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That's a bit niff naff to my mind; in contrast, why isn't this still major news?




A child cadet, burnt in the face with an aerosol by someone described as 'black/asian' and our leftie press has dropped the story already?!

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That's a bit niff naff to my mind; in contrast, why isn't this still major news?


A child cadet, burnt in the face with an aerosol by someone described as 'black/asian' and our leftie press has dropped the story already?!

An appalling incident,especially as a child was the target. What is the rightie press saying?
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An appalling incident,especially as a child was the target. What is the rightie press saying?


The story seems to be 'old news' already - no doubt the press is afraid of 'offending' the segment of society that might cut their heads off.

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Police accidentally discharge a firearm in a school and a girl is injured.

I suppose 'Accidental Discharge' sounds better than what it really was .... a 'Negligent Discharge' :mad:


If it was done by a member of Joe Public, there would be hell to pay, but I imagine this will be quickly swept under the carpet and forgotten about.

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Hmmm.....not sure the media can do much very positive (actually on both incidents,though they are not equivalent-one being an accident?)


What seems to be much more important is that the police do not lose interest,and especial diligence in the search for the burn perpetrator. There seem to be no reasons to suppose they might shirk this duty.

Let us hope that the media can report success in due course.

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The number of times that supposedly properly trained firearms officers have negligent discharges seems ridiculous. At least in this case the firearm was pointed somewhere relatively harmless unlike a previous case where a weapon was pointed at a trainee(what were they thinking?) and it then 'discharged'. It's disgraceful.


As previously said if this was a member of Jo Public there would be hell to pay.

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The story seems to be 'old news' already - no doubt the press is afraid of 'offending' the segment of society that might cut their heads off.

this has hardly been reported. Disgraceful.



locally a cadet was verbally abused. The offender was identified, arrested, charged and remanded.

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It never ceases to amaze me how much goes, "un reported",,,,drive by shootings in Ireland dent even make the press any more though they are a weekly occurrence .


Given the National Security Risk is Severe at the moment, id have thought that every possible terrorist or insurgent incident should go reported to the "nth" degree to raise public awareness….



On the original subject, its highly likely that the officer concerned will never touch force issued firearms again..

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Police accidentally discharge a firearm in a school and a girl is injured.

Erm...... Where does it say school ?? As I read it it :-



Nottinghamshire Police has launched an investigation following the incident at its headquarters last week, and has referred the matter to the Independent Police Complaints Commission.


The girl was hit in the face by an empty cartridge after a shot was fired into the ground, the force's commissioner said.



Not enough there to go on really ... Was it in range area ? Was its ND ? Or a deliberate shot ?


To be honest, until it comes out in full , we can all speculate , but that would make us no better than the press

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The story seems to be 'old news' already - no doubt the press is afraid of 'offending' the segment of society that might cut their heads off.

Agree 100% wouldn't want to offend the religion of peace would we! The press only feed us the stuff they want us to see anything else that does not conform to there agenda is swept under the carpet after all we are all just sheep BAH.... BAH.....BAH

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I can remember a number of years ago, A woman visiting a toilet in London (cant remember if it was a public toilet or private premises), Found what turned out to be a WPC's side arm complete with holster and belt, It turned out the officer in question took it off when she visited the toilet, and forgot to put it back on again!!! i don't know what action was taken against her.


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Criteria for post incident investigations

Post incident investigations will commence in all situations where there has been a discharge of a weapon by the police (including those involving a conventional firearm or less lethal weapon), whether intentional or unintentional which has or may have:


resulted in death or serious injury – these will be subject to mandatory referral to the IPCC, or another independent investigative authority (IIA)

revealed failings in command

caused danger to officers or the public.

Cases which have revealed failings in command or have caused danger to officers or the public, or where it is in the public interest should be referred to the independent investigative authority, as a voluntary referral. If the above criteria are not met, the force should consider the proportionate application of these procedures, where appropriate.


Where firearms and less lethal weapons have been discharged by police officers, it is in the interests of the public, the police service and everyone involved in the incident, that subsequent procedures should be open and transparent, and that the integrity of all action can be demonstrated.

Source: College of Policing website.

APP Post incident

The whole procedure is in this document which might take out the speculation aspect. These things do unfortunately happen but it will be investigated properly and will probably result in misconduct proceedings.

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