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John MH

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Posts posted by John MH

  1. No need to panic, people need a routine, as I have lots of experience being isolated from wider society I offer the following routine as adopted in our house to help you through this national crisis.

    Home Working Routine (Wife and Son not so keen but orders is orders)
    0500: Call the Hands.
    0515: PT Versaclimber 1 hour mix of HIT and Cardio or walk the three Miniature Schnauzers.
    0630: Breakfast – Fresh Fat Pill (Bread Roll) made by Duty Night Chef (Son), cereal and out of date UHT Milk, plus some form of egg with Breakfast Special (Seggies, Sauté Potatoes, Mushrooms, Comanches Boll*cks, Yellow Peril, Elephants Footprint or Sh1t on a Raft dependent on day of week). Fat Pill may be saved for lunch to be eaten with Summer Soup.
    0700: Long Forenoon Watch (working remotely answering emails, taking part in conference calls and reviewing overdue business processes).
    1300: Lunch – Homemade Summer Soup (sum of this and sum of that mostly last night’s leftovers) and Fat Pill saved from Breakfast, Roast on Sunday.
    1330: LLD. On Sunday watch RN Training Movie; In Which We Serve, Cruel Sea, Sink the Bismark, Above us the Waves, Morning Departure (only if in date for SETT), We Dive at Dawn, etc.
    1500: Catch up on emails, come up with good ideas (keep them to yourself).
    1600: Four O’clocker’s (Cake, NAAFI No.3s, Nutty, Cake, NAAFI No.3s, Nothing its Sunday).
    1630: Clean Ship (House).
    1700: ‘O’ Group, Plan of Tomorrow.
    1730: Optional PT or LLD.
    1830: Dinner (Traditional British, Italian, Curry Night, Anyone’s Guess, Harbour Cotter & Chips, Steak, Pizza – Monday thru Sunday).
    2000: Movie. On Saturday Wife gets to pick it from prepared list.
    2200: Lights out.
  2. 7 hours ago, Private Marker said:

    Markymark thanks for copying the email.  No I didn't get it. Obviously markers were not seen fit to receive it.

    Are you a member of the NRA?

    If you are not a member why would you expect to get a members email?

  3. The Imperial will most likely get cancelled, sooner the NRA make that the decision the better for those that have book travel and accommodation. Covid-19 is a big sh$£ sandwich, everyone is going to have to take a bite, including the NRA.

  4. The decision taken by Tiff the PRL League Director and Orion is based on a number of factors including a responsibility to the local community.

    What part of the event could be deemed essential or even necessary?

    Risks of infection on the hillside might be low but there is still social interaction and the risk could not be eliminated fully. Additionally the more notice, of what was probably going to be inevitable, makes it easier for those that have booked and paid for accommodation and travel (Irish Teams) to get refunds.

  5. 25 minutes ago, Private Marker said:

    Slightly OT but a word of caution about the electronic targets. 

    If you accidentally damage them, you may be in for a big bill.

    A fellow marker told me one of his clients took out one of the mikes, and Bisley charged him  £600 for the damage. I've never heard of that with the manual targets. 

    It's probably in Bisley's  t&c but worth pointing out. 

    A Shotmarker Electronic Target replacement parts costs:


  6. 1 hour ago, Roy W said:

    Lots of people use 1-4/1-5/1-6/1-8 power scopes in service optic and keep them wound down to 4.5x as JMH said.

    Choose what class you want to shoot in and choose a scope to suit you. If you are shooting in SO class then get a reticle that suits you and isn't cluttered and adjustable turrets so you can dial in ranges quickly for run downs etc.

    Apart from that it's personal choice and budget.

    Get a good strong mount

    The top scores in both classes are similar with SO often outperforming PO, so scope magnification is often irrelevant.

    If you want a high power scope and bipod, choose PO.

    Both the scopes you show have capped turrets. Steiner used to do a 1-5x24 M5Xi which if you can get 2nd hand is superb and has tactical turrets. Look at the M range not the T range scopes.

    Or Vortex/ S&B / Trijicon and Steiner do 1-8x24 's with tactical turrets.

    Go along to a CSR shoot and see what others are using.




    What he said, good advice.

  7. 4.5x max magnification is Service Optic Class only, you can still have a high zoom capable scope so long as you can turn it down to 4.5x . If using a zoom capable scope that can go higher than 4.5x you must shoot and observe your shots at no more than 4.5x if you are shooting in  SO Class.

    If your scope cannot be set at or below 4.5x then it can still be used but only in Practical Optic Class.

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