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One on top of two

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Everything posted by One on top of two

  1. Yeah good point, why can’t we just have a test of skill & feild craft rather than what gear we can or cannot afford.
  2. Withdrawn from sale , left the kestrel at home today and took the garmin , thing is just too handy so I’m keeping it . thanks for looking .
  3. Well I have had a go and I just can’t get an accurate reading. The heat from the flame is giving me mixed readings and if I wait the case moves out of flames cools to quickly so gives me a false reading, if you know what I mean . it would have been nice to have some data , but I just can’t complain with the results I’m getting with the 4 seconds I’m currently giving my Peterson .308 brass . so as they say ....... if ain’t broke.....
  4. As it’s just a bit of fun I thought I would try all the ammo I have used so far ,
  5. Yes your right it is 30m. I have a TacA1 and that’s got the 38mm because of the front chassis and the flat all in one rails. Couple that with the weird size of my Leup Mk 5 HD. Now that was a nightmare to find. sorry for the confusion mate. But we got there in the end 😂👍
  6. I’m going to to try 250 m , just waiting for near as perfect conditions as I can get . this is obviously just for a bit of fun 🤩
  7. No need to say thanks when your welcome.
  8. As you know , if you get them from optics warehouse you can try them and if there not right you can exchange them no problem , OPW and fantastic at getting you sorted ASAP .
  9. Richie , I think your get away with a 34 mm , I have the above rifle with a K525i dumped on top ( 5/25/56 ) I use the 38 mm
  10. Garmin Foretrex 701 Ballistic Edition Wrist Mounted mint condition, all boxed and bits .also updated strap , screen protector and garmin Tempe external thermometer. fantastic bit of kit , with Applied Ballistics Elite and full online updatable databases this this does far to much for me to mention on here , but if your into your Precision shooting or long range varmint shooting then this is amazing. read for yourself https://buy.garmin.com/en-GB/GB/p/583825 £365. 00 includes next day delivery ( U.K. only )
  11. So would I John , I really can’t believe I never thought of it before, like I say I just trusted the info supplied by vertex. And all the times stated by them were / felt spot on so I no reason to question it it . maybe im just to trusting 🤔
  12. As I turns out I will be doing some annealing tomorrow night and I will test what the actual temp of my cases using my vertex with my Fluke industrial laser thermometer. That’s goes upto 650 C / 1200 F . And before anyone asks yes it is certificated. edited to say as long as I can do it of course , I have never thought of trying this before as I just followed the instructions that came with my vertex and had no reason to doubt it . But we will see .
  13. I don't bother with tempilaq , I have a bottle somewhere . I like to heat using two burners until it just starts to glow dull red/flame changes colour and that's it done which I believe is around the 1K degrees mark . I don't get split necks , brass lasts , easy to FL size , low single figure ES/SD I don't know what else I could gain from changing what I do . I will say although I personally do not rate tempilaq for rifle brass , it does IMHO have a handy use for pistol or short case brass in general , my little .22 hornet and 44/40 being a prime examples . I put a dab near base ( about 1/3 to 1/2 way ) just to make sure I'm not getting to much heat near the base . anyone who has tried will know that annealing pistol/short brass can have so very interesting results if rules are not followed 🙂
  14. I use the same technique as EC . With my vertex and it works for me too .
  15. I know what you mean , and I struggle with getting my head around it . I don’t know why I do ... I just do . the solution.
  16. Min focus is 20m on k525i 👍 PM 2s are what your grandad has or the local urban operators use . the K525i is what the cool kids have 🤣 glass choice is far to subjective, it’s like asking what someone favourite song it Your get so many different answers/ views . the only way for to really decide what is right for you is look through them . i have and use Swarovski, S+B Kahles and leupold and not one is perfect . However there all very good in lots of different areas and applications . And lights conditions . But that’s to my eyes . like has already been suggested think about the intended use and what sort of features you want , that should narrow you down to a few models and try have a look though them , I can appreciate that maybe harder than it sounds but I really would recommend making the effort on that front .
  17. Neil , this is the exact reason I stoped using them last year. I bought 3 bricks worth after a very successful couple of weeks playing them to the point I could almost shut my eyes at 50m and score a bench rested 100 any day of the week in my anni MSR rifle , then the last brick accuracy dropped of a cliff without any logical explanation, I would point out that all three bricks where same batch numbers too. that was the point I restarted my old love affair with RWS. As to why I can offer no rationale explanation , I just know that I have lost confidence in Eley as a whole , even the tenex I have shot has been hit and miss . back in the day I was an Eley sponsored shooter when they where hands down the best of the best . A title I feel they have given away over the past 10 years . shame 😢
  18. Too be honest Rick I don’t know , I tried them at dis and wrote them off , I maybe should have given them a better go , but I was comparing everything to the R100 . I will test them at some point in the week if I get chance , we’re starting to drill at the end of the week ( weather permitting) so I will put the rimfire in the tractor.
  19. Yes but there working well and Truly there limits, , in my rifle they will hold a group at 100 m out to 115- 120m max and then they really are in the lap of the gods
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