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unsportingmen gun centre


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Ordered a set of medium 30mm QR leupold mounts from SGC on line over a month ago, after placing my order they said they were out of stock (but still took my £80 from my account :angry:)and should be in stock within 5-7 days, this came and went, so I rang them and they said they would be in in a couple of days this went on for a couple of weeks, rang them again and they told me they would ring me during the following week when they came in.... guess what NO phone call, by now I was getting pi££ed off with them so I rang them to cancel..... 10 days later they still haven't refunded my payment so now I'm really pi££ed off with them and won't use them again.


Uttings :D:D on the other hand ordered them last Thursday morning at £10 cheaper and they arrived Friday fantastic service Uttings and I got a text from the delivery company to say what time he would be delivering and it was bang on time.




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Ordered a set of medium 30mm QR leupold mounts from SGC on line over a month ago, after placing my order they said they were out of stock (but still took my £80 from my account :angry:)and should be in stock within 5-7 days, this came and went, so I rang them and they said they would be in in a couple of days this went on for a couple of weeks, rang them again and they told me they would ring me during the following week when they came in.... guess what NO phone call, by now I was getting pi££ed off with them so I rang them to cancel..... 10 days later they still haven't refunded my payment so now I'm really pi££ed off with them and won't use them again.


Uttings :D:D on the other hand ordered them last Thursday morning at £10 cheaper and they arrived Friday fantastic service Uttings and I got a text from the delivery company to say what time he would be delivering and it was bang on time.





Had EXACTLY the same experience with SGC...... nothing would convince me to use them in the future.

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Utting many years ago use to be the gun shop to go to in east anglia, but alas they closed up 20 years ago and do it mainly onlline now

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Standard policy at sgc. I use them for trade sales , and if it isn,t in stock, i simply will not let them backorder it. I did this with a nightforce once, waited 3 months, only to find out it wasn,t even ordered.

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Well Andy the moral of the story is dont trust the salesman,they are all full of ....


did you ever get your night vision sorted out If so what did you go for




Just tried to PM you but it won't let me send it to you??

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well I've just spotted this and they got my back up so badly I thought I'd add to it even though it's old. You'll see why in a minute!


I ordered some stuff from The Sportsman Gun Centre a couple of years ago. Part of the order arrived even though I'd been charged for all of it. I waited for the second parcel (I'd dealt with them before!). After a week I phoned to be told it would be with me next week... Ok, fair enough. Then another week passed, phoned them - same answer with an apology. To cut a long story short I got fed up with waiting after over a month of weekly phone calls and asked for a refund.... Two years later they still have my money and I don't have the goods. It's about £30ish so I really couldn't give a monkeys, but they've upset the grumpiest keyboard warrior of the forums! Now every time they are mentioned I tell my experience - I wouldn't take their stuff if it was free and I'd rather pay more locally and get the service I expect and deserve.


If they owe you a lot chase them hard - they'll not be in any rush to give you your refund or your stuff unless you bug the hell out of them. In my case for the sake of £30 I just couldn't be arsed with it! They were that bad! :angry:

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I sent a Nightforce scope back to the USA for service recently and used the SGC as the courier. They took ages to get the scope serviced and I like you were promised time and time again it would only take another week or two. In total it took them neigh on 6 months to get it serviced for me. Having said that, when it was returned they had serviced it for nothing and sent it back to me only having charged me £50 for the shipping there and back including the import paperwork which RUAG wanted to charge me £100 alone for.


All in all the manager down there seemed a nice enough honest guy who tries his best to give a good service.


The problem is his best just isn't good enough.




I'm thinking of sending my Nightforce back to have a reticle change does it have to go through RUAG or SGC or can you just send it directly to Nightforce yourself?



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i tried to order stuff on several occassions from SGC, only for them to tell me my card wouldn't work...!!!


this was only afer me ringing 4 times to see WHERE my order was...!!!! then when i got my bank statement in


i had been charged...!!!! took 4 months to get it sorted out....!!! same card through reloading solutions and a few days later

goods recieved...


Seems some companies just don't understand good customer service, and the benifits it has for return custom....



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I was after some 6,5x47 brass and rang them as it was not listed. As luck had it a very friendly chap answered and said they had two boxes at around GBP65 on a shelf right next to him - RESULT! As it was for the wife I asked her if she wanted both boxes and then called straight back spoke to a different person and was told what crap, they did not have it in stock and certainly not at that price.


Hmm... wait a few and call back, this time the helpful one answered and took the order at the price he had given me and the brass arrived a couple of day later. I suppose they could argue it was good service but given the way I was spoken to by Mr Angry on my second call I would sooner drill holes in my feet than give them any further business. The thing is they must be have repeat business and happy customers or they would have gone a long time ago..

