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Rifle actions what's available in the uk moment ?

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Having been ringing about myself i would say not alot off the peg. Or at least not what i was looking for Rem foot print Multi shot. SYSS Has lawtons, Callum has Bordens and Mik has Banards Thats what i could find.If antbody knows of anything else i would be intrested aswell.

Cheers Sean.

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Stiller, Nesika a\re available in the UK off the shelf as well as whats already been mentioned

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I just had a Nesika multi shot action fitted in my latest custom rifle. Rem footprint I believe to fit the AI stock.

Mik did it and it is not just beautiful with its fluted bolt but silky smooth too. I would certainly recommend them. It recently won me a gold medal at the Bisley Phoenix meeting, on its first outing.

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It's a stiller I'm looking to upgrade. What price is a Borden rim rock does nobody stock stolle and bat in the uk. Iv got one of johns actions it's very good just wondered what else was about

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Rimrocks start around 1600 retail I think,. If you want single shot action, I wouldnt look at anything else. (Ive got two on my own rifles)



Stolle are imported by Gary C


BAT by Callum at PRS and also Paddy Dane

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Biased I know, but Borden every time for me and I have built numerous custom precision rifles on both actions......

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Have you tried one on a bench gun yet?


I believe the heavy gun class was won last season at 1000 yards at Diggle by one of my guns which is a John Carr action [.284 win ] Vince will know.

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I believe the heavy gun class was won last season at 1000 yards at Diggle by one of my guns which is a John Carr action [.284 win ] Vince will know.


You know, I can't remember but you could be right - was it Nick Stirrup? I can tell you however that 'triggersqueezer' shot a 1.1995 inch three-shot group at 500yds in the Egg Shoot with one of your rifles built on a John Carr action.


This is an interesting discussion on available actions. I'm a firm believer that 90% of the accuracy comes from the barrel - the action and bedding gives that extra 10%. Most of the custom actions - Borden, BAT, Stolle, Nesika, John Carr, Barnard etc. are well up to the job and it comes down to personal preference - and the guy fitting the barrel.


For me, it's BAT every time! BAT-actioned rifles hold all three UK benchrest 5-shot group records at 100, 600 & 1000 yards. What more do you want?

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I think Vince will be in the ball park on this-'ball park' because we can't really assess their contributions with great confidence or at least no-one has,so far.

If we are talking about extreme accuracy,or rather precision,consistently better than 1/4 moa we know it's achievable-and was exceeded in the 'Texas Tunnel' tests.But no rifle has ever consistently put all it's shots in a calibre size hole-there is always some -perhaps very small- dispersion or 'variance'-the better the components,the less the variance (or greater accuracy-essentially the same thing.)

Differences between custom components are likely to be smaller than between 'factory' components,and experience (like Vince's,shooting and seeing shot) supports the liklihood that differences betwen custom components is usually much smaller than between 'factory'(one reason we reload).

So custom is 'better',on average ,by an appreciable margin (a few factory rifles are exceptional,but few customs are not).

Would you rather have a custom barrel on a factory action,or a factory barrel on a custom rifle?Quite so,suggesting that the barrel is the more important factor in precision.Bedding aalmost always helps,never makes worse (done properly)-but it's conrtribution is probably less than barrel,though best to see all three as a 'trinity'.

So barrel,very big factor,action considerably less so,and bedding helps.


Most other components are really about the shooter getting the most accuracy that is intrinsic to the above-trigger,stock,scope (I'm assuming optimised ammo and shooting conditions-rests,weather etc)-important to the shooter,of ccourse.


OK-custom bedded barrel and action are best.These are extremely consistent-ie very few duff ones,almost all are 1/4 moa or better.A very few factory might come close some of the time,a lot don't and are inconsistent,even then. Consistency matters-there are no custom duds.(would you buy a factory model just because one such shot well,and many others did not?even if half shot well,and other half did not,you'd have to buy two (actually more) to have a decentchance of a good 'un! (not a great one,remember).We all know this....

Success begets more success,but with the custom it's as much because there are virtually no duff ones-and which custom is probably a function of availability,etc.If a lot of top shooters use the "Magic" action,it will do well,and the maybe just as good 'The what?' will lose out in sales.We are disposed as humans to look for confirmation-which is essential-rather than disconfirmation (the duff "Magic").

So we can have the occasional factory gem,but very seldom the custom bummer,among the custom hummers-and many more modest factory rifles,which have much to be modest about( in this elevated,specialised,company).Hybrids will be in between,especially with a custom barrel....


Which custom barrel,which custom action....'lap-literally-of the gods' ,and you will probably never get the conditions to find out about yours!

No harm in checking what's winning in your preferred discipline,of course, requirements do vary,but action and barrel preferences don't change anything like as fast as ,say,scopes or stocks or cartridges tend to!

Happy spending!


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You know, I can't remember but you could be right - was it Nick Stirrup? I can tell you however that 'triggersqueezer' shot a 1.1995 inch three-shot group at 500yds in the Egg Shoot with one of your rifles built on a John Carr action.


This is an interesting discussion on available actions. I'm a firm believer that 90% of the accuracy comes from the barrel - the action and bedding gives that extra 10%. Most of the custom actions - Borden, BAT, Stolle, Nesika, John Carr, Barnard etc. are well up to the job and it comes down to personal preference - and the guy fitting the barrel.


For me, it's BAT every time! BAT-actioned rifles hold all three UK benchrest 5-shot group records at 100, 600 & 1000 yards. What more do you want?



And the 2 x 10 shot 1000 :D

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In the good old days, when Precision Shooting magazine existed, we could check the results from American benchrest comps every month (which usually included the top twenty equipment list) and a clear pattern - of action and barrel choice was often apparent and thus easier to choose - when you decided to lay your money down.


Now, we seem to rely on opinions expressed in forums - which can be very good but often they are not based on personal experience.....................

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Hi Vince, yes Its Nick I,m on about, I recalled a quick conversation with him on the point where I was sure he'd mentioned it. He'd also had a 4" ish group at 1000 yds with it too ?

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This is an interesting discussion on available actions. I'm a firm believer that 90% of the accuracy comes from the barrel - the action and bedding gives that extra 10%. Most of the custom actions - Borden, BAT, Stolle, Nesika, John Carr, Barnard etc. are well up to the job and it comes down to personal preference - and the guy fitting the barrel.


For me, it's BAT every time! BAT-actioned rifles hold all three UK benchrest 5-shot group records at 100, 600 & 1000 yards. What more do you want?



Good point about the actions Vince - some are as good as each other and it is down to what the individual likes.


Barrels tend to be flavour of the month,, we had a run of Kreiger, Broughton, Bartlein, Shilen, and now the new kid on the block Benchmark (which I have to admit I'm using)



There has to be a degree of skill and attention to detail in the rifle smith putting things together - you've been instrumental in setting many people off along the accuracy road.



So long as the quality control stays high with the components and especially barrels, it is really down to the end users skill to place the shots on target down range.

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