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2012 Czech Police International Sniper Competition


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A small band of UKV members have just returned from a competition in the Czech Republic.



They took part in the 2012 Czech Police International Sniper Competition, competing against police and military teams from Czech Republic, Russia, Ukraine, Slovakia, Bulgaria, Hungary, Germany, Italy, Israel, Mongolia and the USA.


146 personnel shot as both individuals and pairs.


Our best performer in the individuals was Brown Dog who placed 5th overall (ex 146).


In the team placings, the pairing of Brown Dog and Ronin placed 9th (ex 73)


Four pairs travelled to the competition from the UK, two of the pairs carried on to the World Championships in Hungary, which is taking place this weekend.


MJR, Scotch Egg, BD and myself travelled to the comp, arriving sunday evening, where we stayed overnight at a town near the military area where the competition took place.


The following day we spent a very interesting visit to the CZ factory and were given a guided tour of the vast site. We had the opportunity to see all the processes involved in the manufature of the various weapons and machine parts made there.


We also had the opprtunity to shoot the new .223 assault rifle, Skorpion 9mm Semi auto and pistols.


A very interesting visit.


Tuesday took us to the competition billets and once booked in and unpacked, we headed to the range for zero check and evening meal.


Wednesday morning we had to be at the range for 07:00, where after breakfast, there was an opening ceremony, final competitor number allocation and start of the various details.


No sighters (as one would expect in such a comp) timed stress tests, small target scoring areas and unpredictable winds were the problems we faced.


BD and I were shooting 6.5x47's


MJR and Scotch were using 308



We all used BD card system for drop and wind correction.


All I can say is i'm glad I relied on it as once one gets used to using the card, it becomes a moments task to read, and make corrections for any condition.


Far, far simpler than electronic devices.



Anyway, some pics


Opening Ceremony




Example of typical detail briefing:



500 mtrs - 5 shots prone


250 mtrs - 2 shots prone (in 10 seconds) when tapped on the ankle - stress test.


150 mtrs - 1 shot prone (in 5 seconds) when tapped on ankle - stress test


Note small scoring areas on faces....






(Remember: There are no sighters in this sort of competition! (and generally, mirage meant that fall of shot couldn't be seen on the targets either))


500 Mtrs BD




500 mtrs (me)




250 mtrs BD




250 mtrs (me) - note same shot fall and group size - but I didnt pick up on wind change.....




150 mtrs BD




150 mtrs (me)




MJR and Scotch both shot very well - it was their first time out there, always difficult -


I didnt get many pics of their targets, however heres one of MJR's at 500 mtrs





More pics to follow and a bit more of a write up.



There will be, no doubt be some UK detractors of tactical competition from internet-angry little people..Lets make this clear, we just enjoy shooting and shooting in competitions. Its one thing being able to steer a rifle, its quite another humping 50 lbs of kit for tens of miles and then making a shot in a difficult situation. None of us were in the latter boat; we simply entered the comp to participate and because we were invited :)



On that note, id like to thank DS1 for all his kind help and assistance in making this years trip possible.

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Team event won by two from Russian Alpha, 2nd place was two from UKR Omega team, third RUS Alpha team again.


Individual placements, 1st, Rus Alpha member, 2nd, a UKR SBU member, 3rd, a member of the CZ URN unit.



Yes it was a very good performance by BD, some very good wind calls, it was a close run event at the top - he was only 75 points below a place on the podium.


In the team event, we were less than 20 points off a podium place.


The wind was a real pain to read, the range being flat, cut grass with high berms either side, so really not good to pick up on minor changes.


A couple of times in the stress shoots we would agree on a wind setting and find a change in POI of a couple inches (the 250 mtr target above is a an example of this happening and would - had I hit it in the scoreing area, have given us 3rd place....), the scoring areas were small and points or nothing which made it frustrating when just out the score area, yet within the target,,,


All part of the fun though :)

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Well done guys and great shooting.

Matt that is an excellent result your hard work load developing in the back of a Shogun paid off :lol:

Looks like Andy you made the right choice to go to this instead of Blair ;) are you going to Diggle Saturday?



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No places left at Diggle, all booked - im on waiting list...


Will hopefully be at Bisley at end of month.

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More pics will be coming, :D

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Yes it was a very good performance by BD, some very good wind calls, it was a close run event at the top - he was only 75 points below a place on the podium.


Ahem; 19 points away from 1st, 9 points from 3rd :rolleyes::)


I keep re-living the 500m sitting unsupported where I wasted 4 shots -I shot like I'd just downed a double espresso :rolleyes: and a close-in shot where I overthought the wind. Just correct one of those and I'd have grabbed 3rd.

Ah well. I know that's the name of the game, but frustrating!


The wind was a real pain to read, the range being flat, cut grass with high berms either side, so really not good to pick up on minor changes.