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I was after some 6,5x47 brass and rang them as it was not listed. As luck had it a very friendly chap answered and said they had two boxes at around GBP65 on a shelf right next to him - RESULT! As it was for the wife I asked her if she wanted both boxes and then called straight back spoke to a different person and was told what crap, they did not have it in stock and certainly not at that price.


Hmm... wait a few and call back, this time the helpful one answered and took the order at the price he had given me and the brass arrived a couple of day later. I suppose they could argue it was good service but given the way I was spoken to by Mr Angry on my second call I would sooner drill holes in my feet than give them any further business. The thing is they must be have repeat business and happy customers or they would have gone a long time ago..


I think when I had problems with them I must have spoken to Mr Angrys friend, Mr Really Unhelpful *w*t and I fear I may have shot my bolt with SGC so If I send them my NF for reticle change it may take 2 years to come back....and then it will be wrong. I hope someone from SGC reads these post's as they where once good to deal with.

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I deal regularly with the Newport branch so can't comment on the others or the mail order side but I've found them helpful and willing to order what I want and usually come away having had a good deal. As has been said, they're still in business, so I can't be the only satisfied customer.

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Well guys i will come clean i work as some of you know for sportsman at the newport branch.Before i get my head ripped off buy someone thought i didn't offer them enough for gun in part ex or didn't have the 44.3gr 224 weatherby mag non toxic ballistic tip ammo in stock.Let me try and explain what working in a large gun shop is like.Firstly i am not trying to defend the that which promotes growth and vigour service some of you have received there is no real excuse for it.But we all forget things how many of us have wrote things down and can't find them?Especailey when your'e taking hundreds of calls a day on everything from whats my gun worth too what the weather on the weekend.I seem to get all the time and i'm only 36 :( We are reggadless of what branch we work at we are governed by the same rules from the boss on the price we give for p/x.It works like this pay to much for a gun in part ex your'e up the road p45 in hand.We are employed to try and make as much as possible.Gun shops are bussinesses despite the fact that most people think that they are charities if your'e local gun shop isn't making money it won't be there for long,Belive me i worked for litts :blush:Customers generally think the price on the ticket has been put on for a laugh and that although the gun is up at £1000 they should be able to buy it for £500 try that at tesco and see what response you get.I myself personally will always try and have deal with someone and try and help them to the best of my knowllage/ability providing they are tidy with me i will be tidy with them.Sometimes we all have of days whrere we can be a little short with people.It can be a long day in a shop where your'e not only a salesman your'e expected to be a agony aunt,marrige counciler,mind reader,and general font of knowllage.Last week on the same day i had 15 min telephone conversation with a guy who was pissed of with me because i could not value his air rifle over the phone although he did not know the make model or even the calibre.Then later in the day had a guy who wanted to shoot foxes at 1500 yards with a ####### air rifle.After me and another salesman telling him that 1500 yards is quite along way and that he shouldn't be shooting foxes with air rifles he thought that we full of crap because he had seen it on you tube.As i have said there is no excuse for shite service without customers there will be no shop.We can not physically keep every bullet,primer,powder etc.But we should be able to order it but please bare in mind that sometimes suppliers do not have in stock you may also have to wait until a bulk order is placed so there will be no carrige charges this normally aplies to powder,primers,bullets etc ie hazzordous goods.If your'e really pissed off with the service you receive ring the boss and complain to him.As i said i will never personally be delibertally rude or off with poeple but sometimes maybe a little short.But i will try and help those who are there to be helped.I am sorry some of you are beond help.As anybody here who deals with joe public will know sometimes it can be a joy sometimes it can be hell.I hope this gives you some idea of how things are in the gun trade.Before i get hundreds of pm's or replies saying that i upset them or forgot to order them something i apollagise.But i do not apollagise for any of my work mates.Get a name when you order something so you can speak to the guy you placed the order with,We get calls everyday with i ordered so and so with your'e branch where is it?when asked who they orderd it with they don't know o.k in a small shop with a handfull of staff but somewhere like our exeter branch where there is 20 or so members of staff it can be a little tricky.So there it guys a little insight into what we go through.Again sorry if i personally have upset some of you in someway whilst in work but none of it was deliberate.Unless you are the gent who came in the shop with a fac 8 shot benelli loaded.I am sorry you are a tosser.


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Well done for coming on mate and trying to explain the goings on behind the scenes,


i also work for a very large retail business, but all i can say is there is no real reason to not provide a good service,


you work for a big company, can you not use an epos programme, to just tyne in the customers name and address,


and bingo the order details come up...!!!!


i waited 7 or 8 months for a deer drag harness, from target sports of bolton.... they took the money right away and didn't have the item in stock


no excuse for that type of error,


joe public can be really trying at the best of times i know only too well, At work we use a book on each till and whoever takes the call fills out the order, with time date, name and contact number, and if we don't have the item we say or call back to say how long it is before we CAN get it in stock,



theres 3 full time staff and 2 part time where i work and we turn over around 3 million a year, So you can see how busy we are.....


