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John MH

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Posts posted by John MH

  1. Yes pleased so far, need to change primer as I had a few click, very short pause and then bang and a few click no bang (7 out of thirty cartridges). Using Murom KVB-7M, after the first click delay I remembered why I stopped using them as I had a similar problem with my first 300NM loads, decided to go with the KVB-7M's as I only had 200 Federal 215's left, I've bought another 1000 Feds this afternoon.


  2. 2 minutes ago, Gandy said:

    Very impressive; we’re there any obvious accuracy nodes as you would normally see?

    Not looking for a node, the barrel run in rounds were doing 3090 FPS and were pretty much all touching. The Flatliners were single shots looking for pressure signs the first 3 were touching but the last two were slightly higher than the previous 3.

  3. Look at these beauties, 285 Grain Hornady ELD-M on the left and a Warner Flatline 285 Grain on the right. The behind the ELDs are 115 grains of RS80 (RL33) and I have 5 Flatline loaded in 2.0 increments from 117 grains to 125 grains of RS 80 as per David Tubbs advice, there is still room in the case for more powder. The ELDs are to run the barrel in as they are only £1.00 per bullet not including case powder and primer, the Flatlines are £2.50 each and currently unobtainium in the UK.


  4. 10 minutes ago, Catch-22 said:

    If you use the Area419 ARCA clamp, there is a section of the clamp that fits within the ‘toothed’ slots when you clamp down. So it still slides, ARCA as normal when loosened. When tightened, the ‘teeth’ engage, a bit like mini picatinny.

    The Area419 ARCA rail can be used with other ARCA mounts, thy just won’t engage the ‘teeth’ of the rail ‘tis all.

    But how does it provide "extra rigidity" over a non-toothed rail?  The Arca clamp does not slide up and down the rail (as long as its an Area 419 clamp with pins fitted) but the teeth don't make it more rigid.

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