason why the custom rifle builders may not go at the moment due to the cost of the event for such limited facilities.

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I believe the poor logistics and attitude by the organisers towards exhibitors during the show a few years ago has put some off. (And from Miks post nothing much has changed?)


Also it is about par to exhibit at the IWA than at the British Shooting Show


Personally, and I know this will probably get me 'scolded' ( but that's SEP! :) ) having airsoft guys walking round wearing more kit than the real army makes me cringe, on their stand fair enough, strutting the stuff just, well, makes me cringe! But each to thier own?



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To be fair ooman, the Walts tended to strut less last year, keeping mainly to their own little ghetto. That said, though it isn't our cup of tea either, the less divisive we are as a shooting community, the better (slaps own wrist).


We understand that there may be an alternative shooting show being developed, aimed more at users and small manufacturers, at low cost. It'll be held 'up norf' too. People bemoan the lack of cheap deals at shooting and country shows but if you look at the cost of having a stand, factor in paying staff and accommodation expenses, exhibitors will be lucky to break even let alone make a profit. Small, specialist makers simply can't afford to run at a loss...

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