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John MH

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Posts posted by John MH

  1. Summary of differences between the May 18 and post June 19 models:

    The internals of both boxes were redesigned around a different battery. Functionally the power and measurement circuits are the same. The new Access Point has a different Wifi module to support 250 tablet connections instead of 25. The new sensors have a different sensor circuit to better handle high volume fire with many targets in use. Anything built after June 2018 can switch between 4 channels while earlier units are on channel 1 only. 
    Basically I had a number of improvements to make that don’t matter to 90% of users and refreshed the design to implement them all last fall. Now the design is solid and unlikely to change for the foreseeable future. Everything is cross compatible. 

    The model for sale here is a pre June 19 model.

  2. No, but I have two of these: https://www.autotrickler.com/shotmarker.html

    Excellent piece of kit, furthers I've used it out to is 600 Yards but it should be good out to 1000 yards line without the need to boost the signal.

    Software allows group size measurement, bullet velocity at targets, velocity SD & ES, shot deletion/hide, assigning sighters and keeping score, there is also a vast array of Targets pre-loaded.

    I made target frame out of a wooden Euro Pallet that easily fits in the boot of the car (rear seats folded down).

  3. 2 hours ago, Roy W said:

    Will it fit another make of lower designed for 308, or does it need to be an LMT lower? I guess what I am asking, is, is the spare upper only compatible with the LMT lower or could it be made into another rifle with a non LMT lower?

    There is no industry wide 'Standard' for the .308 size Armalite platform so you cannot guarantee that one makes upper will fit another makes lower, some will and some wont. 

  4. 8 minutes ago, furrybean said:

    Have you tried the magnums John?

    Im at Bisley a bit over the next few weeks if you want to try a few 

    Not tried the KVB223M, I have 18k of the KVB223 that I’ll keep for the .223 and try CCI 450 and BR4 in the 6XC with Peterson Brass.

  5. 1 hour ago, Brillo said:

    I don’t know how I missed this post Neil. I suggest you try Murom KVB223 primers.

    I changed over to them for my 47L and my ES dropped. I use them for all my SR cartridges now.

    I had an issue a few weeks back with KVB223 primers in a Peterson SRP 6XC Case, one miss fire out of about 70 rounds fired that day. When I pulled the bullet the powder was scorched (some of it had a brown tinge) but had failed to ignite, load was 39.5 grains of RL17 and a 115 DTAC, powder was not compressed.

    I'm going to try BR4 and CCI 450 next, been told that BR4 should be ok by several other users.

  6. I only have limited experience with small rifle primers in .308 Bolt Face size cases and wonder if people have issues with reliable ignition using standard small rifle primers. I had a misfire yesterday with new Peterson SRP 6XC cases, on pulling the bullet the powder was scorched but did not burn, I was using Murom KVB-223 primers. What primers are those shooting 6.5 Creedmoor with Lapua SRP brass using?

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