a good 70 to 75 percent is repeat business,


As i said well done for coming on, but changes or errors do need to be noted, and implementaions made,



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correct me if im wrong....guys out therewho will know ...but i thought it was actually illegal for a company to take monies from your account if they didnt actual have items youve ordere din stock?


sure i read that somewhere at some point but probably have it wrong :mellow:


respect sean for sticking your neck above the firing line :lol:






i had problems with order from said shop a few yrs ago now and every few months on at least one of the forums you hear bout how bad the service has been....and its shocking some of the horror stories you hear.....makes you think god soooo glad that didnt happen to me....


and from all accounts its been years its been happening not months



i would never say never but if was to order again i would ask for a name and 1stly are the items im ordering in stock? if not .....i would just give my thanks and politely hang up



maybe different story having them on your doorstep......


i know that even tho im surrounded by shooting estate all around this area of angus ....a decent gunshop doesnt exist!!!!!!!!!!!





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.If your'e really pissed off with the service you receive ring the boss and complain to him.As i said i will never personally be delibertally rude or off with poeple but sometimes maybe a little short.But i will try and help those who are there to be helped.I am sorry some of you are beond help.As anybody here who deals with joe public will know sometimes it can be a joy sometimes it can be hell.I hope this gives you some idea of how things are in the gun trade


I also work in a public facing role Sean albeit in a very different sector and I do agree some of Jo Public's can be a PITA to deal with. The Jo Public's I deal with are supposed to be the acknowledged experts in their own fields which can make life even more entertaining as they seldom listen.


Entertaining is not an excuse for myself or my staff to be short or rude and none are what I consider to be beyond help so perhaps my sector allows me apply a slightly different mindset. I suspect your boss is already aware of the attitude of some of your sales staff and if he has made no moves to introduce change or educate his staff he is at the top of a slippery slope, either that or has no interest in business growth or no mortgage to worry about. Of course he could just be hugely arrogant.


I will be nice to the people I speak to today, again tomorrow when they ring me in my own time and start again next week. In return they will continue to buy our services and software and pay my mortgage.

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Hi Sean,

you hit the nail on the head when you said "If they are tidy with me I will be tidy with them". As someone who has worked in retail dealing with Joe public for nearly 25 years you don't half run into some a** holes who don't earn or deserve any level of service but they are a very small minority.

That's one side of the coin, on the other I'm also an employer, and unfortunately I've had some "MR Don't Give A Sh*t's" and some "Miss Downright Rudes" working for me, but not for very long. If the Staff can't provide a good service because of who they are they shouldn't be there, ergo bad management. If the staff can't provide the service because they don't have the resources, that's bad management too. If you've got the right staff and resources and a third party supplier lets you down, that which promotes growth and vigour, that's just life! But keep the customer informed, nothing worse than keeping a guy in the dark when he's ordered something he wanted yesterday and what's more has paid for it too.


Bravo for having the balls to reply.



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The circumstances we work in, at some point or other, all require contact with the public. I read with interest the account from the employee of SGC, however this does not answer any of the issues that have been raised here. I have had dealings with SGC and probably (through necessity and not desire) will have again.


If it weren't for the breadth of accessories and equipment they are able to offer, I don't think that they would be in business. The practices outlined here are inexcusable and common courtesy would have allowed for a 'it is not in stock sir, but we will order it for you and call you when it is here', rather than 'gissus yer card number mate, it'll be in the post' and then waiting for 3 months to arrive or to receive a refund. Lost pieces of paper and forgotten telephone conversations don't wash. In my case, I spoke to the same bloke 3 times, was told the same thing 3 times and still had to wait for 5 weeks for a sling (!!). I would not be happy if that was on a £2k scope, so when the time came, even though SGC had it somewhat cheaper, I got it from York Guns.


I have tales of woe from Joe Public to tell, none of us is impervious to the everpresent stupidity. Yet, maintaining a minimum level of courtesy and honesty, goes a long way.


my 2 p



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I wrote the post not try and defend that which promotes growth and vigour service.But to give you some of idea of what goes on in a large gun shop.Common courtisy costs nothing and to be delibertly rude is out of order.The sgc employs over 40 members of staff yes some of them maybe shouldn't be employed but thats not my call.All i am saying is don't tar us all with the brush.Some of acually are o.k even if we are evil salesman.Also if you have a complaint name the branch that you have delt with and as i said try and speak to the manager.If i have done something wrong i am big enough and ugly enough to take a bollocking on the chin.Nothing will change by posting things on shooting forums bitching about bad service you must imform those in a position to do something about it this aplies to all things just not gun shops.I hope my posts will not effect the good relationship i have members of this site at the end of the day i am an employee of a company.I will not put any more posts on this subject as i don't want to get into a slagging match with anybody over this subject.All i am saying just because you have had a bad expierence with one branch or another or a certain salesman myself included don't think everybody is the same.We acually have some quite knowllagable poeple working within the group.


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