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Blaser LRS2 / TACK 2

6x47 lapua

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Ronin owned one in .308 I had the pleasure to shoot it. The stock was very comfy and the ergonomics beat an AI hands down.



Blaser are a guilty pleasure of mine, I know their weakenss but still want one.






As Scotch says; the most comfortable rifle stock I've ever used - perfection.

Extremely accurate.




Don't always go bang when intended to (significant failure to fire rate).

Sometimes go bang when not intended to - thrown off the Brit 338 trial for two such particular issues.



OK as a range queen. Fit for nothing else. :)

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I have an R93 LRS, the original version with 10 round mags, and a CNC aluminium stock with ABS panels. It's a stupidly accurate 308, and with a Third Eye Spartan mod fitted, recoils like a 6.5mm. It's fully adjustable and can be made to fit like a glove, and it has never failed to fire, or fired prematurely.

The only con, and it is a major one !!! is the price charged for spare/replacement barrels...................

Rumours abound about aftermarket barrels, but I've yet to find anyone (other than Bix 'n Andy who don't answer emails), who makes them.

If someone can tell me how to get a photo from my desktop to this forum, I'll post it.



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To be honest I think that somebody is definitely having a laugh with the price of the barrels.The first one I bought for mine was the 6.5 swede £495 including a magazine in late 2005 brand new.The next one was a few months later 223 at a similar price. Both of which were the fluted match barrel which now costs £1200 sans magazine..... some inflation rate ?????

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it has never failed to fire, or fired prematurely.


Well, you're very lucky :)


I've privately owned 3 blasers (2 x R93, 1 x Tac 2) all have failed to fire on occasion. Blaser always blame bolt manipulation. Didn't wash under trial conditions for the 338 Tac2.


In my experience, most private blaser owners seem to have an enormously protective brand-loyalty (perhaps because so many people criticise the rifle on which they've spent a wheelbarrow full of cash?!) and as a result seem to psychologically compartmentalise and ignore the firing failures and thus ignore a failure to fire rate that simply does not occur in 'normal' rifles.


Blaser also flatly denied the safety issues; despite their occurrence under military trial conditions. When re-created for their engineers under the same trial conditions, they admitted a design flaw of which they were aware. It's my understanding that South Wales police recently had all their Blasers re-worked because of one of the issues - which the force identified quite separately to the Army trial.


Rather than be obtuse; the two Tac 2 issues are:


The loaded magazine can bear upwards on the trigger/sear/whatever blaser call it mechanism in such a way that it prevents the firing pin from being released. If, rather than applying the safety, the operator just drops the magazine, the rifle will fire by itself as the mech is unblocked.


The little stud that sticks up above the trigger, if clogged with enough muck that it sticks in the 'down' position, will cause the rifle to fire when the bolt is closed.


The former issue is probably of concern to range plinkers, the latter is only really of concern to people who are letting their rifles get filthy.


Both occurred in the trials; the magazine issue was the one Blaser denied and then subsequently admitted. I don't know whether it affects all calibres or just 338.. The Blaser rifles took no further part in the trial.



You pays your money you makes your choice :)

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Well, I agree totally with the view that the Blaser system is about as much use as a nine-bob note to an infantryman...............get that trigger or collet full of sand or mud and it's "game over",

but for law enforcement, it probably works.

I assume it's described as "tactical" in the hope that the SAS wannabe's out there will buy it, but I believe it was originally designed as a 300m competition rifle. I don't think it was ever intended for the military. (LRS stands for Long Range Sporter.)

I have the aperture sight mounting adapters for mine, and it's great fun to shoot at 600yds with jacket and sling.

With a relatively slow load (2550 fps) of 2.8 gms of TR140 behind a SMK 155, and a bipod, it'll hold the 5 ring on a 600 yd. F-class target all day, if I do my bit.............


Having said all that, there's no way I'd spend the money for a new one.



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This site has some good info. http://www.cybersniper.com/blsuite.htm


My LRS is black, although yellow would have been nice............. :D




ps I think I've sussed Photobucket: http://s1348.photobucket.com/user/pw1231/media/BlaserLRS_zps794b2c7c.jpg.html?sort=3&o=0


but it won't allow the photo to be displayed.



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Well, you're very lucky :)

I've privately owned 3 blasers (2 x R93, 1 x Tac 2) all have failed to fire on occasion



I've got to ask.....................why did you buy the second and third?..............


Although I am but a target shooter, an intermittent fault like that would have me getting rid in no time.



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Well, you're very lucky :)

I've privately owned 3 blasers (2 x R93, 1 x Tac 2) all have failed to fire on occasion



I've got to ask.....................why did you buy the second and third?..............


Although I am but a target shooter, an intermittent fault like that would have me getting rid in no time.





Horizontal learning curve. First one failed to fire on around 10% of occasions. After much faffing around it went back to the factory who eventually twigged that the chamber had been cut too short.

Few years later; still seduced by that neat takedownable package, I thought 'it can't have been that bad' and got a 243 jagdmatch. Insanely accurate; but still had a 1% failure to fire rate.

On both occasions I returned the rifles as unfit for purpose and swapped them for Sauer 202s.

Unlike the two preceding Blasers, the 338 was free. Nothing beats free ;):)


for your pic, find the bit of link that starts with IMG in square brackets and ends /IMG also in square brackets:



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Had a Tac 2


308, was very accurate, but not suitable for all weather durability...


