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Speeding on motorway !


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Understood,I don't live there either. :-)


I do see that if this 6 month trial scheme of issuing warnings (not 'vindictive' or indeed any fines first time) reduces road traffic deaths,more of those who choose to live there will continue to live.



"IF" being the operative word.


I don't think prosecuting motorists travelling at 78mph on a motorway will save many lives at all (probably none), but I'm sure someone somewhere will come up with a statistic to justify it.

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"IF" being the operative word.


I don't think prosecuting motorists travelling at 78mph on a motorway will save many lives at all (probably none), but I'm sure someone somewhere will come up with a statistic to justify it.


Devil's Dictionary: "Statistics: blatant lies,unless you are one of them." :-)

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Well, all in all and although I can appreciate Scotland as a lovely place to visit from time to time, I would have to say I'm glad I don't live there.




The older I get, the more pointless stupidity I see. The small minded pettiness of those with not enough to do, never ceases to amaze.


I suppose he's happy that a child gets hit at 30mph instead of 31mph. :wacko: Personally I'd rather have an aware driver miss the child while traveling a few miles over the posted limit than one fixated on the speedo.


I witness what happens to a persons skillset performance in my everyday job when pressure is applied. The authorities scream about drink driving, then help reduce standards to a similar level by acting like Nazi's.


I'm glad I don't live there. I find the Scottish a welcoming people, but I bet they soon regret voting for the SNP.



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What are the average speed cameras set to on the A9? I was up that way yesterday, and think I fall into the category of motorist that struggles to read the speedo to a 2mph margin.

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I have not been prosecuted nor been issued a FPN , they sent me a form asking who the driver was and I filled it out correctly and sent it back .

On the form it said they may issue a FPN ? I also added a covering letter , a little grovelling and a little explaining , this was returned 16 days ago and until now I have not had a reply .

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Ah, well I would think this will result in you getting one of these "formal warnings" Police Scotland are trialling. Prepare yourself for a stiffly-worded letter giving you a good telling off for being such a dangerous threat. You are now no better a human being than someone committing violence or anti-social behavior, according to Chief Constable Steven House.


Presumably, they will be out pointing laser guns anywhere there's a nice clear stretch of road and a computer will be churning these warnings out by the million over the next few months, followed by the publication of statistics showing how drivers in Scotland have a blatant disregard for all living things, leading to a lowering of the existing speed limits and automatic fines for anyone going 1mph over.


You heard it here first.

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I got pinged at 129 (80.2mph) overtaking in the Ranger a few weeks ago. Got stuck in a line of five cars behind a -slow- truck for at least 5km. The cop admitted he was about to overtake us all and pull the slow truck over, that was just before I pulled out. The mongrel wouldn't cut me any slack though.. :((


Not quite the same as that would be equivalent to us getting done for 91mph, a bit different to the 78mph the OP was recorded at. If you want petty, how about getting a ticket for 104kph on a deserted dual carriageway at 6.30pm Christmas Eve in dry conditions and being in NZ it was bright sunshine at the time with no on or off ramps within a couple of K's.



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The speed limits are set for a reason.


Urban areas 30 or in high population densities 20


Its set at this so that there is a dramatically higher chance of survival for pedestrian / vehicle "interactions"


Likewise in "red ring" limits - 40 and 50, you will fall foul if you are 10% +2 over the limit


All cars speedos are by law designed to overread the actual speed, though if you have an accident and you have a modern car (less than 10 yrs old) many if not all, have some form of data recorder which in the case of a fatal or life changing collision, you can bet your money the Collision Investigator will have read...



There is greater leeway given in national and motorway limits but only to a point.



Travel over 75 in a national (dual C) and your pushing things, the same applies to over 80 on a mway.



In the case of A / B roads, don't forget there will be a distinction / interpretation in "is or was it safe to travel at that speed, despite being within the limit in that stretch" (if theres a collision)




I can't comment on Scottish Law, but I know the A9 is heavily policed both by unmarked and average speed cameras, as are many other arterial routes in Scotland..



Trust me, better to stay within the law than be involved in something that turns into a game changer..

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It might be worth re-iterating at this point Home Office Guidance is just that..... Guidance. Its not law. the requirements to comply with the Firearms Act for an FAC is the law. Be safe and declare it.


If its a none issue then its not a problem. If its a requirement and you fail to notify then it could bring a focus you dont want or need.


I was in the Police HQ getting a variation last week and the form asked if I had committed any offences since my last application, apart from parking offences. I mentioned to the FLO a speeding offence and then remembered I had declared it on renewal as it happened a few years ago now therefore it was a non issue but at no time did they say they didnt count.

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I'd be careful arguing the over reading speedo. Modern speedo's are more accurate - many down to 5% error, is your car fitted with one?


Breacher, speedo's don't under read they over read i.e your speedo would be indicating 77mph reflecting a true road speed of 70mph allowing for a 10% error.


At the end of the day you were speeding, simple, take the medicine.



My speedo under reads, at an indicated 70mph I`m doing 76mph according to the GPS ,reason , oversize (but legal) tyres.

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Trust me, better to stay within the law than be involved in something that turns into a game changer..

You said game changer


I suggest you step away from Sons of Guns now!


As for DW58 (I think it was him) sending a pleading letter.....you said too much

Tell 'em nuffink

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Stepped away;





Life Changer



been there done that

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... If you want petty, how about getting a ticket for 104kph on a deserted dual carriageway at 6.30pm Christmas Eve in dry conditions and being in NZ it was bright sunshine at the time with no on or off ramps within a couple of K's.





Yep, that's the zero tolerance margin they now enforce over public holiday periods. FAR worse than the non-use of intelligent discretion at normal times because it forces the average open road speeds down to about 90kph and I've often seen lower in steady traffic. It is revenue gathering at its worst.


As for my ticket, my son who's a real cop in Auckland ( not a traffic wally) said the idiot probably needed only one more ticket to fill his daily quota before he could go home. The laugh is they deny that quotas exist- prob call them "performance indicators" or some equally euphemistic term..

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