A couple of times in the stress shoots we would agree on a wind setting and find a change in POI of a couple inches (the 250 mtr target above is a an example of this happening and would - had I hit it in the scoreing area, have given us 3rd place....), the scoring areas were small and points or nothing which made it frustrating when just out the score area, yet within the target,,,


All part of the fun though :)

Decisive wind chats with Andy (working as a pair) were our strength (thanks Andy!); for most of day 1, we were dealing with horrid fishtail winds at the firing point with entirely different winds downrange. Watching splash on one detail, I literally saw 2 bullets strike within seconds of each other -and the dust clouds drift in opposite directions!

It was like an arranged demo of shooting through multiple winds.

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Sorry for the math BD,,,was posted at 03:00 AM....



No Chinese attendance, although expected at the Hungary comp Alan.



More pics,


Detail 3 (Day 1) 26 degrees, fishtailing wind and as Matt said, strange events happening down range.




400 mtrs - 3 shots prone (2 mins time limit)


300 mtrs - 2 shots, prone, 30 secs (stress)


200 mtrs - 2 shots, prone, 20 secs (stress)




You'll notice that the targets are small,, this shoot was designed to impart stress due to time element and targetry reduced size.




BD 400 mtrs




Me 400





BD 300




Me 300




BD 200




Me 200







Bettween details there was plenty of time to relax and enjoy the warm weather



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At the end of the comp, there was a fantastic spread put on for the competitors, organisers and everyone else involved in the event



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Hopefully the other guys will add their own pics to the thread and tell their side :)

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Well as Ronin said the comp is designed to induce stress and shooting against time limits certainly does that. No sighters, no wind flags, in fact nothing man made to indicate wind direction or strength. The ranges we used had burms of slate type gravel running across the ranges to protect the automatic targetry. Once the sun/heat go to warm these up the mirage was sometimes horrendous. On top of the that the sides of the ranges have large banks of earth to further disturb the air flow and at times caused vertical vortexs, like mini whirlwinds zipping up the range - I was unaware of these until walking back from one detail and the wind was strong enough to lift the cut grass from the floor!

Personally I struggled with the first target on day 1. At 200mtr prone in 2 minutes it was a give away and I did give it away by putting every round low. I know my elevation was good so it was either me or a miss read quartering wind from behind that caused my error. Anyway it cost me 40+ points


Later targets and extended range and I got my act together and once Scotch Egg and I got into the rthyme of checking one anothers elevation and windage calls (we shoot the same 308 loads)we both began picking up points. This was my 400mtr target and this time I could spot my windage and compensate...obviosly pulled one shot which I called..




And 500mtr




Then the real time pressure began. This target was 250mtr, prone, 2 rounds, Tap on leg from the RCO then 10 seconds to shoot. Scotch shot before me by literally 10 seconds and with the same elevation and windage had direct hits - excellent. I missed the increased wind in the 10 secs time difference and placed both of mine left....





But the 150mtr,1 round, tap and 5 seconds to shoot was better








All in all an excellent trip with good company and an excellent performance from BD, Well done.


And a big thanks to DS1 for helping with the organisation and loan of a shooting matt.

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Looks like a good time had by all (dammit!!) :) )


Matt - nice result (again 'dammit' :lol: ) Just goes to show turning up with your own rifle and ammo which had been used and tested before hand does help


Brgds Terry

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I think it helped BD that the following happened:


1, his rifle functioned perfectly (guess thats down to the builder :rolleyes: )


2, his ammo was good


3, his action screws remained tight


4, comms bettween us checking elevation, windage, COF etc


5, remaining calm under pressure also helped

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Well done chaps ,sounds like a boatful of fun.

However a few questions, You guys were shooting 6.5 x 47 and 308 s what type of gun, scopes etc ? What were the other folks using equipment wise ? Would be particularly interested in the more successful entrants as to see their choice of stuff.


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There were alot of AI AW's, some AX's, a boatload of Blaser LRS2's, (all issue weapons), various CZ, Sig, Sako TRg's and other European sniper rifles a DTA in 338 LM and some customs.


The majority shot 308 Win.


Scope wise, there were more PM11's than you could shake a stick at, quite a few IOR, Leups and a few NF.


BD shot a semi custom Tikka T3 I built him last year in 6.5x47, I used my BAT custom in 6.5x47. We both used FFP PM11, with Mil ajust. Matt used 5-25, I used 4-16.


One of the winners used a hybrid 6mm BR rifle similar to a Tikka action but wasnt in a BR style stock (that accepted a bipod)


Wind reading (as ever),, competance with a rifle and the ability to function under pressure were the keys to the comp.

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Ronin, you sure his action screws were tight? :lol:


I used a Stiller actioned/Lothar Walther built by Mike Norris and Scotch Egg used a TRG both with PMII's 5-25x56 mil/mil ffp and TRG muzzle brakes.

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Well done looked like an exellent event.


Matt - nice work.


Looking forward to Bisley in August.



Kind Regards



Thanks for the info Ronin

The courses of fire would include some multiple rounds in a short space of time in some instances and I note that some of the contestants were using 6mm BR.

How did they get on with magazine feed ?? I have a 6mm br set up for my LRS2 and it won' t feed more than 2 rounds before a FTF it is a unmodified factory magazine .

Any help appreciated.

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