After a season of use in all weathers I stripped it to the chassis, there was alloy furring on all internal fixings mounting the chassis to the polymer stock.


I changed all the fixings (at not inconsiderable cost) and sold it.


Tac 2 has different (larger) barrel diameter so replacement barrels are more expensive.


They come with integral pica tinny (which is welcome addition to saddle mounts) which are prone to failing in cold weather.


Nice package, suited to dry weather target or urban sniper...



Ive now gone full circle and am back with an AI.



I won't be having another Blaser

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The LRS is a completely different animal to the LRS2. The entire stock appears to be CNC machined from an aluminium billet. This has been powdercoated, with brass inserts for all fixing points.


ABS panels clamp together on this framework to form the butt, and the forend panels screw into the framework.


I plan to sell mine in the near future, mainly due to lack of use and tight storage space.


I've put less than 500 rounds through it in 18 months, preferring single shot long barrelled rifles with wooden stocks.


It was all new when I bought it. A NOS stock mated with a new R93 match barrel and bolt assy.


Plus, of course, if I wore it out, I'd need to re-mortgage to replace a barrel.................



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Merry christmas to you all folks


I wasn't going to join in but i have just been kicked out of the kitchen


I have had a r93 system for 5 years because it makes so much sense as a travelling hunter


One cannot fault it for repeatability and consistency in component


I have dozens of barrels and scope mounts spanning over 12 years of manufacturing and which ever combination I put together they


hold zero


I must concur with Matt on thei fail to fire issue FTT


It happens once in a while and totally unpredictable without a pattern


Obviously uk dealers blames user error however in Germany they take your complain seriously


ALL FTT rifles are sent back to the factory for scrutiny


I have at least 2 friends who had rifles exchanged with new components without questions asked


Obviously this is an issue but without factory announcement - bit like the 17 HMR ammo issue


I suuppose the uk market is so small as compared to the fatherland


Recently I had a FFT combination literally days before a hunt


The problem resolve by changing to another bolt head


Also r93 needs full length sizing rather than neck sizing


Alan Wey who also post here was the consultant to beechwood when they were the importer before open seasons and Alan rhone got involved


has a few years experience dealing with FTT and his input is invaluable


Bottom line is the system works for a particular niche in the hunting market and nothing else


I will certainly NOT take it for dangerous game


I have something special for those with claws and fangs


I just wish Blaser sort themselves out once and for all and treat customers in U K like those on the


continent and the U S


Anyway enough rambling


lunch should be ready

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Gazzar15 said "Someone is having a laugh with the price of Blaser barrels........" This prompted me to look out the receipt for mine.


The 308 fluted match barrel was new ex-stock from the importer, and was shown as a separate item on the invoice, dated march 2012.


The price? £628.80 inc vat. Earlier this year, I enquired about a 6BR match barrel, the quoted price (from the same importer) was £1685.


That's not a laugh, it's full-blown hysterics..........particularly when you consider I've just bought and fitted a new Savage 6BR barrel, which cost me £250 inc vat, on a mod 12, and which shot sub-moa on it's second ten shot group.



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One last comment before succumbing to brandy and mince pies...............someone stated that you should only full-size cases when loading for an R93.


I use RWS brass ex NRA, and apart from the first run, I only neck size, and as I said, I've never had a failure to fire.



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The UK price structure is certainly screwed up


I just ordered a few more barrels and a BBF 97 directly from Germany and everything is cheaper than uk second hand prices !


I have heard from a few trusted dealer friends stating that they are not able to supply Blaser parts any more


It's a numbers game from now on and only large dealers will survive


Not sure it's the right way to go .......

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I must concur with Matt on thei fail to fire issue FTT


It happens once in a while and totally unpredictable without a pattern


Obviously uk dealers blames user error however in Germany they take your complain seriously


ALL FTT rifles are sent back to the factory for scrutiny


I have at least 2 friends who had rifles exchanged with new components without questions asked


Obviously this is an issue but without factory announcement - bit like the 17 HMR ammo issue


I suuppose the uk market is so small as compared to the fatherland


Recently I had a FFT combination literally days before a hunt


The problem resolve by changing to another bolt head






What a joy to read an experienced Blaser user noting the same issue :)


Interesting to read that it's surreptitiously acknowledged in Germany.

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The last post just captured my attention...........As previously stated I have had nearly 10 years with my rifle (LRS2) mainly target shooting but on occasion the odd deer from a high seat. I too have suffered the FTF syndrome ,but analysis has tracked the problem to a batch of cases that were over trimmed in 223. In all other calibres nada, no problem. Am I just fortunate ?I do however always full length re-size.

By the way gents.... A Merry Christmas to you all.

Food now summons my attention.

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This is a new barrel with. Old bolt head

I was getting variable strike depth and FTT cbfe41e325b8f561e268cc30ff7e0607_zps2967

The cartridge on the left had light strike eventhough the bolt was slammed in

The right to the right had a full strike

Both full length sized

Another view bf070ff9eb5c3467a7650cffd7a1b886_zpsa654

Hi Londonhuter/Browndog

As you seem to be the men in the know, do you know if they have resolved this problem in the latest model ie the R8,

Many Thanks


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I have not had a problem with either of my R 93 blasers but you must full length resize and in belted magnums I would suggest the Larry Willis collet die. Does this issue only exist with the Tactical rifle?

(Post enhanced by Chablis)

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