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After having to trek across a very boggy Bisley this AM with all my gear (All of Century was set to 300m) I feel the need for a wheeled range box.  I  think i like the idea of a tool box with drawers so I don't have to empty everything out to get to DOPE cards etc..  

Any recommendations?

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Hi, I use a fishing cart/trolley, and just load eveything on that. It has 2 x 12 inch wheels, so will not get stuck on muddy ground. Folds up flat in back of car

It holds: folding table, folding chair, target holder, target backer, shopping bag containing ammo, range book, pen, Labradar, tripod, ear muffs, front and rear bags

I have the rifle in a slip over my shoulder. Works for me, and I am pretty disabled and cannot walk without a stick. With this I still have one arm free for the walking stick.

Whatever you do get something with large diameter and large tread width wheels, and do not get one with 4 wheels - have been watching some of the guys in my club this morning trying to cross the 100 yards of bog to the firing point in trainers and pulling/pushing 4 wheel carts with 4 inch wheels - they did not get very far  

M in windy Monmouthshire (8 -  12 inches windage at 200 yards)


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good evening,a friend who used to shoot at bulford and other mod ranges bought an electric golf bag trolley <not cart> of one of the auction sites £35 including a new battery!he converted it to carry all his gear to the firing point and it worked really well

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2 hours ago, banus02 said:

good evening,a friend who used to shoot at bulford and other mod ranges bought an electric golf bag trolley <not cart> of one of the auction sites £35 including a new battery!he converted it to carry all his gear to the firing point and it worked really well

I bought a normal golf bag trolley for £5, just bungy the rifles to is and carry a peli case with any bits in I need

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