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General Reflextion

John MH

General Reflextion  

57 members have voted

  1. 1. So who gets your vote (identity will not be shown)

    • Boris
    • Jeremy
    • Jo
    • Nigel
    • Nicola
    • Adam
    • Jonathan & Siân

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Choose the one which promotes growth and vigour and that smells the least!

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 It's not surprising that the UKV demographic is heavily Tory.  My guess is predominately over 50, white males into country sports  🤔

Well, I'll buck the trend I think.  I'll hold my nose and vote for anyone but the Serial Lying Buffoon and his cabinet of self-serving weaklings and nasty thick Little Ingurlanders.

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2 minutes ago, Popsbengo said:

 It's not surprising that the UKV demographic is heavily Tory.  My guess is predominately over 50, white males into country sports  🤔

Well, I'll buck the trend I think.  I'll hold my nose and vote for anyone but the Serial Lying Buffoon and his cabinet of self-serving weaklings and nasty thick Little Ingurlanders.

So you are happy to give up your .308 Win and .338 Lapua?

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Just now, John MH said:

So you are happy to give up your .308 Win and .338 Lapua?

1. There's bigger issues than shooting - waiting for a cancer operation trumps shooting fun in my book

2. I think whoever gets in will be very busy-busy so no time to worry about firearms in the next 10 years

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There is a LOT more to worry about with comrade Corbyn than just taking our guns away.

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Vote Jeremy and get Dianne Abbott in charge of our national security, security services and police !!!, God help us

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Add to that economic ruin.

The so-called renationalisation costs have been shown to be 5 x the £200 billion that Labour claim..... which is eye-watering in itself!

Must have used Diane Abbots abacus!

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We live in a world where

- councils etc can choose just not reply to a query and hope its all forgotten

- petty criminals will deny anything and everything because there’s a reasonable chance there’ll be no prosecution on the grounds “of not in the public interest”

- road safety is pretty much in the hands of speed cameras

- no one in the public sector is really accountable

- the vast majority only listen to soundbites

- everything is spun and distorted to the point much is meaningless.

- where any view other than that deemed worthy is going to be an extreme

-with politics having become so polarised, its been taken over by the minority on the extreme of either side shouting over the moderate middle, that the majority become forgotten

so why would any of the parties take  the effort to be honest and honourable having spent so many years creating a society and system that is anything but.

It has gone far beyond the point of picking the least worst, yet leaves no other option.


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I keep hearing about 'trust' with Johnson - and I think he's a toerag - but I think there's a bigger trust issue at play  - an opposition front bench, non of whom could pass security vetting, with a consistent, anti-Western, pro-terrorist, marxist ideology (I'd be stunned if none of them were Cold War 'useful idiots' to the USSR et al.)

The 'yoof' don't even know who the IRA were.

I can never forget.


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1 minute ago, Re-Pete said:

Just to ensure a sense of balance in this propaganda war...................



We'll disagree, but his support for the IRA is well documented; and belittled by the term 'propaganda'. 

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54 minutes ago, brown dog said:

I keep hearing about 'trust' with Johnson - and I think he's a toerag - but I think there's a bigger trust issue at play  - an opposition front bench, non of whom could pass security vetting, with a consistent, anti-Western, pro-terrorist, marxist ideology (I'd be stunned if none of them were Cold War 'useful idiots' to the USSR et al.)

The 'yoof' don't even know who the IRA were.

I can never forget.


The above photo makes me think of Kenny Everett's slightly right wing American Army Captain who said "Round 'em up,  put 'em in a field and bomb the b*stards!     How can anyone vote for these idiots/communist/IRA sympathisers!   Just my twopennorth chaps!

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Whichever way you vote it will require a great deal of nose holding - I'd love to support the middle-ground (Libs) but they've no chance of keeping the serial liar out of office.   Corbyn is a c*%t but less of one than those Tory-boys.  The country can't stand another five years of robbing the poor to pay the rich.

There's plenty of times we have had to sit down with the Devil over the years and to draw a line under desperately bad situations - how else would there be piece in Northern Ireland?

We made peace with the Germans, with the Japanese,  with Israeli terrorists in Palastine.  I think I can be selectively deaf to some stupid words uttered by a silly Marxist.

I want a Lib/Lab/SNP pact  - it's the only way to not get Tory or Labour madness.  I far from ideal solution but we need to avoid a crash out Brexit.

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31 minutes ago, Re-Pete said:

Where is it documented, other than in the mainstream press?



In many of his speeches.

I'm not sure what else you want if you're tin-foil hat about the press;

 I don't have his rail tickets nor do I have forensic evidence of his attendance at events, such as the Wolfe Tone Society just after the Loughall shootings, at which he stood for a minute's silence for the dead IRA terrorists and later said "I'm happy to commemorate all those who died fighting for an independent Ireland".

Or for McDonnell, when he said, in 2003 "It's about time we started honouring those people involved in the armed struggle. Because of the bravery of the IRA, we now have a peace process'

Or Abbott, when she said in 1984: "every defeat of the British state is a victory for all of us".

Of course, if they didn't say those things .... or lay wreaths in those places; they'd sue the press for defamation or libel; wouldn't they? But they haven't. Odd.

It's interesting, Corbynites- and it's rather nearer being part of a cult than a political movement - will 'blind eye' anything anything negative about Great Leader by the (tin foil hat) 'system'.

We won't agree 😊 and I'm too bored by it all to dig out video clips of Corbynites saying things along the lines of 'I'm not anti-semitic, but 'they' do seem to have all the money and power'

I will just observe that Marxism is endemically anti-semitic. Just read some of what Marx wrote.




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3 minutes ago, brown dog said:

In many of his speeches.

I'm not sure what else you want if you're tin-foil hat about the press;

 I don't have his rail tickets nor do I have forensic evidence of his attendance at events, such as the Wolfe Tone Society just after the Loughall shootings, at which he stood for a minute's silence for the dead IRA terrorists and later said "I'm happy to commemorate all those who died fighting for an independent Ireland".

Or for McDonnell, when he said, in 2003 "It's about time we started honouring those people involved in the armed struggle. Because of the bravery of the IRA, we now have a peace process'

Or Abbott, when she said in 1984: "every defeat of the British state is a victory for all of us".

Of course, if they didn't say those things .... or lay wreaths in those places; they'd sue the press for defamation or libel; wouldn't they? But they haven't. Odd.

It's interesting, Corbynites- and it's rather nearer being part of a cult than a political movement - will 'blind eye' anything anything negative about Great Leader by the (tin foil hat) 'system'.

We won't agree 😊 and I'm too bored by it all to dig out video clips of Corbynites saying things along the lines of 'I'm not anti-semitic, but 'they' do seem to have all the money and power'

I will just observe that Marxism is endemically anti-semitic. Just read some of what Marx wrote.




I suppose, as a PS... it may not suit the narrative of 'system paranoia', but it may surprise you to learn that I'd probably actually vote Green if it weren't for first-past-the-post;  but I'm simply not prepared to play any part in risking having 3 people come to government who, for decades, actively supported the terrorists who murdered  so many of my brothers-in-arms and innocent civilians.

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